By default, all your documents are listed in the "Inbox" folder. SigningHub enables you to create custom folders and shared folders to organise your documents as required. You can freely move your files from one folder to another, and can also move them back to their previous folder. However, as a shared folder collaborator, you can only move Draft documents to the shared folders.
Click the 'Documents' option in the navigation panel.
Select the documents that you wish to move.
Click the 'Move to folder' option in the information panel.
Select the folder in which you want to move the document, and click on the 'Submit' button.
You can select a folder to view its documents.
If the "Archiving" feature is enabled in the service plan, the "Archive" folder appears in the folders options.
Completed and Declined documents can be moved to the Archive folder.
You can click the archive folder to view its documents.
You can click a shared folder to view its documents.
As a document owner, you can only move your Completed and Declined documents to the archive folder.
As a shared folder collaborator, you can only move Draft documents to the shared folders.
Only those shared folders will be available for selection that are related to you, i.e.:
The shared folders you own, and
The shared folders in which you are a collaborator.