There are certain special privileges in a workflow, which you can add in a template for your choice recipients. They are:
SigningHub lets you configure special privileges in a template for each recipient in all workflow types, including "Individual" workflow type.
The option to configure "Recipient Permissions", Document Access Security", Auto Reminders", and Email Reminders" is not available for an electronic seal which has been added to the workflow.
SigningHub offers a wide range of custom documents that can be shared for approval/ sign off purposes. Each document is automatically converted into PDF format before bringing it to the SigningHub platform. If you have standard files that you need to send out over and over again, you can create a template of that document, and apply on the same documents (when required) to quickly reuse all the workflow configurations.
After you click "Add template".
Drag and drop the document or select them from your device.
The document will be added for further processing.
Each supported document is automatically converted into PDF format, before bringing it to the SigningHub platform.
When you need to add form filling in a template, upload a PDF form.
After adding a template document, proceed to the Add recipients and placeholders phase.
SigningHub supports four different types of a workflow, see the following table for details:
Roles | Description |
After you have:
Added the document, and
Added all the recipients and placeholders in your template:
Choose the required workflow type, i.e. Serial, Parallel, Individual, or Custom. By default, the "Serial" type is selected.
Enable the "Continue Workflow on Decline" toggle as required, in case of a Serial, Parallel, or Custom type. See the "Workflow Types" table for details.
Click "Continue".
As defined above, a custom workflow can be a combination of serial and parallel workflows. It is triggered on the basis of specified signing order(s), see the red highlighted area in the below image. You can only provide a positive integer, which may or may not be in incremental order, e.g. 1, 2, 2, 3, 4, 4, 5 or 1, 2, 3, 3, 3 etc. The same numbers imply that signing order is parallel, while incremental numbers imply that signing order is serial.
In the above mentioned example:
Firstly, Henry and Peter Kavin E-Seal will be processed in parallel order, as both these recipients are available at the signing order 1.
The document will not be shared with the next recipient until both actions are completed.
After that this document will be shared in serial order with logged in user, as it is available at the signing order 2.
The workflow will be marked as Completed when logged in user completes its action.
When changing from "Serial", "Parallel" or "Custom" to "Individual" workflow type:
All the recipients and their special privileges will be retained
Recipient Role e.g Signer, Reviewer etc of the first recipient will be followed
All the assigned data fields related to recipients will be deleted
When changing from "Individual" to any other workflow type:
All the recipients' roles e.g Signer, Reviewer etc will be retained
All the recipients' special privileges will be retained
Data fields related to recipients will be assigned to the first recipient.
​After configuring the workflow type, proceed to the Configure special privileges phase.
If you have standard files that you need to send out over and over again, you can create a template of that document, and apply on the same documents (when required) to quickly reuse all the workflow configurations. You can add recipients, form fields, initials, in-persons, signature type, signature position, signing sequence, configure reminders, certify document and much more in a document template. The individual and enterprise users can manage (Add, Clone, Edit, and Delete) their personal templates, while the enterprise users can also use the enterprise templates as allowed against their user role by their enterprise admin. The saved templates can then be applied on the similar documents for efficient and robust re-usability of these workflow configurations.
Click "Configuration" from left menu, then click "Templates" under Documents options in Personal Configuration section.
Enterprise templates will be listed under "Enterprise" section.
An enterprise user will only able to view the enterprise templates that are allowed under "Allowed Templates" against their user role in the enterprise settings.
Click "Configuration" from left menu, then click "Templates" under Documents options in Personal Configuration section.
Personal templates will be listed under "Personal" section.
Click "Configuration" from left menu, then click "Templates" under Documents options in Personal Configuration section.
Click "Add template" in Personal section.
Add a document for this template. All the workflow related configurations will be done on this document.
Enable/disable "Read only" as required.
Configure certified signature preferences as required.
Add recipient(s) and placeholder(s) as required.
Configure workflow type/ order.
Configure special privileges for each recipient/ placeholder as required.
Configure recipient permissions.
Configure document access security
Configure auto reminders
Configure post processing
Click "Continue" to go to viewer screen.
Add data fields for the recipients as required.
Add signature fields
Add in-person signature fields
Add initials fields
Add form components
Configure form filling settings for a PDF form
Add email message as required.
Once you have set the required configurations, click the "Save and Close" button.
At times you need to create multiple templates with a little variations. The best way to achieve this is to create a template with all the configurations and then make clones of it. You can then edit each template clone as per requirement.
Click "Configuration" from left menu, then click "Templates" under Documents options in Personal Configuration section.
Select the desired template and click "Clone" in the right panel.
Specify the name, description and enable read only toggle as required.
Click "Clone".
Click "Configuration" from left menu, then click "Templates" under Documents options in Personal Configuration section.
Select the desired template and click "Edit" in the right panel.
Edit the required content. You can edit template name, description, signers, reviewers, placeholders, signer information fields, signing actions, form filling, document permissions, certify document settings, workflow type, post processing, email configurations and signing/ reviewing sequence.
Once done, click "Save and Close".
Click "Configuration" from left menu, then click "Templates" under Documents options in Personal Configuration section.
Select the desired template and click "Edit" in the right panel.
Go to "Documents" screen and specify the new name in "Template name" and click "Continue".
Then, you can make further changes or exit.
Upon exit, click "Save" in the exit dialog.
Click "Configuration" from left menu, then click "Templates" under Documents options in Personal Configuration section.
Select the desired template and click "Delete" in the right panel.
Click "Delete" in the confirmation dialog.
You can create as many template clones as allowed in the template quota of your service plan.
The workflow configurations within a read-only template cannot be modified during document preparation, except updating placeholders.
​To experience the exact settings, it is recommended to use the template (being created) on the same documents. The actual positions of configured signature/ initials/ in-person fields may alter, if this template is applied on different type or size of documents.
SigningHub lets you certify your digital signature. The certified signature is used to restrict the recipients to perform only the specific changes in a document, as system wont allow them to perform any other changes. In this regard, the first signature of each document in a workflow package will be a certified digital signature that will determine the allowed permissions on the document, while the rest of the signatures will be the simple digital signatures. A document having a certified digital signature is called a certified document. System might show the pre-selected options as laid out in your Enterprise Settings. (In case of an Individual user, the options specified in the web.config file will be followed.) You may change the default settings as required before saving the template.
See the following table for details:
Fields | Description |
After you have added a template document:
Click the three dots menu and select the "Certify" option, against the document.
Choose the required certification preference from the next appearing dialog.
Enable the "Lock the document upon workflow completion" option, if you want to lock all the form fields of your document after the last signature. Document locking feature is specifically related to the PDF documents with form fields. This check will be disabled when "Certify with no changes" option is selected.
Click the "Save" button.
SigningHub lets you configure certain recipient related permissions in a template. In this regard, you can separately set permissions for document printing access, downloading access, adding text fields, adding document attachments and merging provision, changing recipient/ placeholder privileges, and/ or configure legal notice for each recipient. System might show some pre-selected permissions as laid out in your default enterprise settings. You may change the default behavior as required before saving the template.
See the following table for details:
Fields | Description |
After you have:
Configure workflow type in your template:
Click "Permissions" against the recipient/ placeholder, for whom you want to set permissions.
A dialog will appear, enable the toggles as required. See the "Recipient Permissions" table for details.
Click "Save".
The option to configure "Recipient Permissions", Document Access Security", Auto Reminders", and Email Reminders" is not available for an electronic seal which has been added to the workflow.
A recipient is a pre-configured actual user/ group in a workflow. While a placeholder is a kind of blank user, who may be unknown at the time of document preparation. On the other hand, an electronic seal is a preconfigured automated user. They are added during the workflow execution on their turn, by the immediate previous recipient. In such a case, a title field is defined for them in the workflow, which is then updated with the actual recipient.
Each type of user is assigned a definite role in a template, see the following table for details:
Roles | Description |
As you add a template document, the "Recipients" area will appear:
Click "Add a recipient" and specify the recipient name, National ID or mobile number in the provided field. As you type in, your (related) personal contacts/ groups (and enterprise contacts/ groups in case you are an enterprise user) will appear for selection. Select a recipient and their email address/mobile number will be automatically populated in the adjacent field.
In case, your intended recipient does not have a SigningHub account (i.e. guest user), specify their name, email address, and mobile number in the provided fields accordingly.
Assign a role to the recipient from the drop down, i.e. Signer, Reviewer, Editor, Meeting Host, or Send a Copy. See the "User Roles" table for details.
Repeat the above two steps to add multiple recipients as required.
The "SMS" and "Email & SMS" delivery methods will become available if the "Enable SMS notifications" option is enabled in your service plan.
In case of "SMS" or "Email & SMS", the document owner will have to provide the mobile number of the recipient. The full international number must be entered in the 00 44 234334334 or +44 234334334 format. By default, the specified mobile number is displayed partially masked to comply with the GDPR policy.
The SMS notifications will be sent for the following actions:
When a document has been shared or bulk shared
When a document has been recalled
For a sign-off reminder
When a document has been signed
When a document has been processed by others
When a document has been processed by me
When a comment has been added to a document
The "SMS" and "Email & SMS" will not be available as delivery methods for the following:
When the recipient is a group
When the recipient is a placeholder
For an electronic seal
When the role of the recipient is "Send a Copy"
From the "Recipients" area:
Click "Add a placeholder" and specify the placeholder name.
Assign a role to the placeholder from the provided drop down, i.e. Signer, Reviewer, Editor, Meeting Host, or Send a Copy. See the "User Roles" table for details.
Repeat the above two steps to add multiple placeholders as required.
The "SMS" and "Email & SMS" will not be available as delivery methods when the recipient is a placeholder.
The logged-in user is added as a placeholder in a template. When this template is applied on a document the logged-in user field will be automatically updated with the document owner.
From the "Recipients" area:
Click "Add logged in User", a logged in user field will be added in the recipients list as a placeholder.
Assign a role to the placeholder from the provided drop down, i.e. Signer, Reviewer, Editor, Meeting Host, or Send a Copy. See the "User Roles" table for details.
Repeat the above two steps to add multiple placeholders as required.
You can also add recipients through a CSV file. The file must have the valid email addresses/mobile number of each recipient.
The "Primary Email", "E-mail Address", and "Email Address", to read the email address from the CSV file
The "Mobile Number" header to read the mobile number of the contacts.
The "Delivery Method" header to read the delivery method for each recipient. The delivery methods are as follows:
"EMAIL" for when the delivery method is via Email.
"SMS" for when the delivery method is via SMS.
"EMAIL_AND_SMS" for when the delivery method is via Email & SMS.
Click "Add recipients from CSV".
Drag and drop or select the csv file.
Click "Save" or you can remove the selected file.
The recipients will be added. Now assign a role to each recipient from the immediate next drop down, i.e. Signer, Reviewer, Editor, Meeting Host, or Send a Copy. See the above "User Roles" table for details.
The option to add an electronic seal will only be available if an electronic seal has been configured in the enterprise settings, against your user role of the current user.
Click "Add an electronic seal".
From the "Electronic Seal (eSeal)" drop down, select the electronic seal that you want to add. Only the electronic seals available for use based on your user role will be displayed in this drop down.
Repeat the above two steps to add multiple electronic seals.
The SMS will not be available as a delivery option in case of an electronic seal.
Click "Remove" against the recipient/ electronic seal/ placeholder, which you want to delete from the list and it'll be deleted.
By default all the recipients electronic seals and placeholders are added serially in a template. However, you can change their collaboration sequence after adding them, according to your document(s) approval flow. The set sequence is applicable to the serial workflows only. To change the sequence:
Simply drag and drop left-adjacent to your desired recipient/ electronic seal/ placeholder and move it up/ down in the list, as required. When a workflow related to this template is triggered, SigningHub will execute the signing process according to the set sequence.
A recipient must be assigned the "Allow Changing of Recipients" permissions, in order to allow them to update the placeholder field with the actual recipient during workflow execution.
A recipients group can be selected as a recipient, to configure group signing, group approving, and/ or group updating utilities in a workflow.
In case the specified recipient (signer) does not have a SigningHub account and a digital signature field is configured for him/her, s/he will be asked to register to SigningHub before applying digital signature on the document. However, the recipient does not require a SigningHub account, when an e-signature field is configured for him/her.
The CSV file being used to add recipients must have the valid email addresses of the recipients. SigningHub supports three different types of email headers for use in a CSV file, i.e. Primary Email, E-mail Address, and Email Address. You can export your contacts (to a CSV file) from Outlook, Thunderbird, or any other email service provider that supports these email headers.
After adding the recipients and placeholders in a template, proceed to the Configure workflow type phase.
Electronic seals can be added in "Serial", "Parallel", and "Custom" workflow types.
To keep the approval process in time, SigningHub allows you to configure auto reminders for the recipients (in a template), who may forget to timely respond to your workflow. A reminder is the original email notification that is resent to the recipient(s), when they don't sign a document by a certain (configurable) time period. When the workflow related to this template document is triggered, the set reminders will be activated accordingly. You may also send manual reminders later anytime to any recipients, during a workflow execution. SigningHub might show some pre-defined reminders as laid out in your default enterprise settings. You may change the default settings as required before saving the template
After you have:
Configure workflow type in your template
Click "Reminder" against the user you want to set reminder for.
A dialog will appear, enable the "First Remind" toggle and specify the number of days/hours after which this reminder needs to be sent. SigningHub will start the days/hours count, after the recipient has received the workflow package.
If you want to configure the subsequent reminders as well, enable the "Subsequent Reminders" toggle. Specify the number of days/hours in the "Continue to Remind Every" field after which SigningHub will continue sending reminders, and specify the total number of reminders to be sent in the "Total Subsequent Reminders" field.
Click the "Save" button. Considering the screenshot scenario, SigningHub will send a reminder on to the recipient thrice;
First Reminder: 1 day after the workflow is received.
Second Reminder: 2 hours after the first reminder.
Third Reminder: 2 hours after the second reminder.
The option to configure "Recipient Permissions", Document Access Security", Auto Reminders", and Email Reminders" is not available for an electronic seal which has been added to the workflow.
Irrespective of the reminder permissions configured in the workflow, the reminders shall be sent based on the configuration of the "Send Reminder Notification Time" thread in the core settings in SigningHub Admin.
You can also configure a template to automatically send the copy of your completed document(s) to your choice contacts, or upload them on your cloud drive, when applied on a workflow document. This could be useful when a workflow document has got multiple owners, and/ or each stakeholder wants to have the final document copy after being signed by all the recipients/ placeholders.
After you have:
Configured workflow type in your template.
The "Post Processing" dialog is displayed. The dialog allows sending emails to either all recipients or only the specific email addresses when the document is completed.
Click "Post processing".
The "Post Processing" dialog is displayed.
Enable the "Send the document processing report (XML)" toggle, if you want the document processing report (XML) to be sent, for a workflow.
Enable the "Send the completed document to all recipients" toggle, if you want to share the completed document copy with all the recipients of this workflow.
Enable the "Send the completed document to selected contacts" toggle, if you want to share the completed document copy with your choice users/ contacts. For this you need to specify the contact names and their email IDs as explained below.
SigningHub allows you to configure language for email notifications that provide ability to send documents for signature in native language of global users. These notifications are specifically associated with Document Shared, Sign-off Reminder, Document Recalled, and Send a Copy emails, and are used to intimate their . The configured settings from here will be applicable to guest users only.
This option is available only if
Recipient is a guest user
Allow Change of Language by Users is enabled in Global Settings under SigningHub Admin
After you have:
in your template.
Click "Email Language" against the recipient you want to set language for.
A dialog will appear to select the language from the drop down, document owner's language will be selected by default.
Click the "Save" button. Considering the screenshot scenario, SigningHub will send emails in selected language to "Mark" for Document Shared, Sign-off Reminder, Document Recalled, and Send a Copy.
The option to configure "Recipient Permissions", Document Access Security", Auto Reminders", and Email Reminders" is not available for an electronic seal which has been added to the workflow.
SigningHub also lets you specify a personal email message in a template that will be used to intimate the configured recipients/ placeholders upon their turn.
After you have:
in a workflow package and
Go to "Message" screen.
Specify your personal message (up to 1500 characters) in the next appearing dialog.
Click "Continue". The information entered on the dialog has been saved.
SigningHub allows you to add two different types of signatures in a template, i.e. Electronic and Digital. Adding digital signatures for a recipient/ placeholder will consume digital signatures quota of your (document owner's) account, after being signed by the recipient. You can also add multiples signature fields against a signer. However, when you add the second signature field, then the first signature field will be converted into a simple hand signature field, and the second field will become the actual digital signature field. Similarly, when you add the third digital signature field, then the previous two fields will become the simple hand signature fields, and the third field will be the actual digital signature field and so on.
After you have:
, and
for each recipient/ placeholder as required in your template:
Select the document from the right panel -> pages tab of document viewer screen, on which signature is required from a signer. You can also manage the added documents from here.
Select the recipient (signer/ electronic seal/ placeholder) from the right panel -> recipients tab of document viewer screen, for whom you want to add a signature field. You can also manage the added recipients from here.
Drop the "Signature" field on the required location on the document. By default, upon dropping the "Signature" field, the edit dialog is displayed.
Specify "Level of Assurance" and "Details" under the respective tabs as needed.
Click "Save". The field is placed. Once dropped, you can resize the field by changing its height and width using the bottom right corner to resize it diagonally as needed. The system will remember the field size and its display preferences (i.e., visible or invisible) for adding new signature fields of the same group accordingly i.e., all digital signature fields on the same documents package.
To add multiple signature fields, repeat the above steps.
In the following cases, the "Authenticate signer via OTP" option is not available:
If recipient is a group signer or a placeholder.
If One Time Password (OTP) and Time based One Time Password options are disabled in the service plan.
In case of an Individual workflow type.
If there is an unprocessed signature/in-person signature field with the "Authenticate signer via OTP" option configured, the user will not able to "Bulk Sign" and "Bulk Sign and Share" the document.
The OTP method for "Authenticate signer via OTP" will be the same as per the configured OTP method in the document owner's service plan.
"(Email)", in case only "Email OTP" is configured in the service plan
"(SMS)", in case only "SMS OTP" is configured in the service plan
"(SMS and Email)", in case both "Email OTP" and "SMS OTP" are configured in the service plan
If the signer's mobile number exists in the user's personal or enterprise contacts, the "Mobile Number" field will be auto-populated with the mobile number.
For the current logged-in user, in case two different mobile numbers have been configured in the user's profile and the user's contacts, the system will auto-populate the "Mobile Number" field with the number configured in the user's profile.
When the delivery method is either "SMS" or "Email & SMS", the provided mobile number of the recipient, will be auto-populated in the the "Mobile Number" field.
If the user does not have two factor authentication (2FA) configured, they will be sent an email to set up and to provide a Time based One Time Password. If the user has already configured two factor authentication (2FA) they will be prompted to provide the Time based One Time Password from the authenticator app configured on their mobile device.
To configure the two factor authentication (2FA) the user will need to install an authenticator app (Google Authenticator, Microsoft Authenticator, etc.) on their mobile device. The email sent to the user to configure two factor authentication (2FA) will contain:
QR Code
Manual Key
Recovery Codes
In case a recipient is changed and the "Authenticate signer via OTP" option was configured, the system will require the mobile number of the new recipient.
The following OTP preference will be followed while signing, in case of configuration of field-level OTP, Document Signing OTP Authentication, and Secondary Authentication against the Signing Server:
You can only edit the on-screen dimensions but not the PDF dimensions.
To prevent bloating of a document with multiple Digital Signatures, if more than one Digital Signature fields are dropped against a single signer, only the last dropped signature field will be retained as a Digital Signature field, and the rest of the dropped signature fields will be converted to Simple Electronic Signature.
This conversion of Level of Assurance is individually applicable to each document with in a package i.e. each document can retain one digital signature field.
This conversion of Level of Assurance is applicable regardless of whether or not Simple Electronic Signature is allowed against a user's role settings, the system will still retain only the last dropped signature field as a Digital Signature field, and convert the rest of the dropped signature fields to Simple Electronic Signature, and the user will be able to sign it as well.
After the conversion of Level of Assurance:
if the user deletes the last added signature field, the system will update the Level of Assurance of the second-last added signature field to match the Level of Assurance of the deleted field.
if the user manually updates the Level of Assurance of a field which was converted to Simple Electronic Signature, the system will retain the updated Level of Assurance.
Let's understand this with an example: In this example, five Digital Signature fields have been dropped on multiple pages of a document, against a single signer. The last page (page 4) of the document has no signature for this signer. Only the last dropped signature field (fifth, on page 3) will be retained as a Digital Signature field, and the system will automatically convert the Level of Assurance of the rest of the dropped signature fields to Simple Electronic Signature (i.e. annotation).
Click on the signature field in the document to delete, and select "Remove" option.
The signature field will be removed from the document.
A hand signature is a simple annotation that is added in the document along with the actual digital/ e-signature, when multiple digital/ e-signature fields are configured for a signer.
You can not add the digital signature and e-signature fields for the same recipient in a template.
An electronic signature can also be a witness digital signature, if it is generated by using a witness certificate which is a public signing certificate available on the server for digital signing.
If the specified recipient (signer) in a template, does not have a SigningHub account and a digital signature field is configured for him/her, s/he will be asked to register to SigningHub before applying digital signature on the document. However, the recipient does not require a SigningHub account, when an e-signature field is configured for him/her.
The availability of Witness Digital Signature and OTP security features is subject to your subscribed service plan. If you cannot find these options in your account, upgrade your service plan.
An invisible signature doesn't have any visible appearance on a document. However it entails all other verifiable characteristics of e-signing, i.e. Time Stamping, Certificate Chain, Certificate Status, etc. An invisible signature can be a Digital Signature, Witness Digital Signature, or Witness In-Person Signature as configured in a workflow.
The OTP length is based on your subscribed service plan. SigningHub currently supports 4, 6, and 9 digits OTP.
The document owner (and the shared space collaborator, if any) can update the level of assurance of a "Signature" field, while the status of the document is, "In-Progress" or "Pending".
In case of the document owner is an enterprise user, they can set any level of assurance as allowed in the Enterprise Role.
In case of the document owner is an individual user, they can set any level of assurance as allowed in the Service Plan.
In the "EDIT SIGNATURE FIELD" dialog, only the "Level of Assurance" field will be editable, the rest of the fields will be read-only.
The level of assurance of a signature field can not be updated if a read-only template has been applied.
Only the level of assurance of unprocessed fields can be updated.
Where previously, the level of assurance of a signature field was set to "Simple Electronic Signature (SES), the system will not allow updating the level of assurance.
Where previously, the level of assurance of a signature field was any other than "Simple Electronic Signature (SES), the system will not allow updating the level of assurance to "Simple Electronic Signature".
There are certain types of data fields, which you can assign to each recipient/ placeholder in a workflow. They are:
After adding the data fields, click the "Continue" to proceed.
SigningHub also lets the document owner, and the recipients add document comments with in the workflows. The document owner can choose to allow document comments for each workflow.
After you have:
, and
in your template:
Enable "Allow Comments" toggle.
Click "Continue".
When it comes to a document access security, SigningHub gives you advanced options to additionally protect your document(s). There are three different ways through which you can restrict your document access for a recipient, i.e. configure password based authentication, or an OTP based authentication, or define a particular time period after which your document will be inaccessible to the recipients.
See the following table for details:
Fields | Description |
In the following cases, the "Document Signing Authentication" option is not available on the "Set Access Security" dialog:
For the recipients of type "Reviewer" , "Editor" or "Send A Copy"
Workflow type is set to "Individual"
Recipient is a Group signer
One Time Password (OTP) and Time based One Time Password options are disabled in the service plan
In the "Mobile Number" field, enter the recipient's mobile number on which the OTP will be sent via SMS. The full international number must be entered in the 00 44 234334334 or +44 234334334 format. By default, the specified mobile number is displayed partially masked to comply with the GDPR policy. Click to view the complete number.
If the recipient's mobile number exists in the user's personal or enterprise contacts, the "Mobile Number" field will be auto-populated with the mobile number.
For the current logged-in user, in case two different mobile numbers have been configured in the user's profile and the user's contacts, the system will auto-populate the "Mobile Number" field with the number configured in the user's profile.
When the delivery method is either "SMS" or "Email & SMS", the provided mobile number in case of a guest user, will be auto-populated in the the "Mobile Number" field.
The following rules will be followed for initiating the OTP process:
The system will initiate when the recipients attempt to sign a signature field, and will not initiate OTP process when recipient attempts to mark an Initials field.
Even if Document Signing OTP Authentication is configured, OTP process will fail to initiate in case the signer is performing Bulk Sign.
When the recipient is a registered user and attempts to sign a signature field, the system will follow the OTP authentication settings (including mobile number) as configured by document owner via "Set Access Security" dialog.
In case the OTP authentication is not configured by the document owner, the system will follow the OTP authentication settings configured in the Enterprise Role while using the mobile number specified on the user's "My Settings" page.
In case OTP authentication is not configured in the Enterprise Role or Service Plan, then OTP process will not initiate.
When the recipient is a guest user and attempts to sign a signature field, the system will follow the OTP authentication settings (including the mobile number) as configured by document owner via "Set Access Security" dialog.
In addition, even if the OTP authentication is configured in the Enterprise role, OTP process will still not initiate.
This OTP authentication option will only be displayed if the "Enable One Time Password (OTP)" option is enabled in the document owner's service plan. If you cannot find this option in your account, .
The OTP method for "Document Signing OTP Authentication" will be the same as per the configured OTP method in the document owner's service plan.
"(Email)", in case only "Email OTP" is configured in the service plan
"(SMS)", in case only "SMS OTP" is configured in the service plan
"(SMS and Email)", in case both "Email OTP" and "SMS OTP" are configured in the service plan
The Time based One Time Password option will only be displayed if the "Enable Time based One Time Password (TOTP)" option is enabled in the document owner's service plan. If you cannot find this option in your account, .
If the user does not have two factor authentication (2FA) configured, they will be sent an email to set up and to provide a Time based One Time Password. If the user has already configured two factor authentication (2FA) they will be prompted to provide the Time based One Time Password from the authenticator app configured on their mobile device.
To configure the two factor authentication (2FA) the user will need to install an authenticator app (Google Authenticator, Microsoft Authenticator, etc.) on their mobile device. The email sent to the user to configure two factor authentication (2FA) will contain:
QR Code
Manual Key
Recovery Codes
To set up, the user can either scan the "QR Code" or manually input the "Manual Key" in the Authenticator app. Once the registration is successful, the user can provide the automatically generated Time based One Time Password from the Authenticator app to SigningHub in order to proceed. The list of recovery codes included in the configuration email can be used in place of a Time based One Time Password, once each recovery code, to regain access to your SigningHub account, in case you lose access to your mobile device. It is advised to save the recovery codes in a safe place. The user can however, regenerate a new list of the recovery codes from the Manage Two Factor Authentication (2FA) option. In case enterprise user loses access to your mobile device and recovery codes, or have used all of the recovery codes, you can ask your enterprise admin to reset the two factor authentication (2FA) against your account.
Considering the screenshot scenario, the document will be accessible only from October 07, 2024 03:53:00 to October 08, 2024 03:53:00 for processing. The document will be considered declined if it is not processed within this time-period.
Considering the screenshot scenario, the document will be accessible for the next 10 days after receiving it. The document will be considered declined if it is not processed within this time-period.
Considering the screenshot scenario, the recipient will have to provide this (specified) password to access and process the document.
Considering the screenshot scenario, an OTP will be sent to the email address and specified mobile number of recipient, whenever he attempts to access the document. He must provide the received OTP to access and process the document.
Considering the screenshot scenario, recipient will be prompted to provide the Time based One Time Password whenever he attempts to access the document.
Considering the screenshot scenario, an OTP will be sent to the email address and specified mobile number of recipient, whenever he attempts to sign the document. He must provide the received OTP to sign the document.
Considering the screenshot scenario, recipient will be prompted to provide the Time based One Time Password whenever he attempts to sign the document.
A document owner can edit recipient permissions even after the document has been shared with the recipients. However, if a read-only template has been used, the document owner won't be able to edit recipient permissions after sharing the document.
In the service plan, if under "Enable One Time Password (OTP)", the "Email OTP" was checked and the "SMS OTP" was unchecked, and the document owner shared the workflow with either the "Document Access Authentication" and/or "Document Signing OTP Authentication" but before the recipient could process the document, under "Enable One Time Password (OTP)", "Email OTP" was unchecked and the "SMS OTP" was checked, the system will prompt an error and the recipient will be unable to access the document. In this case, the recipient should ask the document owner to configure the recipient's mobile number in the "Set Access Security" dialog of the shared workflow.
If the "Set Document Access Authentication for all recipients" option is selected against the document owner's user role, the document owner will not be allowed to share the workflow until "Document Access Authentication" is set for all the recipient in the workflow.
If the "Set Document Signing Authentication for all recipients" option is selected against the document owner's user role, the document owner will not be allowed to share the workflow until "Document Signing Authentication" is set for all the recipient in the workflow.
The option to configure "Recipient Permissions", Document Access Security", Auto Reminders", and Email Reminders" is not available for an electronic seal which has been added to the workflow.
are very much similar to the initials, but they are done on behalf of someone else. SigningHub lets you configure in-person signatures for document signers and meeting hosts in a template. You can also add multiple in-person signature fields against a signer/ meeting host.
After you have:
for each recipient/ placeholder as required in a workflow package:
Select the document from the right panel -> pages tab of document viewer screen, on which in-person signature is required. You can also manage the added documents from here.
Select the recipient/meeting host from the right panel -> recipients tab of document viewer screen, for whom you want to add an in-person signature field. You can also manage the added recipients from here.
Click the "In-Person Signature" option, and drop it on the document.
You can drag and drop the field anywhere in the document by using your mouse. The grid lines will assist you in better alignment of fields accordingly. Resize the field with respect to its height and width or use the bottom right corner to resize it diagonally as required. The system will remember the field size and its display preferences (i.e. visible or invisible) for adding new In-Person signature fields on the same documents package. By default, upon dropping the "In-Person Signature" field, the edit dialog is automatically displayed. However, if the user is only allowed one level of assurance, the dialog will not be automatically displayed.
Click "Save".
To add multiple in-person signature fields, repeat the above steps.
In the following cases, the "Authenticate signer via OTP" option is not available:
If recipient is a group signer or a placeholder.
If One Time Password (OTP) and Time based One Time Password options are disabled in the service plan.
In case of an Individual workflow type.
If there is an unprocessed signature/in-person signature field with the "Authenticate signer via OTP" option configured, the user will not able to "Bulk Sign" and "Bulk Sign and Share" the document.
The OTP method for "Authenticate signer via OTP" will be the same as per the configured OTP method in the document owner's service plan.
"(Email)", in case only "Email OTP" is configured in the service plan
"(SMS)", in case only "SMS OTP" is configured in the service plan
"(SMS and Email)", in case both "Email OTP" and "SMS OTP" are configured in the service plan
If the signer's mobile number exists in the user's personal or enterprise contacts, the "Mobile Number" field will be auto-populated with the mobile number.
For the current logged-in user, in case two different mobile numbers have been configured in the user's profile and the user's contacts, the system will auto-populate the "Mobile Number" field with the number configured in the user's profile.
When the delivery method is either "SMS" or "Email & SMS", the provided mobile number of the recipient, will be auto-populated in the the "Mobile Number" field.
If the user does not have two factor authentication (2FA) configured, they will be sent an email to set up and to provide a Time based One Time Password. If the user has already configured two factor authentication (2FA) they will be prompted to provide the Time based One Time Password from the authenticator app configured on their mobile device.
To configure the two factor authentication (2FA) the user will need to install an authenticator app (Google Authenticator, Microsoft Authenticator, etc.) on their mobile device. The email sent to the user to configure two factor authentication (2FA) will contain:
QR Code
Manual Key
Recovery Codes
In case a recipient is changed and the "Authenticate signer via OTP" option was configured, the system will require the mobile number of the new recipient.
The following OTP preference will be followed while signing, in case of configuration of field-level OTP, Document Signing OTP Authentication, and Secondary Authentication against the Signing Server:
You can only edit the on-screen dimensions but not the PDF dimensions.
Click on the in-person signature field in the document to delete, and select "Remove" option.
The in-person signature field will be removed from the document.
A document signer/ meeting host can have multiple in-person signatures in a workflow document.
Only those signing capacities will appear for in-person signing, which are having Electronic Seal (eSeal) as a level of assurance.
An in-person signature will be a witness digital signature, it is generated by using a witness certificate which is a public signing certificate available on the server for digital signing.
An invisible signature doesn't have any visible appearance on a document. However it entails all other verifiable characteristics of e-signing, i.e. Time Stamping, Certificate Chain, Certificate Status, etc. An invisible signature can be a Digital Signature, Witness Digital Signature, or Witness In-Person Signature as configured in a workflow.
You can also add an in-person signature field on a previously signed document, if the document is not certified or locked.
The document owner (and the shared space collaborator, if any) can update the level of assurance of an "In-Person Signature" field, while the status of the document is, "In-Progress" or "Pending".
In case of the document owner is an enterprise user, they can set any level of assurance as allowed in the Enterprise Role.
In case of the document owner is an individual user, they can set any level of assurance as allowed in the Service Plan.
In the edit dialog, only the "Level of Assurance" field will be editable, the rest of the fields will be read-only.
The level of assurance of an In-Person signature field can not be updated if a read-only template has been applied.
Only the level of assurance of unprocessed fields can be updated.
Where previously, the level of assurance of an In-Person signature field was set to "Simple Electronic Signature (SES), the system will not allow updating the level of assurance.
Where previously, the level of assurance of an In-Person signature field was any other than "Simple Electronic Signature (SES), the system will not allow updating the level of assurance to "Simple Electronic Signature".
Under the "Send via email" tab, select a contact from the drop down or enter an email address. In case no contact is found against the provided email address, you can click to add them to SigningHub's contacts list on the fly.
Fields | Description |
This OTP authentication option will only be displayed if the "Enable One Time Password (OTP)" option is enabled in the document owner's service plan. If you cannot find this option in your account, .
In the "Mobile Number" field, enter the recipient's mobile number on which the OTP will be sent via SMS. The full international number must be entered in the 00 44 234334334 or +44 234334334 format. By default, the specified mobile number is displayed partially masked to comply with the GDPR policy. Click to view the complete number.
The Time based One Time Password option will only be displayed if the "Enable Time based One Time Password (TOTP)" option is enabled in the document owner's service plan. If you cannot find this option in your account, .
To set up, the user can either scan the "QR Code" or manually input the "Manual Key" in the Authenticator app. Once the registration is successful, the user can provide the automatically generated Time based One Time Password from the Authenticator app to SigningHub in order to proceed. The list of recovery codes included in the configuration email can be used in place of a Time based One Time Password, once each recovery code, to regain access to your SigningHub account, in case you lose access to your mobile device. It is advised to save the recovery codes in a safe place. The user can however, regenerate a new list of the recovery codes from the option. In case enterprise user loses access to your mobile device and recovery codes, or have used all of the recovery codes, you can ask your enterprise admin to against your account.
Field-level OTP is configured | Document Signing OTP Authentication OTP is configured | Secondary Authentication against the Signing Server is configured | OTP preference |
Fields | Description |
This OTP authentication option will only be displayed if the "Enable One Time Password (OTP)" option is enabled in the document owner's service plan. If you cannot find this option in your account, .
In the "Mobile Number" field, enter the recipient's mobile number on which the OTP will be sent via SMS. The full international number must be entered in the 00 44 234334334 or +44 234334334 format. By default, the specified mobile number is displayed partially masked to comply with the GDPR policy. Click to view the complete number.
The Time based One Time Password option will only be displayed if the "Enable Time based One Time Password (TOTP)" option is enabled in the document owner's service plan. If you cannot find this option in your account, .
To set up, the user can either scan the "QR Code" or manually input the "Manual Key" in the Authenticator app. Once the registration is successful, the user can provide the automatically generated Time based One Time Password from the Authenticator app to SigningHub in order to proceed. The list of recovery codes included in the configuration email can be used in place of a Time based One Time Password, once each recovery code, to regain access to your SigningHub account, in case you lose access to your mobile device. It is advised to save the recovery codes in a safe place. The user can however, regenerate a new list of the recovery codes from the option. In case enterprise user loses access to your mobile device and recovery codes, or have used all of the recovery codes, you can ask your enterprise admin to against your account.
Field-level OTP is configured | Document Signing OTP Authentication OTP is configured | Secondary Authentication against the Signing Server is configured | OTP preference |
No | No | No | - |
Yes | Yes | Yes | Field-level OTP |
Yes | No | No | Field-level OTP |
Yes | Yes | No | Field-level OTP |
Yes | No | Yes | Field-level OTP |
No | Yes | No | Document Signing OTP Authentication |
No | Yes | Yes | Document Signing OTP Authentication |
No | No | Yes | Secondary Authentication against the Signing Server |
No | No | No | - |
Yes | Yes | Yes | Field-level OTP |
Yes | No | No | Field-level OTP |
Yes | Yes | No | Field-level OTP |
Yes | No | Yes | Field-level OTP |
No | Yes | No | Document Signing OTP Authentication |
No | Yes | Yes | Document Signing OTP Authentication |
No | No | Yes | Secondary Authentication against the Signing Server |
Recipient | A read-only field to display the signer's name along with the email and/or the mobile number, based on the selected delivery method, for whom this signature field is being configured. |
Level of Assurance |
In case the Document Owner tries to add a higher Level of Assurance in combination with Simple Electronic Signature (SES), then Simple Electronic Signature (SES) will be removed. For a smoother workflow, while adding more multiple signature fields on the document, the system will simply use the level(s) of assurance of the last field for the latest one instead of asking for every signature field. You can always modify the level of assurance for each field manually. |
Display | ​This display property is not available in case the Level of Assurance of the Signature field is set to "Electronic Signature". |
Authenticate signer via OTP | Enable this toggle to enable field level authentication through OTP process when attempting to sign the document. By default, this option is unselected. This option will be available for the document owner in Draft, In-Progress, and Pending modes. On enabling the "Authenticate signer via OTP" toggle, the following options will be displayed:
This authentication option will let the recipient sign the document after they have entered the Time based One Time Password. Whenever the recipient will try to sign this document they will be prompted to enter the Time based One Time Password from the authenticator app configured on their mobile device. In case the recipient has not configured two factor authentication (2FA), upon trying to sign a document that requires Time based One Time Password, an email will be sent to their email address to configure two factor authentication (2FA). The document will be signed only upon providing the correct Time based One Time Password. |
Do not show this dialog automatically when a signature field is dropped | Enable to automatically apply the "Level of Assurance" of the current signature field to the ones that you will drop afterwards. This option is helpful when you need to drop several signature fields on the document without making an extra effort to manually set the same Level of Assurance for each of the signature fields separately. |
Details Tab |
Field Name | An auto-generated (unique) field name which is used when you need to sign this form field through the API calls. You can change the name as required, but make sure the uniqueness of a field name is not compromised i.e., two or more fields in a document cannot have the same field name. This field is only available when the status of a document is Draft. |
Dimensions | Use this section to relatively set the on-screen and PDF coordinates/position (Left, Top, Width and Height) of the signature field. However, you can also manually move the field to the desired position in a document using drag and drop and these coordinates will be updated accordingly. These coordinates are only available when the status of a document is Draft. |
Save and Cancel buttons | Click the "Save" button to save the configurations, or click the "Cancel" button to close this dialog. |
Name of Signer | Specify the In-Person signer name that will sign the document. The specified name will be shown in the below grid and under the In-Person signature field on the document. |
Level of Assurance |
If the document owner tries to add a higher level of assurance, as a "Level of Assurance", in combination with "Simple Electronic Signature (SES)", the "Simple Electronic Signature (SES)" will be removed. Similarly, if the document owner tries to add "Simple Electronic Signature (SES)", as a "Level of Assurance", in combination with a higher level of assurance(s), the higher level of assurance(s) will be removed.. For a smoother workflow, while adding more multiple signature fields on the document, the system will simply use the level(s) of assurance of the last field for the latest one instead of asking for every signature field. You can always modify the level of assurance for each field manually. |
Display | In case of "Simple Electronic Signature (SES)" is selected as the "Level of Assurance", the "Display" field will not appear. |
Authenticate signer via OTP | Enable this toggle to enable field level authentication through OTP process when attempting to sign the document. By default, this option is unselected. This option will be available for the document owner in Draft, In-Progress, and Pending modes. On enabling the "Authenticate signer via OTP" toggle, the following options will be displayed:
This authentication option will let the recipient sign the document after they have entered the Time based One Time Password. Whenever the recipient will try to sign this document they will be prompted to enter the Time based One Time Password from the authenticator app configured on their mobile device. In case the recipient has not configured two factor authentication (2FA), upon trying to sign a document that requires Time based One Time Password, an email will be sent to their email address to configure two factor authentication (2FA). The document will be signed only upon providing the correct Time based One Time Password. |
Do not show this dialog automatically when a signature field is dropped |
Details Tab |
Field Name | An auto-generated (unique) field name which is used when you need to sign this form field through the API calls. You can change the name as required, but make sure the uniqueness of a field name is not compromised i.e., two or more fields in a document cannot have the same field name. This field is only available when the status of a document is Draft. |
Dimensions | Use this section to relatively set the on-screen and PDF coordinates/position (Left, Top, Width and Height) of the signature field. However, you can also manually move the field to the desired position in a document using drag and drop and these coordinates will be updated accordingly. These coordinates are only available when the status of a document is Draft. |
Replicate In-Person Signature Tab |
Replicate to Pages | Enable the page number(s) (of the document) on which In-Person signature(s) are required from the signer/ meeting host. This will replicate the In-Person signature field on the selected page(s) and display their record in the below grid. |
Save and Cancel buttons | Click the "Save" button to save the configurations, or click the "Cancel" button to close this dialog. |
In a serial workflow, a single copy of document is circulated among all the recipients in a defined (linear sequential) order, and collects all signatures on it. Each recipient has to wait for their turn to process the document. Tick the "Continue workflow on decline" option, if you want the serial workflow to continue even when any recipient declines/ deletes the document.
In a parallel workflow, a single copy of document is circulated among all the recipients at the same time (i.e. in a parallel order), and collects all signatures on it. The recipients can process the document in any order. Tick the "Continue workflow on decline" option, if you want the parallel workflow to continue even when any recipient declines/ deletes the document.
In an individual workflow, an exclusive copy of document is sent to each recipient for processing. In this case multiple signed copies of the document are produced.
In a custom workflow, a single copy of document is circulated among all the recipients in a choice order, and collects all the signatures on it. You can set a combination of serial and parallel signing orders in a custom workflow. The recipients will have to process the document accordingly. Tick the "Continue workflow on decline" option, if you want the custom workflow to continue even when any recipient declines/ deletes the document. See the details of custom workflow below.
Certify with no changes
Select this option to disallow any changes to the document after the Certified Digital Signature has been applied. The recipients will not be able to add any annotation to the document, fill PDF forms, or include additional signatures. This option is intended for documents requiring only one signature.
Certify with form filling and signing
Select this option to allow the recipients to only fill in PDF forms, and sign empty signature fields, after the Certified Digital Signature has been applied. They will not be able to add any new annotations to the document. This option is intended for documents requiring one or more signatures.
Certify with form filling, signing and annotations
Select this option to allow the recipients to fill in PDF forms, sign empty signature fields, and add annotations to the document after the Certified Digital Signature has been applied. This option is intended for documents requiring one or more signatures.
Allow Print
Use this option to enable this recipient/ placeholder to print the shared document(s).
Allow Download
Use this option to enable this recipient/ placeholder to download the shared document(s).
Allow Adding Text
Use this option to enable this recipient/ placeholder to add text fields in the shared document(s) during the workflow. The added text will become permanent part of the PDF document.
Allow Attachments and Merging
Use this option to enable this recipient/ placeholder to fully manage (download, add, and remove) document attachments, and also merge other PDF documents with the shared document(s) during the workflow. If you keep this check box un-ticked, the recipient/ placeholder can only view and download the document attachments, but will not be able to add their own or remove the existing ones.
Allow Changing of Recipients
Use this option to enable this recipient/ placeholder to replace himself (i.e. Delegate other user) or change other configured recipients/ placeholders during the workflow. A recipient must have this permission in order to update the placeholders with the actual recipients.
Legal Notice
Use this option to set a legal notice for this recipient/ placeholder to agree before signing the shared document(s). Your personal (and enterprise in case of an enterprise user) legal notices will be listed for selection. This option will appear only if at least 1 legal notice exists.
Document Signer
Being a signer, the recipient/ placeholder needs to sign a document. As per the workflow configuration, this signature can either be electronic or digital. After signing in the assigned signature field, a signer has to click the "Finish" button to complete the document signing. Alternatively s/he may use the "Decline" option to refuse it, or use the "Delegated" option to assign their role to someone else.
Moreover, a signer should also fill in the assigned form fields, initials, and/ or in-persons fields (if any) before signing. Whenever a digital signature is made by any signer, the signature quota of the respective document owner's account will be consumed.
Document Reviewer
Being a reviewer, the recipient/ placeholder needs to approve a document by clicking the "Review" button. Alternatively s/he may use the "Decline" option to refuse it, or use the "Delegated" option to assign their role to someone else. Reviewing does not involve any signing activity. Moreover, a reviewer should also fill in the assigned form fields, and/ or initials (if any) before reviewing.
Document Editor
Being an editor, the recipient/ placeholder needs to update a document by clicking the "Submit" button. Alternatively s/he may use the "Decline" option to refuse it, or use the "Delegated" option to assign their role to someone else. Editing does not involve any signing activity. An editor should also fill in the assigned form fields, and/ or initials (if any) before updating.
Meeting Host
Being a meeting host, the recipient/ placeholder needs to facilitate the document signing process for the configured in-person signers. A host can give his/her device control to the (in-person) signers, and get their signatures in his/her presence. After getting all the signatures, a meeting host has to click the "Finish" button to complete the document hosting. Alternatively s/he may use the "Decline" option to refuse it, or use the "Delegated" option to assign their role to someone else. Hosting itself does not involve any signing activity. However, a host should also fill in the assigned form fields, and/ or other information fields before finishing.
Send a Copy
When the "Send a Copy" role is selected for a recipient, SigningHub emails the most recent copy (at that stage of workflow) of document to the recipient as an email attachment. The document copy is auto sent (on its turn) and does not require any human intervention.
Electronic Seal
This user role only appears against an electronic seal added to the workflow. This user role is disabled and can not be updated.
Access duration | Select the check box to allow document access only for a specified duration for the selected or all recipients. You can specify the access duration via specific date and time or a number of days.
Access authentication | Enable the toggle to enable recipient authentication through a specified password or an OTP when attempting to access the document.
Signing authentication | Enable this option to enable recipient authentication through OTP process when attempting to sign the document.
Save | Click to save the information entered on the dialog. |
Cancel | Click to discard the information entered on the dialog. |
You can also configure the form filling functionality for PDF compliant forms in a template. In this regard, the fields of a PDF form can be assigned to specific recipient(s). When the workflow related to this template is initiated, SigningHub will allow only the specified recipient(s) to fill in the assigned fields upon their turn. In case a form field is not assigned to any recipient, then all recipients in the workflow can enter text in that field before singing the document. You can also make it mandatory for any recipient to fill in the form field(s), in this case the document cannot be signed without specifying data in those form field(s). Once specified, such information becomes the permanent part of a signed PDF document.
After you have:
Added the documents (a PDF form),
Configured special privileges for each recipient/ placeholder as required in a workflow package:
Select the document(pdf form) from the right panel -> pages tab of document viewer screen, on which form filling needs to be configured. You can also manage the added documents from here.
Now, singly click on the desired field of the PDF form, and click "Properties".
The "Form Field" dialog will appear.
The "Assigned to" field will list all the configured recipients/ placeholders of the workflow. Select the required recipient to assign the field to him/ her.
"Validation" field shows whether it's mandatory or not.
"Details" further contains "Field Name" which shows an auto-generated (unique and read-only) field name that is used when you need to fill in this field through the API calls. This field is only available as far as the status of a document is Draft.
Repeat the above steps to configure other fields on the PDF form.
SigningHub allows the assigning of form fields, as well as all other basic form components such as radio buttons, check boxes and drop down lists in a template.
In case a form field is not assigned to any recipient, then all recipients in the workflow can enter text in that field before singing the document.
SigningHub enables you to add a QR Code to documents to help simplify signature verification. The QR code in the document enables users to scan the QR code with the camera on their smartphone. Upon scanning the user is redirected to a page which allows viewing the document in read-only mode and viewing the verification results for the digital signatures, separately. This field is associated with a specific document and becomes the part of a PDF document when it is shared, signed, reviewed or updated. The availability of a QR Code field is subject to your assigned enterprise user role. If you wish to use this feature, ask your Enterprise Admin to enable the QR Code option in your Role>Document Settings. SigningHub embeds annotations, and other necessary content within a PDF file to make your documents fully compliant with the PDF/A-1a and PDF/A-1b standards. This content embedding is required by ISO 19005-1, and is usually associated with a document's visual appearance.
After you have:
Configured special privileges for each recipient/ placeholder as required in a workflow package:
Select the document(pdf form) from the right panel -> pages tab of document viewer screen, on which QR Code is required. You can also manage the added documents from here.
Click the "QR Code" option from the viewer right panel and drop it on the document as required. A default QR code is placed upon dropping which is later replaced with the system generated QR Code.
You can drag and drop the QR Code anywhere in the document by using your mouse. The grid lines will assist you in better alignment of QR Code accordingly. Resize the QR Code with respect to its height and width or use the bottom right corner to resize it diagonally as required. Now singly click on the field, and click "Properties" to view and edit its details and configurations.
To add multiple attachment fields, repeat the above steps.
Click on the field in the document to delete, and select "Remove" option. The field will be removed from the document.
You can only edit the on-screen dimensions but not the PDF dimensions.
The width and height of on-screen dimensions for QR Code will be same. If you change any one of it, other will be set on it's own
For the best QR Code scanning experience, use the default size of 120 * 120. The user can decrease or increase the size of the QR Code as per their requirement. In case of a QR Codes lesser in size than 50 * 50, the scanning experience might be affected.
The option to add a QR Code is available for "Individual" workflows as well.
The user can now add multiple QR Codes on a document.
The QR Code becomes a part of PDF document when it is shared, signed, reviewed or updated.
SigningHub allows its users to add attachments in a workflow. Adding field attachments in a workflow is subject to recipient permissions, configurations of your user role and the configuration of your service plan. If you are willing to use this feature, contact your Enterprise Administrator.
After you have:
Configured special privileges for each recipient/ placeholder as required in a workflow package:
Select the document from the right panel -> pages tab of document viewer screen, on which attachment fields are required. You can also manage the added documents from here.
Select the recipient (signer/ electronic seal/ placeholder) from the right panel -> recipients tab of document viewer screen, for whom you want to add attachment fields. You can also manage the added recipients from here.
Click the "attachment" option, and drop it on the document.
You can drag and drop the field anywhere in the document by using your mouse. The grid lines will assist you in better alignment of fields accordingly. Resize the field with respect to its height and width or use the bottom right corner to resize it diagonally as required. The system will remember the field size and its display preferences (i.e. visible or invisible) for adding new In-Person signature fields on the same documents package. When you click "Properties", dialogue will appear for settings.
Click "Save".
To add multiple attachment fields, repeat the above steps.
You can only edit the on-screen dimensions but not the PDF dimensions.
Click on the attachment field in the document to delete, and select "Remove" option. The field will be removed from the document.
Only one document can be added against a single attachment field.
Once an attachment has been added the system will disable the attachment field on the viewer.
A document owner can only add an attachment field if:
"Manage document attachments and document merging" is allowed against their user role, and
"Attachments and Merging" feature is allowed against their service plan.
The attachment field will only appear for a recipient, if the "Allow Attachments and Merging" permission is allowed for the recipient.
If the "Manage document attachments and document merging" is disallowed against their user role, all the unprocessed attachment fields on draft documents, will be removed.
If the "Allow Attachments and Merging" permission is disallowed for a recipient, all the unprocessed attachment fields, assigned to the recipient, on the draft document, will be removed.
SigningHub enables you to lock a template (make it Read-Only) so that the workflow configurations inside it cannot be modified during document preparation mode. This is useful in the situations when the defined workflow configurations within a template need to be enforced in their as it is format.
Go to "Documents" screen.
Enable "Read Only" toggle.
A template can be made read-only even if it has any placeholder or a recipient without signature field.
The workflow configurations within a read-only template cannot be modified during document preparation, except updating placeholders.
To experience the exact settings, it is recommended to use the template (being created) on the same documents. The actual positions of configured signature/ initials/ in-person fields may alter, if this template is applied on different type or size of documents.
The document owner (and the shared space collaborator, if any) can not update the level of assurance of a "Signature" or an "In-Person Signature" field, while the status of the document is, "In-Progress" or "Pending", where a read-only template has been applied.
SigningHub allows you to add electronic seals in a workflow, Electronic Seal (eSeal), Advanced Electronic Seal (AdESeal), Qualified Electronic Seal (QESeal) are the levels of assurance available for an electronic seal. Adding electronic seals will consume signatures quota of your (document owner's) account. The option to add an electronic seal field will only appear if an electronic seal has been added to the template.
After you have:
Select the document from the right panel of document viewer screen, on which electronic seal is required.
Select the electronic seal from the right side of document viewer screen, for whom you want to add an electronic seal field.
Click the "Electronic Seal" option, and drop it on the document.
You can drag and drop the field anywhere in the document by using your mouse. The grid lines will assist you in better alignment of fields accordingly. Resize the field with respect to its height and width or use the bottom right corner to resize it diagonally as required. The system will remember the field size and its display preferences (i.e. visible or invisible) for adding new In-Person signature fields on the same documents package. By default, upon dropping the "In-Person Signature" field, the edit dialog is automatically displayed. However, if the user is only allowed one level of assurance, the dialog will not be automatically displayed.
Click "Save".
To add multiple electronic seal fields, repeat the above steps. However, in a single document, only one electronic seal field is allowed per electronic seal. A second electronic seal will have to be added in order to add a second electronic seal field.
Click on the electronic seal field.
Select "Remove" option. The field will be deleted from the document.
You can only edit the on-screen dimensions but not the PDF dimensions.
After sharing the document, when it is the turn of the electronic seal for signing, the electronic seal is automatically signed using the configured settings, without any user interaction.
SigningHub enables you to add basic form components (i.e. Name, Email, Job title, Company, Text Field, Text Area, Date, Radio Button, Check box, and Add Text) in a document to acquire additional information from a recipient. These fields are normally associated with a specific recipient in a document approval workflow, and can also be made mandatory for a particular recipient to fill-in before signing. When supplied, such information becomes the permanent part of a signed PDF document. SigningHub embeds fonts, graphics, annotations, and other necessary content within a PDF file to make your documents fully compliant with the PDF/A-1b standard. This content embedding is required by ISO 19005-1, and is usually associated with a document's visual appearance. However a processed PDF through SigningHub may show non compliance with the PDF/A-1b standard, when a Date field or a transparent PNG image is rendered in it.
After you have:
Configured special privileges for each recipient/ placeholder as required in a workflow package:
Select the document from the right panel -> pages tab of document viewer screen, on which form components are required. You can also manage the added documents from here.
Select the recipient (signer/ electronic seal/ placeholder) from the right panel -> recipients tab of document viewer screen, for whom you want to add form components. You can also manage the added recipients from here.
Click the "Name", "Email", "Job title", "Company", "Text Field", "Text Area", "Date", "Radio Button", "Check box", and/ or "Add Text" options, one by one and drop it on the document as required. A blank text field will be added for each option (form field) in the document. When you add any form fields in a document for yourself, the fields will be auto filled with the available data in system. However, this is only applicable when the workflow type is either "Serial", "Parallel", or "Custom".
You can drag and drop the added fields anywhere in the document by using your mouse. The grid lines will assist you in better alignment of fields accordingly. Resize the field with respect to its height and width or use the bottom right corner to resize it diagonally as required. Now single click on the field, and click " Properties" to view and edit its details. SigningHub will remember the field size and all its set properties (i.e. Font type, font size, mandatory, length, etc.) for new fields of the same group accordingly when added on the same documents package. This implies the size and properties set for a Name field will be available for all the Name fields, the size and properties set for an Email field will be available for all the Email fields, and so on.
To add multiple attachment fields, repeat the above steps.
You can only edit the on-screen dimensions but not the PDF dimensions.
Click on the field in the document to delete, and select "Remove" option. The field will be removed from the document.
A document recipient can be assigned multiple form fields.
In case a form field is not assigned to any recipient, then all recipients in the workflow can enter text in that field before processing the document.
When a document owner adds any form fields for themself in a DRAFT document, the fields will be auto filled with the available data in their profile. However this is not applicable for the "Individual" workflows.
When a document (with the assigned form fields) is opened in the PENDING mode for signing, the relevant data (i.e. Name, Email, Job, Company, etc) will be automatically populated in the form fields (editable) from the recipient's profile (i.e. Settings > Profile). The Date form field is always filled with the current date (i.e. Today's date) in editable mode.
Using initials is almost the same as signing the document, however digital signatures are not embedded in this case. SigningHub lets you configure initials for all document recipients (i.e. signers, reviewers, editors, and meeting hosts in a template. You can also add multiple initials fields against a recipient.
After you have:
Configured special privileges for each recipient/ placeholder as required in a workflow package:
Select the document from the right panel -> pages tab of document viewer screen, on which initials are required. You can also manage the added documents from here.
Select the recipient (signer/ electronic seal/ placeholder) from the right panel -> recipients tab of document viewer screen, for whom you want to add an initials field. You can also manage the added recipients from here.
Click the "initials" option, and drop it on the document.
You can drag and drop the field anywhere in the document by using your mouse. The grid lines will assist you in better alignment of fields accordingly. Resize the field with respect to its height and width or use the bottom right corner to resize it diagonally as required. The system will remember the field size and its display preferences (i.e. visible or invisible) for adding new In-Person signature fields on the same documents package. When you click "Properties", dialogue will appear for settings.
Click "Save".
To add multiple initials fields, repeat the above steps.
You can only edit the on-screen dimensions but not the PDF dimensions.
A document recipient can have multiple initials in a workflow document.
You can also add an initials field on a previously signed document, if the document is not certified or locked.
Click on the initials signature field in the document to delete, and select "Remove" option. The field will be removed from the document.
A document signer/ meeting host can have multiple in-person signatures in a workflow document.
Only those signing capacities will appear for in-person signing, which are having Electronic Seal (eSeal) as a level of assurance.
An in-person signature will be a witness digital signature, it is generated by using a witness certificate which is a public signing certificate available on the server for digital signing.
An invisible signature doesn't have any visible appearance on a document. However it entails all other verifiable characteristics of e-signing, i.e. Time Stamping, Certificate Chain, Certificate Status, etc. An invisible signature can be a Digital Signature, Witness Digital Signature, or Witness In-Person Signature as configured in a workflow.
You can also add an in-person signature field on a previously signed document, if the document is not certified or locked.
The document owner (and the shared space collaborator, if any) can update the level of assurance of an "In-Person Signature" field, while the status of the document is, "In-Progress" or "Pending".
In case of the document owner is an enterprise user, they can set any level of assurance as allowed in the Enterprise Role.
In case of the document owner is an individual user, they can set any level of assurance as allowed in the Service Plan.
In the edit dialog, only the "Level of Assurance" field will be editable, the rest of the fields will be read-only.
The level of assurance of an In-Person signature field can not be updated if a read-only template has been applied.
Only the level of assurance of unprocessed fields can be updated.
Where previously, the level of assurance of an In-Person signature field was set to "Simple Electronic Signature (SES), the system will not allow updating the level of assurance.
Where previously, the level of assurance of an In-Person signature field was any other than "Simple Electronic Signature (SES), the system will not allow updating the level of assurance to "Simple Electronic Signature".
A mandatory field to be selected to perform signing for a user. Levels of assurance will be available as allowed in the role assigned to you. Level of assurance will be set for a signature field by default as per the configured default level of assurance under . Level of assurance options for a signature field is subject to your assigned enterprise user role and can be changed under .
The terms for a level of assurance are as per the eIDAS Standards. For details of these terms . Possible values are:
For a signature, this field will be available when you are allowed () to add invisible signatures on a document. When available:
Enable the "Display" option, if you require a visible signature from the signer in this field. This signature will have a proper appearance on the document as configured in the signer's settings.
Disable the "Display" option, if you require an invisible signature from the signer in this field. An invisible signature entails all the characteristics of a signature and is duly verifiable like a visible signature. However, it does not have any appearance on the document. When a signature field is marked as invisible, an eye icon is placed in the signature field (as shown with the red arrow):
This option will let the document owner send an OTP to the recipient that will used for the purpose of signing authentication. Whenever the recipient will try to sign this document an OTP will be sent to the recipient's email, mobile number, or both depending upon the document owner's service plan configuration. When the service plan allows "SMS OTP", a field to specify the mobile number of a recipient to send an OTP will be displayed. The document will be signed only upon providing the correct OTP. By default, the specified number is displayed partially masked to comply with the GDPR policy. Click to view the complete number.
This is a mandatory field to be selected in order to perform In-Person signatures. In case of an enterprise user, the levels of assurance will appear in the drop down list as configured in the user's user role. In case of an individual user, the levels of assurance will appear in the drop down list as configured in the user's service plan. By default, the level of assurance will be set for an In-Person signature field as per the configured default level of assurance for an In-Person Signature under .
The terms for a level of assurance are as per the eIDAS Standards. For details of these terms . Possible values are:
This field will only appear when you are allowed () to add the invisible signatures on a document, and also allowed (in your service plan) to add witness digital signatures. When this field is available:
Enable the "Display" option, if you require a visible witness in-person signature from the signer on this field. This signature will have a proper appearance on the document as configured in the signer's settings.
Disable the "Display" option, if you require an invisible witness in-person signature from the signer on this field. An invisible signature entails all the characteristics of an electronic signature and is duly verifiable like a visible signature. However, it does not have any appearance on the document. When an in-person signature field is marked as invisible, an eye icon is placed on the field as shown with the red arrow:
This option will let the document owner send an OTP to the recipient that will used for the purpose of signing authentication. Whenever the recipient will try to sign this document an OTP will be sent to the recipient's email, mobile number, or both depending upon the document owner's service plan configuration. When the service plan allows "SMS OTP", a field to specify the mobile number of a recipient to send an OTP will be displayed. The document will be signed only upon providing the correct OTP. By default, the specified number is displayed partially masked to comply with the GDPR policy. Click to view the complete number.
Enable to automatically apply the "" of the current signature field to the ones that you will drop afterwards. This option is helpful when you need to drop several signature fields on the document without making an extra effort to manually set the same Level of Assurance for each of the signature fields separately.
One time password (SMS & Email) This option will let the document owner send an OTP to the recipient that will used for the purpose of recipient authentication. Whenever the recipient will try to open this document an OTP will be sent to the recipient's email, mobile number, or both depending upon the document owner's service plan configuration. When the service plan allows "SMS OTP", a field to specify the mobile number of a recipient to send an OTP will be displayed. The document will be accessible only upon providing the correct OTP. By default, the specified number is displayed partially masked to comply with the GDPR policy. Click to view the complete number.
One time password (SMS & Email) This option will let the document owner send an OTP to the recipient that will used for the purpose of signing authentication. Whenever the recipient will try to sign this document an OTP will be sent to the recipient's email, mobile number, or both depending upon the document owner's service plan configuration. When the service plan allows "SMS OTP", a field to specify the mobile number of a recipient to send an OTP will be displayed. The document will be signed only upon providing the correct OTP. By default, the specified number is displayed partially masked to comply with the GDPR policy. Click to view the complete number.
Fields | Description |
Properties | Description |
Fields | Description |
Fields | Description |
Fields | Description |
Properties | Description |
Fields | Description |
Field Name
It's an auto-generated (unique) field name that is used when you need to update/delete the QR Code through the API calls. You can change the name as required, but make sure the uniqueness of a field name is not compromised, i.e. two or more fields in a document cannot have the same field name.
Use this tab to relatively set the on-screen and PDF coordinates/ position (Left, Top, Width & Height) of this form field. However. you can also manually drag the field for moving it to the desired position on the document, and the coordinates will be updated accordingly. These coordinates are only available as far as the status of a document is Draft.tory, SigningHub will enforce the recipient to fill in this field before processing.
This field allows the users to input the specific information they wish to encode into the QR code. It supports two types of data:
URL: Users can input a web address, which will be embedded in the QR code. Scanning the code will direct the user to the specified website.
Text: Alternatively, users can input plain text that, when scanned, will be displayed to the user. This is useful for conveying short messages, contact information, or other relevant details.
The maximum length of the data is capped at 500 characters. This limit ensures the QR code remains scannable and the encoded information is accurate.
Error Correction Level
This drop down allows the user to set the error correction levels which play a critical role in maintaining the integrity of the QR code, especially when it might be partially obscured or damaged. Given below is the list of the available error correction levels:
Level L (7%): This level can correct up to 7% of data loss, making it suitable for QR codes that are expected to be in clean, unobstructed environments.
Level M (15%): Can correct up to 15% of data loss, offering a balance between error correction and the amount of data that can be encoded.
Level Q (25%): The default setting, capable of recovering 25% of the data, providing a good safeguard against moderate damage or dirt.
Level H (30%): The highest level, correcting up to 30% of data loss, ideal for QR codes used in harsh environments where damage is likely
This drop down allows the users to choose the character encoding standard for the QR code. Encoding options define the character set used for the QR code’s data. This ensures the data is properly encoded and decoded across different systems and languages. Given below is the list of the available encoding standards:
Default: Automatically selects the most appropriate encoding based on the content.
Iso8859_1: Supports characters used in Western European languages, making it ideal for most English and European text.
Iso8859_2: Supports Central European languages, ensuring correct display of characters from these regions.
Utf8: A universal encoding standard that supports a vast range of characters, suitable for multilingual content or special symbols.
Pixels Per Module
This drop down allows the users to set the size of each individual module (dot) in the QR code. Larger pixel values result in a larger overall QR code, which can improve readability, especially from a distance or when printed on large surfaces. Given below is the list of the available pixels per module options:
20: The default setting, providing a balance between size and clarity.
30: Increases the size, making the QR code easier to scan, particularly in low-light or long-distance conditions.
40: Further increases the module size, ideal for medium to large prints.
50: The largest setting, best for QR codes that need to be scanned from a significant distance.
Add Margins (Quiet Zones)
This toggle allows the users to enable/disable quiet zones (margins). Quiet zones are the white margins around the QR code. These ensure the scanner can accurately distinguish the code from its surroundings. By default, this toggle is enabled.
Logo Settings
Logo: This option allows the users to personalize their QR codes by embedding a logo within the code, which can enhance brand recognition and add a professional touch to the QR code. Clicking on the "Browse" button allows the users to upload an image of the logo, which will be centered in the QR code.
Hide Background Dots: This checkbox allows the users to control whether the QR code’s dots that would appear behind the embedded logo are hidden. If the checkbox is checked, the background dots are hidden, ensuring the logo remains clear and prominent. If the checkbox is unchecked, the background dots are visible behind the logo, which may be suitable if the logo is semi-transparent or if users prefer a more integrated look.
Logo Size %: This drop down allows the users to adjust the size of the embedded logo as a percentage of the overall QR code size. Given below is the list of the available logo size % options:
10%: A small, subtle logo.
15% (Default): A standard logo size that maintains a balance between visibility and QR code functionality.
20%, 25%, 30%, 35% and 40%: Larger logos, which can be used for greater emphasis, though users should ensure the QR code remains functional.
Color Settings
Dots Color: This option allows the users to customise the color of the QR code’s dots, allowing them to match the code with their branding or aesthetic preferences. Black is the default dots color, since it provides the highest contrast against a white background. The users can select from a variety of colors, although they should ensure sufficient contrast with the background for reliable scanning.
Background Color: This option allows the users to customise the background color of the QR code, which can enhance visual appeal or match specific design needs. White is the default background color, since it ensures high contrast with the dots. The users can select a different background color, but they should ensure it contrasts well with the dots for clear scanning.
After configuring the QR code settings, this button allows users to generate a preview of the QR code. This preview reflects all customizations, enabling users to verify the appearance and functionality before finalizing.
A read-only field to show the signer name along with the email and/or the mobile number, based on the selected delivery method, for whom the initial field is being configured.
Select the "Mandatory" option, if the document owner wants to make sure that the recipients must add an attachment. Select the "None" option, if the document owner does not want to mandate adding an attachment.
This field will only appear if the "Mandatory" option has been selected in the "Validation" field. The note field lets the document owner specify a personal note (up to 500 characters) that will be used to intimate the configured recipient when they click on the attachment field. This is a mandatory field.
Details Tab
Field Name
Its an auto-generated (unique) field name that is used when you need to fill in initials through the API calls. You can change the name as required, but make sure the uniqueness of a field name is not compromised, i.e. two or more fields in a document cannot have the same field name. This field is only available as far as the status of a document is Draft.
Use this tab to relatively set the on-screen and PDF coordinates/ position (Left, Top, Width & Height) of this initials field. However you can also manually move the field to the desired position in a document through drag and drop, and these coordinates will be updated accordingly. These coordinates are only available as far as the status of a document is Draft.
Save and Cancel buttons
Click the "Save" button to save the configurations, or click the "Cancel" button to close this dialog.
Assigned to
Property to show the recipient name to whom this field has been assigned. You can re-assign the field to any other configured recipient of the workflow.
Field Name
Its an auto-generated (unique) field name that is used when you need to fill in this form field through the API calls. You can change the name as required, but make sure the uniqueness of a field name is not compromised, i.e. two or more fields in a document cannot have the same field name. This field is only available as far as the status of a document is Draft.
Font Type
Property to select the font type (i.e. Courier or Helvetica) in which this field is required to be filled in by the recipient. The system will remember the selected font for the new form fields as well.
Field Type
This property will only appear against a text field. It is used to define the input type (i.e. Text or Numeric) that is required to be filled in by the recipient.
Font Size
Property to select the font size in which this field is required to be filled in by the recipient. The system will remember the selected font size for the new form fields as well.
Property to specify a caption to facilitate the recipient in comprehending this field. The specified placeholder will be displayed within this field to the recipient, e.g. you can display the "Official Email ID" text in an Email field, "Designation" in a Job Title field, etc.
Allowed Length
Property to specify the maximum number of characters, the recipient can enter in this field. By default it is set to 1000 characters. However for Text Area, the default field length is 5000 characters.
Tick it to mark this field as mandatory. When ticked, SigningHub will enforce the recipient to fill in the field before signing the document.
Date Format
This property is appeared in the settings when you add a date field in your document. Choose a format from the list in which date input is required from the recipient. SigningHub supports 21 international date formats and also a custom date format i.e. ddmmmyyyy (without space). By default the drop down will show the US date format to the US based users, and the UK date format to the users outside the US, according to the set Country in your profile. However you may change the default value as required. When you share a document, SigningHub will get the date value from the recipient according to the selected date field format.
Group Name
This property is appeared in the settings when you add a radio button in your document. Specify a group name to create a mutually exclusive set of controls. It is useful when only one selection is required from a list of available options. When you set this property, the recipient can select only one option (Radio button) in the specified group at a time.
Use this tab to relatively set the on-screen and PDF coordinates/ position (Left, Top, Width & Height) of this form field. However you can also manually move the field to the desired position in a document through drag and drop, and these coordinates will be updated accordingly. These coordinates are only available as far as the status of a document is Draft. Note: You can only edit the on-screen dimensions but not the PDF dimensions. The width and height of on-screen dimensions for check box or radio button are also not editable.
Save and Cancel buttons
Click the "Save" button to save the configurations, or click the "Cancel" button to close the dialog.
A read-only field to show the signer name along with the email and/or the mobile number, based on the selected delivery method, for whom the initial field is being configured.
Details Tab
Field Name
Its an auto-generated (unique) field name that is used when you need to fill in initials through the API calls. You can change the name as required, but make sure the uniqueness of a field name is not compromised, i.e. two or more fields in a document cannot have the same field name. This field is only available as far as the status of a document is Draft.
Use this tab to relatively set the on-screen and PDF coordinates/ position (Left, Top, Width & Height) of this initials field. However you can also manually move the field to the desired position in a document through drag and drop, and these coordinates will be updated accordingly. These coordinates are only available as far as the status of a document is Draft.
Replicate Initials
Replicate to Pages
Field to show total number of pages of the selected document of a package. Enable the toggle for the page number(s) (of the document) on which initials are required from the recipient. This will replicate the initials fields on the selected page(s) and display their record in the below grid.
Save and Cancel buttons
Click the "Save" button to save the configurations, or click the "Cancel" button to close this dialog.
A read-only field to display the name of the added electronic seal and no email information will be displayed.
Level of Assurance
The "Level of Assurance" field will be auto populated from the electronic seal profile and the field will be disabled.
Visible Signatures
For a electronic seal, this field will be available when you are allowed (in your user role) to add invisible electronic seal on a document. When available:
Enable the "Visible" option, if you require a visible electronic seal. This electronic seal will have a proper appearance on the document as configured in the Signature Appearance settings.
Disable the "Visible" option, if you require an invisible electronic seal. An invisible electronic seal entails all the characteristics of an electronic seal and is duly verifiable like a visible electronic seal. However, it does not have any appearance on the document. When an electronic seal field is marked as invisible, an eye icon is placed in the electronic seal field (as shown with the red arrow):
Do not automatically show this dialog when a signature field is added
When this option is enabled, the "Edit Electronic Seal Field" dialog will not appear automatically, every time an electronic seal field is dropped. This option is helpful when you need to drop several electronic seal fields on the document.
Details Tab
Field Name
An auto-generated (unique) field name which is used when you need to sign this form field through the API calls. You can change the name as required, but make sure the uniqueness of a field name is not compromised i.e., two or more fields in a document cannot have the same field name. This field is only available when the status of a document is Draft.
Use this section to relatively set the on-screen and PDF coordinates/position (Left, Top, Width and Height) of the signature field. However, you can also manually move the field to the desired position in a document using drag and drop and these coordinates will be updated accordingly. These coordinates are only available when the status of a document is Draft.
Save and Cancel buttons
Click the "Save" button to save the configurations, or click the "Cancel" button to close this dialog.
It is a text field that is used to get a recipient's name in your document. SigningHub automatically picks the assigned recipient's name from their profile and populates in this field in editable mode, when they process your shared document. If marked mandatory, SigningHub will enforce the recipient to fill in this field before processing.
It is a text field that is used to get a recipient's email in your document. SigningHub automatically picks the assigned recipient's email from their profile and populates in this field in editable mode, when they process your shared document. If marked mandatory, SigningHub will enforce the recipient to fill in this field before processing.
Job Title
It is a text field that is used to get a recipient's job title in your document. SigningHub automatically picks the assigned recipient's job title from their profile and populates in this field in editable mode, when they process your shared document. If marked mandatory, SigningHub will enforce the recipient to fill in this field before processing.
It is a text field that is used to get a recipient's company name in your document. SigningHub automatically picks the assigned recipient's company name from their profile and populates in this field in editable mode, when they process your shared document. If marked mandatory, SigningHub will enforce the recipient to fill in this field before processing.
Text Field
It is a text field that is used to get any single line information from a recipient in your document. This field is shown blank to the assigned recipient, when they process your shared document. If marked mandatory, SigningHub will enforce the recipient to fill in this field before processing.
Text Area
It is a text area that is used to get some additional description (multi-line) from a recipient in your document. This field is shown blank to the assigned recipient, when they process your shared document. If marked mandatory, SigningHub will enforce the recipient to fill in this field before processing.
It is a date field that is used to get any particular date from a recipient in your document. By default SigningHub displays current date in this field to the assigned recipient, which they can edit while processing your shared document. If marked mandatory, SigningHub will enforce the recipient to fill in this field before processing.
Radio Button
A radio button is used in situations where a recipient can only select one option from a list of options in your document. If marked mandatory, SigningHub will enforce the assigned recipient to select one option before processing.
A checkbox is used in situations where a recipient can select multiple options from a list of options. They can also be used when you want a recipient to accept/ agree to any statement in your document. If marked mandatory, SigningHub will enforce the assigned recipient to select the checkbox before processing.
Add Text
Save and Cancel buttons
Click the "Save" button to save the configurations, or click the "Cancel" button to close this dialog.
This option will enable you to add some additional text in your PDF document before sharing it with recipients. Specify the text in the field as required and click . Once saved, the text cannot be deleted from the document.