A shared folder is a special kind of folder through which you can delegate your document processing authority to a group of users. After creating a shared folder, specify the users with whom you want to share your authority and move your documents (which you own, i.e. Draft, In Progress, Declined and Completed) to the shared folder. The specified users may then fully collaborate in all the shared folder documents on behalf of the 'Shared folder owner' and are therefore termed as the 'Collaborators' of a shared folder.
A collaborator can be:
An enterprise user of the same enterprise to which the shared folder owner belongs
An enterprise user of another enterprise
An individual user
A guest user
A shared folder fosters a collaborative team environment where members can access the same set of privileges and manage team documents together.
The ability to manage shared folders—such as creating, editing, or deleting them—depends on your assigned enterprise user role. If you wish to utilize this feature, please ask your Enterprise Admin to enable it in your Role>Document Preferences. However, for collaborators, this specific role provision is not necessary. Collaborators can effectively work within a shared folder but cannot create their own shared folders.
They can create multiple shared folders as required.
They can add the collaborators of their choice to their shared folders, who can process their workflow documents on behalf of the shared folder owner.
They can move their documents (Draft, In-progress, Declined and Completed) to their shared folders to share them with collaborators.
They can edit their shared folders.
They can delete their shared folders.
They can see the actual document activity logs as performed by the collaborators.
They can process the shared folder documents on behalf of the shared folder owner, i.e.:
Add their Draft documents to a shared folder
Share the Draft documents
Send reminders to the next recipients
Sign the documents
Review the documents
Update the documents
Decline the documents
Add initials
Add in-person signatures
Fill in the form fields
Accept the legal notices
Update the level of assurance of a "Signature" field or an "In-Person Signature" field, while the status of the document is, "In-Progress" and "Pending".
In short, they can perform all those workflow-related activities that can be performed by the actual document owner.
In the document logs, the recipients will see that these activities are performed by the document owner (shared folder owner), while they were actually performed by the collaborators.
You can view the shared folders available to you (The shared folders in which you have been added as a collaborator, and the shared folders you created). The shared folders can be identified based on their icons:
Click the 'Documents' option in the navigation panel.
Click on the 'Folders' button.
Your shared folders will be listed in the dialogue box, under the 'Shared Folders' section.
Click the 'Documents' option in the navigation panel.
Click on the 'Folders' button.
Your folders will be shown in a dialogue box. Click the 'Add a folder' button.
Specify the folder name, and turn on the 'Shared folder' toggle.
Click the 'Add a user' button to add collaborators, and click 'Submit'. A new shared folder will be created and shown under the 'Shared Folders' section. All the specified collaborators will be notified through email by SigningHub.
Click the 'Documents' option in the navigation panel.
Click on the 'Folders' button.
Your folders will be shown in a dialogue box. Click the 'Manage folders' button.
Click on the 'Edit' button adjacent to the desired shared folder.
You can change the name of the shared folder, and manage the collaborators.
Click the 'Save changes' button.
Click the 'Documents' option in the navigation panel.
Click on the 'Folders' button.
Your folders will be shown in a dialogue box. Click the 'Manage folders' button.
Click the delete icon, next to the name of the shared folder, and click the 'Delete' button.
A user may only move those documents to a shared folder which they own, i.e. the documents with the following statuses:
In Progress
Declined and
Icons | Description |
This icon implies that you are the shared folder owner, and can edit and delete this folder. You can also process the documents inside this shared folder as required.
This icon implies that you are a collaborator of this shared folder. You can only process the documents inside this shared folder, but cannot edit or delete this folder.
SigningHub maintains a log of each action being performed on a document along with the respective date and time stamps. The "Workflow Details" dialog which presents the logs of each action being performed consists of two tabs; "Workflow History" and "Workflow Timeline". However, viewing "Workflow Details" is subject to your assigned enterprise user role. These logs are only available to the Document Owner.
When a user uploads a document
When a user adds a file from the library
When a user adds a file from cloud storage
The original format of the uploaded document
When the document is converted to PDF format after upload
When a user opens a document
When a user closes a document
When a user adds a contact to a workflow
When a user adds a comment to a workflow
When a user adds an attachment to a workflow
When a user adds a text field to a document
When a user fills a form field in a document
When a user updates the text in a form field
When a user adds initials to a document
When an in-person signature is added by a user
When a user signs a document
When an electronic seal is applied to a document
When an electronic seal is updated in a document workflow
The signing capacity used to sign a document
The signing reason for signing a document
When a user shares a document
When a user recalls a document
When a user approves a document
When a user updates a document
When a user hosts in-person signatures on a document
When the post-processing activity takes place on a document
When a user declines a document
When a user renames a document
When a user deletes a document
When a user prints a document
When a user adds a file to the library
When a user downloads a document
When a user adds a template
When a user applies a template
When a user completes the document workflow
When a user updates the document workflow
When a user accepts the attached legal notice
When a Time-based OTP is used for secondary authentication to access a document
When a Time-based OTP is used for secondary authentication for document signing
When OTP/TOTP is provided for field-level authentication of a signature or in-person field
The old level of assurance and the new level of assurance in case the signature field was updated while the status of the document was "In-Progress" or "Pending"
When was a workflow replicated
Who was the document shared with
When was the document shared
Who processed the document (signer, reviewer, editor, delegator, meeting host, electronic seal, gatekeeper)
When was the document processed
The time taken by the recipient to process the document
Total time taken to process the document
When was the document recalled by the user
The following document details are logged:
Who was the document shared with
When was the document shared
Who processed the document (signer, reviewer, editor, delegator, meeting host, electronic seal, gatekeeper)
When was the document processed
The time taken by the recipient to process the document
Total time taken to process the document
When was the document recalled by the user
Click the 'Documents' option in the navigation panel.
Select a document, and click the 'Details' option in the information panel.
Click the 'History' option and the list of activities will appear.
Click on a signature or any other activity to see its details.
The delivery method will also be displayed in the details of the applicable log items.
Click the 'Documents' option in the navigation panel.
Select a document, and click the 'Details' option in the information panel.
Click the 'Timeline' option and the workflow timeline will appear.
The document owner has the option to download a .xls file of the 'Timeline' of the document by clicking on the 'Export to excel' button.
When the "Delete document logs on generation of Workflow Evidence Report" is configured in the service plan of the document owner. the detailed document logs will then only be available in the downloaded PDF of the Workflow Evidence Report under the "Audit Trail" section. Contact your SigningHub Admin in case of any assistance.
The following will not become part of the details log under the 'History' dialogue:
Preview of email notification sent to document owner
Preview of signature image
The 'Timeline' tab will not appear for the following cases:
When the document is in 'Draft' mode
When the workflow was set to 'I am the only signer'
If the "Delete document logs on generation of Workflow Evidence Report" is configured in the service plan of the document owner
If in the workflow the role of the recipient is configured as "Send a Copy"
If the workflow is recalled by the document owner and shared again, the 'Timeline' tab will show the recipients:
Who had processed the document before the recall
Who had processed the document after sharing it again
Who has the document been shared with
Certain document operations can be performed even without opening a document. For this you need to simply select the document from the document listing and perform your required operation (i.e. preview, download, delete, rename, print, recall, etc.). There are multiple ways to select or open a document, i.e.:
Required activity | How to perform? |
Selection-based document options are operations that can be performed on a single document or multiple documents collectively:
When a single document is selected | When multiple documents are selected |
Based on its current status, each document in the document listing is shown with a particular button in the information panel. This button can additionally be used to open the document for the required operation, i.e. signing, reviewing, editing, or preparation.
Document status | Button name |
When you select multiple documents and click the "Download" option, all the selected documents will be downloaded in a ZIP file. However, the documents that have been restricted from downloading because of their set permissions, will not be part of the Zip file.
When you select a 'Pending' document, the 'Sign' button appears in the information panel, allowing you to initiate the signing process. Clicking the 'Sign' button opens the document in the document viewer. An 'Action Required' banner will display the number of actions you need to complete. You can either click the 'Go to Field' button or manually left-click the signature field and then select the 'Sign' option to sign the document.
Select a 'Pending' document, and click the "Sign" button in the information panel.
Click the 'Go to field' button appearing on the 'Actions Required' banner. Or manually locate the field assigned to you.
Left-click the signature field, and click on the 'Sign' option.
Click on the 'Sign' button.
SigningHub allows you to send reminders to your document recipients who do not timely respond to your workflow. In this regard, you can during document preparation that are sent after a specific (configurable) time period, or you may also manually send reminders to your recipients. When you remind a recipient who has not responded to your workflow document as yet, the original email notification is resent to them. Based on your workflow type, there can be two different scenarios:
In case of a sequential workflow, a reminder is sent to the immediate next recipient because of which workflow is halted.
In case of an individual or parallel workflow, a reminder is sent to all the recipients who have not signed the document.
Click the "Documents" option in the navigation panel.
Select the "In Progress" document for which you want to send the reminder and click the "Send reminder" button in the information panel. You can send reminders for multiple 'In-progress' documents.
A confirmation dialog will appear, click the "Yes" button to to send the reminder. The email notification email will be resent to the recipient(s) of the selected document(s).
Reminders can be sent for the "In Progress" documents.
You can remind up to 50 documents together in one go, or as defined in your service plan.
SigningHub provides an efficient, fast and easy way to share a pile of 'Draft' documents (up to 50) in one go. For this, you can use the "Send selected documents" option to send off multiple documents.
However, SigningHub does not allow to send off the documents, if they have:
Incomplete signature fields (i.e. signature field has not been defined for each signer/ placeholder)
Statuses other than the "Draft" status
The availability of the 'Bulk Share' feature is subject to your subscribed Service Plan and Enterprise Role. If you cannot find this option in your account, please ask your Enterprise Admin to and .
Select 'Draft' documents (up to 50), and click the "Send selected documents" button in the information panel.
The bulk send dialogue box will appear. It will list your selected documents.
Click on the 'Send' button to send the documents. The selected documents will be sent off right away and the circular progress percentage bar will display the sending progress.
In case a document cannot be shared, the respective reason will be displayed accordingly. Click the "Close" button to conclude the process.
You can share up to 50 documents in one go through bulk sharing.
Whenever a document package is shared, the workflow quota of the respective document owner's account is consumed, and hence the available count is decreased by one. In the case of bulk sharing, the workflow count will be decreased according to the number of documents successfully shared.
The "Workflow history" option provides a soft copy of workflow activities related to a selected document, which is sufficient for your own audit trail record. However, when you need to present these workflow details in hard copy as legal proof outside SigningHub, use a workflow evidence report. A Workflow Evidence Report entails the detailed logs of each SigningHub transaction performed within a document workflow. It is available to the respective only and is downloaded in PDF file. The PDF is also digitally signed by with an invisible PAdES-B-LT signature and can be used as legal proof outside SigningHub. So in case a recipient in the workflow repudiates their signature, or if there is any query related to the workflow, this report can resolve all such issues. However, viewing the Workflow Evidence Report is subject to your assigned enterprise user role. If you are willing to use this provision, ask your Enterprise Admin to enable it in your .
Click the 'Documents' option in the navigation panel.
Select a completed document, and click the 'Evidence report' option in the information panel. The workflow evidence report will be downloaded to your local 'Downloads' folder as a PDF.
In the workflow evidence report, based on the selected delivery method for each recipient, either their email or mobile number shall be shown.
The workflow evidence report of a replicated workflow will show that the workflow was replicated.
The delivery method will also be displayed in the details of the applicable log items.
The workflow evidence report PDF contains invisible PAdES-B-LT or PAdES-B-LTA signatures according to the configurations in SigningHub Admin.
The workflow evidence report PDF is available for completed documents only.
At times you need to look for the other details of a document(s) package that are not visible in the document listing table, i.e. documents included in the package, when it was uploaded, source, type, document size etc. The package details appear in the information panel when you select a document.
Click the "Documents" option from the navigation panel.
Select the document package for which you want to see the package details.
Expand the package information appearing at the bottom of the information panel.
By default, all your documents are listed in the "Inbox" folder. SigningHub enables you to create custom folders and shared folders to organise your documents as required. You can freely move your files from one folder to another, and can also move them back to their previous folder. However, as a shared folder collaborator, you can only move Draft documents to the shared folders.
Click the 'Documents' option in the navigation panel.
Select the documents that you wish to move.
Click the 'Move to folder' option in the information panel.
Select the folder in which you want to move the document, and click on the 'Submit' button.
You can select a folder to view its documents.
If the "Archiving" feature is enabled in the service plan, the "Archive" folder appears in the folders options.
Completed and Declined documents can be moved to the Archive folder.
You can click the archive folder to view its documents.
You can click a shared folder to view its documents.
As a document owner, you can only move your Completed and Declined documents to the archive folder.
As a shared folder collaborator, you can only move Draft documents to the shared folders.
Only those shared folders will be available for selection that are related to you, i.e.:
The shared folders you own, and
The shared folders in which you are a collaborator.
SigningHub allows you to post comments (up to 255 characters) in a document workflow to accommodate any extra communication between the stakeholders (i.e. document owner & configured recipients). The posted comments are maintained separately in a workflow and do not become part of a completed/ signed PDF document. Posting comments is subject to your assigned enterprise user role. If you are willing to use this provision, ask your Enterprise Admin to enable it in your .
Click the "Documents" option in the navigation panel.
Select the desired document and click "Comments" in the information panel.
The user can:
Configure the recipients for a comment: The user has the option to either post a comment for all the configured recipients or any specific recipient(s). The "Add comment for everyone" option is available at the bottom of the recipients list. To post a private comment for any specific recipient(s), click "Add comment" adjacent to its name in the recipients list. When a private comment is sent, a lock icon appears against the comment, indicating that it is a private comment. A private comment will only be visible to the recipient(s), for whom the private comment was posted.
Specify the comment: The user can specify the comment (up to 255 characters), to be posted for the recipients, in the comment box. The user can add multiple comments and the posted comments will be shown like a normal chat.
Click the "Send" button to post the comment.
A recipient can post a private comment for the document owner even if the document owner is not a part of the workflow.
Only those comments will be visible to the recipient, which were added after the recipient was added to the workflow.
Comments can not be posted for the recipients, whose user role is "Send a Copy".
Comments can not be posted for placeholders. However, once a placeholder is replaced by a recipient, comments can be posted for the recipient.
The "Comments" dialogue box is updated every time the document is reopened or the screen is refreshed, as the case may be.
A recipient can post comments even after they have processed (signed/reviewed/edited/hosted In-Person signatures) the document.
In case of a gatekeeper, any comment posted by the gatekeeper at the time of the document approval will be displayed as a private comment for the original recipient.
For every comment posted, the system sends out an intimation email to the recipients, to whom the comment is visible.
The document listing screen appears when the user clicks on the 'Documents' option from the navigation panel. The 'Documents' screen lists all the documents available to the user. When you click on a document, the information and related actions appear in the information panel.
Search bar: The search bar allows you to search documents. You can also use advanced search by applying filtration criteria.
Folders: The folders button allows you to manage the default folder, custom folders, archived folder, and shared folders.
Sign a new document: Click the "Sign a New Document" button to start a new workflow.
Status Filter: The "Status Filter" bar shows the count of documents falling into different categories based on their statuses.
Document listing: Lists all the documents available to the user. The "Owner" filter has the option to list these documents based on whether the document owner is "You", "Others", or "All".
A record in the document listing is called a 'Document Package'. A document package may contain a single or multiple documents to be signed.
Document: The name of the document package. Clicking on a document package displays various details and actions associated with the document package, in the information panel. If there is a red notification dot next to the package name, it represents that either:
The document package is either newly sent to you for collaboration, or
There is any change (i.e. signed/ updated/ reviewed/ annotated/ form filled by other recipient/ owner themselves) in the document package after you have collaborated in the workflow.
Status: The status of the document package, i.e. draft, in-progress, pending, signed, declined, approved, updated, completed, or expiring in 7 days.
Owner: The owner of the document package.
Last Updated: The date on which the document package was last modified, i.e. created, shared, form filled, signed, declined, etc.
Pagination footer: To help navigate between document packages.
By default, your latest document packages are displayed at the top of the list. You can sort them on the basis of their title, status, owner, and last-updated. To sort your documents list click the parameter once to sort the list in ascending order, and click the same parameter again to sort the list in descending order.
Click on the 'Folder' button, select a folder, and then filter based on status from the "Status Filter" options to view the respective list of documents.
By default, up to 10 document packages are displayed in the main table. However, if you want to access the documents that exist toward the back of the table, just click the 'Next' button in the pagination footer, this will take you to the next page. Alternatively, you can also move to a specific page by clicking the '1 of X pages' option, in the pagination footer.
The availability of the "Bulk share" feature is subject to your subscribed service plan and user settings. If you cannot find this option in your account, please ask your Enterprise Admin to and
An enterprise user will only be able to view the enterprise templates that are allowed under "Allowed Templates" against their .
If the "Set Document Access Authentication for all recipients" option is selected against the , the document owner will not be allowed to share the workflow until "Document Access Authentication" is set for all the recipients in the workflow.
If the "Set Document Signing Authentication for all recipients" option is selected against the , the document owner will not be allowed to share the workflow until "Document Signing Authentication" is set for all the recipients in the workflow.
The availability of the Workflow Evidence Report is subject to your subscribed service plan. If you cannot find this option, contact .
The workflow evidence report PDF contains unique identifier information subject to your subscribed Service Plan and for enterprise users as well as the .
Status Filter | Count |
By default, all your document packages are listed in the "Inbox" folder. You can choose to filter them on the basis of their and folders.
By default, all your document(s) packages are listed in the "Inbox" folder. However, you can create to organize them as required and
Shared folders work on the principle of delegating your document processing authority to a group of collaborators. A shared folder owner may and in it so that these documents can be processed by any of the nominated collaborators on behalf of the shared folder owner in their absence.
Opening a document
Click on the name of the document.
Select a document and click the "View document" in the information panel.
Selecting a document
Click anywhere on the document row.
Check the checkbox next to the name of the document.
Selecting multiple documents
Check the checkboxes next to the names of the documents that you want to select.
Selecting all documents
Check the checkbox in the table header.
Check the checkboxes next to the names of all the documents.
Based on the status of a selected document, the following operations are available for a single document:
Package details
Send reminder
Replicate workflow
Start a new signing process
Workflow details
Evidence Report
Move to folder
Based on the statuses of the selected documents, the following operations can be performed on multiple documents:
Send reminder
Bulk sign
Bulk share
Move to folder
Actions which can not be performed on multiple documents will hence be hidden from the information panel.
Approved Signed Edited Declined Completed In-Progress Draft
View document
Action Required | Shows the aggregate count of "Pending" and "Declined" documents. |
Awaiting Others | Shows the aggregate count of "In-progress" documents. |
Completed | Shows the aggregate count of "Completed" documents. |
Others | Shows the aggregate count of "Approved", "Draft", "Signed", and "Updated" documents. |
Expiring in 7 Days | Shows the aggregate count of pending document packages whose viewing access is about to expire in 7 days for the logged-in user. |
SigningHub allows you (Document Owner) to rename your documents package as long as its status is either "Draft", "In Progress" or "Pending". If you do not rename a package, the package name is automatically determined based on the names of all the documents in it, separated by a comma. SigningHub will keep appending the package name in the same way (i.e. document name and a comma), upon adding a new document in it. Once you rename a package SigningHub will stop appending its name further, to add new documents in it.
Click the "Documents" option in the navigation panel.
Select the desired document and click the "Rename" button in the information panel.
Specify the new name of your document(s) package, and click the "Save changes" button. The package will be renamed accordingly. However the names of documents in the package will still remain the same. See details how to rename a document.
To open and view a document, you have two options:
Click directly on the document name.
Select the document and click "View Document" in the information panel. This button will be available for all documents in statuses other than 'Pending.'
Choose the method that suits you best for a quick preview of your document’s contents.
SigningHub allows you to efficiently manage your documents by creating, renaming, and deleting custom folders for better organization. By default, all documents are placed in the 'Inbox' folder, but you can easily move your files between folders or return them to their original location.
The "All" folder provides a comprehensive view of all documents within your account, including those from shared spaces. The 'All' and 'Inbox' folders are default system folders and cannot be deleted.
Click the 'Documents' option in the navigation panel.
Click on the 'Folders' button.
Your folders will be shown in a dialogue box. Click on a folder to view the documents that it contains.
Click the 'Documents' option in the navigation panel.
Click on the 'Folders' button.
Your folders will be shown in a dialogue box. Click the 'Add a folder' button.
Specify the folder name and click 'Submit'. A new personal folder will be created and shown under the 'My Folders' section.
Click the 'Documents' option in the navigation panel.
Click on the 'Folders' button.
Your folders will be shown in a dialogue box. Click the 'Manage folders' button.
Click the "Rename" button, next to the folder name, specify the name that you want to set, and click the 'Save changes' button.
Click the 'Documents' option in the navigation panel.
Click on the 'Folders' button.
Your folders will be shown in a dialogue box. Click the 'Manage folders' button.
Click the delete icon, next to the folder name, and click the 'Delete' button.
The "All" folder displays all the documents within your account that may belong to any folder including; the documents from the shared spaces.
You cannot delete the "All" and "Inbox" folders.
You cannot delete a non-empty folder.
Based on their statuses, the folder items/ documents can be tracked through their respective status folders (i.e. Draft, In Progress, Pending, etc.).
SigningHub allows you to recall your In-Progress and Pending document(s), provided it is allowed in your role. This is useful in cases where you have accidentally initiated a premature workflow or document sign-off is no longer required for any reason. You can recall an in-progress or pending document at any stage of a workflow, i.e. start, middle, just before completing, etc. The document recalling feature is available to the document owners only.
Click the "Documents" option in the navigation panel.
Select the in-progress document and click the "Recall" button in the right panel.
You can even select multiple documents.
A confirmation dialog will appear, click the "Yes" option.
The selected document(s) will be recalled.
Their workflow(s) will be terminated and the document(s) will be reverted to the "Draft" status.
SigningHub will increment the available workflow quota of the document owner's account by one.
An intimation email will be sent from the document owner to the immediate next configured recipient (in case of a sequential workflow) or all the configured recipients (in case of a parallel or individual workflow), regarding the termination of the workflow.
Only those "Pending" documents will have the "Recall" option, in which the document owner is also a part of their workflow.
A document owner can recall up to 50 documents together in one go.
If you could not find the "Recall" option, this implies it is not allowed in your role to recall a document.
SigningHub provides an efficient, fast, and easy way to sign a pile of documents (up to 50) in one go. For this, use the "Sign selection" option to sign your (multiple) documents (in the 'Pending' and 'Draft' statuses) through a single-click operation. Bulk signing duly works with document signing, reviewing, updating, in-person signing and adding your initials. However, SigningHub does not allow you to sign those ('Pending' and 'Draft') documents through a bulk signing list, for which:
Permissions (Password or OTP) have been set to open the document, or
Permission (Document Signing Authentication) has been set for the recipient, or
The set duration permission to open the document has expired, or
The next configured recipient in a workflow is an undefined placeholder, or
The set delegate duration period has expired, or
The mandatory form fields assigned to you are empty
A mandatory attachment field has been assigned to you
The availability of the "Bulk Sign" feature is subject to your subscribed Service Plan and Enterprise Role. If you cannot find this option in your account, please ask your Enterprise Admin to upgrade your service plan and enable it in your Role>Document Settings.
Select 'Pending' and 'Draft' documents (up to 50), and click the "Sign selected documents" button in the information panel.
The bulk sign dialogue box will appear. It will list your documents based on the required actions.
Click on each of the following action buttons to bulk-sign the selected documents, based on your assigned recipient roles:
Reviewer: Click on the 'Approve Documents' button, add any optional comments, and then click the 'Approve' button to approve.
Editor: Click on the 'Submit Documents' button to submit the documents.
Meeting Host: Click on the 'Host the Documents' button, and the 'Apply In-Person Signature' dialogue box will appear. Enter the required details, then click 'Sign' to apply the signature.
Electronic Seals: Click on the 'Apply Electronic Seal' button, and the electronic seal will be applied.
Basic Signatures: Click on the level of assurance, and the 'Sign' dialogue box will appear. Click the 'Sign' button to complete the signing.
Advanced Signatures: Click on the level of assurance, select the signing server in the 'Sign' dialogue box, and then click 'Sign' to apply advanced signatures.
While a document is being processed, a circular percentage progress bar will appear next to it, to indicate the progress.
If any document can not be signed, the respective reason will be displayed, click on the 'Continue' button to continue signing the eligible documents. (You will be able to sign these documents individually after bulk signing.)
If a legal notice is configured with any of the selected documents, an 'I agree to all legal notice(s)' toggle will appear. Toggle it on to agree to the legal notice. It is mandatory to agree to the legal notices before proceeding to sign.
If any document has an initial field, then SigningHub will display a dialogue box to add your initials first.
If due to any reason bulk signing fails for a document, a summary dialogue will appear to show the reason for failure, and a caution icon will appear adjacent to the button.
If your textual signature is already filled in with your fixed name, it is because the signature text editing is restricted in your enterprise role. Your signature text can be edited under the "Signature" tab in 'Personal Configurations.
Choose a desired appearance for your signature. The options being populated in the "Signature Appearance Design" field are the allowed appearances to your enterprise user role. You can also see this list in your signature appearance. The signature appearance will be auto-filled and cannot be changed if it's restricted from enterprise roles signature settings to use a specific appearance for the selected Signing Server.
In case of bulk signing using a signature pad, the "Remember the captured signature for use throughout this document" option will not appear.
Upon clicking the "Sign" button, if any 'Authentication Method' is configured for the selected signing capacity under enterprise roles, an authentication dialogue box will appear. If no 'Authentication Method' is configured for the selected signing capacity under enterprise roles, the document signing process will start. In the list of documents selected for bulk signing, all the signature fields with the same level of assurance that matches the selected 'Signing Capacity', in the above step, will be signed.
If you have selected CSC Signing Server to perform signature and "Authorisation Code" is selected as the "Auth Type" in CSC Connector, then on clicking the 'Sign' button you will be shown an additional authorisation option, depending upon the authorisation settings configured in your CSC Server:
Explicit (One Time Password (OTP)/PIN Number)
OAuth Authorisation Code
All unregistered users using the CSC Signing Server to perform signatures will be shown an additional authorisation option, as mentioned above, upon clicking the 'Sign' button.
If "Client Credentials" is selected as the "Auth Type" in the CSC Connector and a valid CSC User ID has been configured for the user, then on clicking the 'Sign' button, no additional authorisation will be required for signing.
There could be a possibility that both the options of OTP and PIN number are configured as a signing time authentication by your CSC Server.
In case the Level of Assurance of a "Signature" field is set to "Simple Electronic Signature", then only Document Signing Authentication will work.
In case of signing of XML document, optionally you may also specify "Commitment Type Indication". SigningHub populates values of this field in editable mode from your Personal Signing Details. When specified they will become a permanent part of your XML signature.
In the case of OTP authentication, the OTP method will be as per the configured OTP method in the document owner's service plan.
"(Email)", in case only "Email OTP" is configured in the service plan
"(SMS)", in case only "SMS OTP" is configured in the service plan
"(SMS and Email)", in case both "Email OTP" and "SMS OTP" are configured in the service plan
If the user has authenticated once against an "Authentication Method" which is configured for a "Signing Capacity", the user will not be prompted to re-authenticate the same "Authentication Method" even if it is configured against a different "Signing Capacity". In case a different "Authentication Method" has been configured against the new "Signing Capacity", the user will be prompted to authenticate against it.
Select 'Pending' and 'Draft' documents (up to 50), and click the "Sign selected documents" button in the information panel.
The bulk sign dialogue box will appear. It will list your documents based on the required actions.
Select the level of assurance for which a signing server has the Remote Authorized Signing configured.
Select the signing server against which Remote Authorized Signing has been configured.
Click on the 'Sign' button in the 'Sign' dialogue box.
An authentication request will be sent to your registered mobile device for remote authorisation. In case you want to withdraw the remote authorisation request, click on the "Cancel Request" button.
Run the SigningHub app (Android or iOS) on your mobile device and log in with the same account credentials through which you have logged in from the SigningHub web.
A popup will appear on your mobile device to authorise your signature through touchID or PIN. Upon authorisation, the document is signed.
Based on your signing details, the bulk signing feature supports both the server-side signing and client-side signing methods.
SigningHub supports the "Bulk Signing" operation through Remote Authorised Signing (RAS) as well. This can be done by sending a single authorisation request from your mobile device running a SigningHub mobile app. For more details about what is Remote Authorised Signing, see the FAQs on Partner Portal.
Font colour will not be applicable in Signature Appearance while performing signature on any PDF/A document with "CMYK" colour space to ensure PDF/A compliance.
Bulk signing duly supports signing Word files and XML files.
If the workflow type is "Only-Me" and the document package has 2 documents each having a signature field with a different level of assurance, when trying to "Bulk Sign and Share"; the first document will be signed and upon re-initiating the signing process the "Status" of the workflow will prompt an error message. Thus to sign such workflow, the user will have to restart the bulk signing process.
SigningHub produces the "XAdES-Baseline-LTA" ETSI-compliant signatures for XML documents but for backward compatibility with ADSS Server version 6.9 or less SigningHub will produce the XAdES Extended signature on base of key "ES-X-L" added in web.config file.
You must agree to all the legal notices configured with the selected documents before signing them.
The system will prompt for OTP or password before showing the document preview if it is enabled for any of the selected documents.
You can sign up to 50 documents in one go through bulk signing. Contact sales if you are looking to extend this limit.
Whenever a pending document is digitally signed, the digital signatures quota of the respective document owner's account is consumed, and hence their available count is decreased by one.
The availability of the 'Bulk Sign' feature is subject to your subscribed Service Plan and Enterprise Role. If you cannot find this option in your account, please ask your Enterprise Admin to upgrade your service plan and enable it in your Role.
In case the Level of Assurance of a "Signature" field is set to "Electronic Signature", then Signing Servers will not appear on the signing dialogue box.
SigningHub supports the "Bulk Signing" operation with the selected signing capacity for a particular level of assurance similar to the one configured by the document owner for the signature field.
You cannot perform 'Bulk Signing' without adding an attachment if a mandatory attachment field has been assigned to you.
In the case of Simple Electronic Signature (SES), an enterprise user will only be able to use Signature Appearance Design, if the "Allow users to use the signature appearance for Simple Electronic Signatures" check box is enabled in the Signature Appearance Preferences, against the user's role.
In the case of Simple Electronic Signature (SES), for an individual user, the Signature Appearance Design drop-down is available but by default, no signature appearance is selected. In order to use the signature appearance the user can select any allowed signature appearance from the drop-down.
In the "Sign" and "Apply In-Person Signature" dialogue box, the user's default location will be shown, as configured in the user's personal profile. In the case of an unregistered user:
if the auto-detect location checkbox is checked, and the GeoIP connector has been configured, the system will pick the location and time zone using the GeoIP connector.
If either the auto-detect location checkbox is unchecked, the GeoIP connector has not been configured, or the GeoIP connector is faulty or not functional, the system will use the location and time zone of the document owner.
Based on the type of users, the following mentioned signature appearances will be available:
In the case of an enterprise user, all the signature appearances are allowed in the user role.
In the case of an individual user, all the signature appearances are allowed in the user's service plan.
In the case of an unregistered user:
If the document owner is an enterprise user, all the signature appearances are allowed in the document owner's user role.
If the document owner is an individual user, all the signature appearances are allowed in the document owner's service plan.
In the case of a Simple Electronic Signature (SES) signature stamp, against the "Signed by" attribute:
the system will show the name of the user as configured in the user's profile in their personal profile.
in case of an unregistered user, the system will show the name of the unregistered user as saved in the document owner's contacts.
In the case of Electronic Seal (eSeal), the user will now be able to select the allowed signature appearance design, signing capacity, contact information and location.
The eID Easy Signing Server does not support bulk signing.
SigningHub now allows users to replicate workflows by applying the original workflow's details (recipients, permissions, post-processing, etc.) to a new workflow and prompting the user to upload the updated document. This feature saves the document owner from having to reconfigure workflow details. This feature is especially useful in cases where changes are required in a document and the workflow has to be re-initiated. The availability of the "Replicate Workflow" option is subject to the configurations of your user role. If you are willing to use this feature, please ask your Enterprise Admin to enable it in your .
A workflow can only be replicated by a document owner, or a shared folder collaborator, if it has any of the following statuses:
Click the "Documents" option in the navigation panel.
Select a document and click the "Replicate workflow" button in the information panel.
After workflow replication, it is mandatory for the documents to be re-uploaded. If the user chooses not to re-upload the documents, the workflow might not work as expected. The gray-dotted line around the document shows a document that needs to be re-uploaded. Click on the Re-upload button.
After uploading the document, the document owner can any of the settings that they wish to change, if any. Once done, click on the "Continue" button.
Perform the necessary actions, and share the workflow.
After workflow replication, the name of the template that was applied to the original document will not be visible next to the document name.
Optionally, a document can also be re-uploaded by:
Clicking the three dots menu and clicking the "Re-upload" button.
Upon clicking the re-upload button, the "Update Document" dialogue box will appear. Upload the document using your desired document upload method.
The uploaded document must have the same or more number of pages than the original document being replaced.
Depending on the configurations, there are three different ways to add a document to a workflow package:
Upload a document from your local machine.
Import a document from the SigningHub library. The Library contains your personal documents (and your enterprise documents in case you are an enterprise user).
Get a document directly from your cloud storage.
Get it from your Dropbox account, or
Get it from your Google Drive, or
Get it from your OneDrive.
When a workflow is being replicated, all the documents within the document package should be re-uploaded.
The replicate workflow option will not be available for the Word or XML document.
If the document owner does not re-upload the document, there is a possibility that the user may be able to see the existing signed fields, if any, on the document.
If the document page rotation of the original and the re-uploaded document is not the same, it could disturb the location of the fields on the re-uploaded document.
If a QR code has become part of the original document, the replicated QR code field will be added at the 10x10 position in the re-uploaded document.
If the document owner does not re-upload the document, a message will be shown on the document viewer prompting the user to re-upload the document.
When replicating a workflow the following setting will be replicated:
Electronic Seals
Recipient Permissions
Recipients' Access Security
Recipients' Reminder Settings
Post Processing Settings
Email Message
Workflow Types and Settings
Certify Policy Settings
In-person Signature
Job Title
Text Field
Text Area
Check Box
Comments and Document Comments
You can use the search bar to look for documents on the document listing screen, based on 'Document name', 'Document owner's name', or 'Package ID'. To search for a document follow the below steps:
Click the "Documents" option in the navigation panel.
Specify the 'Document name', 'Document owner's name', or 'Package ID' in the search field and press the 'Enter' key. The system will retrieve the list of relevant documents in the search records.
If you have a large volume of documents and find it challenging to locate the desired one by document name, owner's name or package ID, the "Advanced Search" option can help. This feature allows you to enter multiple criteria, making it easier to locate the exact document you need.
Click the "Documents" option in the navigation panel.
Press the "Advanced search" button appearing in the search bar.
Specify the available information in the respective fields and click the "Search" button. The system will retrieve the documents by incorporating all the input parameters in the search.
SigningHub gives you the liberty to start a new workflow from any stage (status) of an ongoing document workflow. This will create a fresh copy of the previous workflow document with all the entered details (signatures, initials, filled forms, etc.), and will allow the document owner/ recipient to configure a new workflow on it. The previous workflow will continue triggering without any interruption as per its configuration. Consider the following points before using the "Start New Workflow" option:
Each workflow configuration will need to be defined from scratch in the new workflow.
The default workflow type will be the one as defined in your role. You can change it as required.
The signed signature (electronic & digital) fields, and filled-in initials, in-persons and form fields in the document will be available in the new workflow.
The unsigned Digital signature fields in the document will be displayed as unassigned signature fields in the new workflow.
The unsigned Electronic signature fields in the document will not be available in the new workflow.
The attachments will be available in the new workflow.
The comments, annotations, unfilled initials & in-persons, and unfilled form fields will not be available in the new workflow.
A recipient cannot start a new workflow, if any document accessibility permission is configured for him in the previous workflow i.e. document opening with a password, document opening with OTP, document accessibility duration, etc.
Click the "Documents" option in the navigation panel.
Select a document and click the 'Start new workflow' button in the information panel.
The new workflow screen will appear with a fresh copy of the document (added).
Configure the workflow details as required, and click the "Send" button to share the workflow.
The unsigned signature fields (from the previous workflow) in the new workflow will be displayed as unassigned signature fields. You may assign these fields to other recipients, or leave them unassigned to hide them from the final signed document copy.
A recipient cannot start a new workflow, if any document access security is configured with the document package in the previous workflow i.e. document opening with password, document opening with OTP, document access duration, etc.
Whenever a document is shared, the workflow quota of the respective document owner's account is consumed, and hence the available count is decreased by one.
The availability of the "Start New Workflow" option is dictated by your Enterprise Admin through the Enterprise Role configuration.
You can download any document from your SigningHub account for your record, or when you require it for any reason outside SigningHub. In case a package contains a single document, it is downloaded to your local Downloads folder in a PDF file, while in case of multiple documents in a package, it is downloaded in a zip file. You can also select multiple document rows for downloading as long as their aggregated size is less than 500 MB. However apart from your own documents (i.e. the documents with the Draft, In-progress and Completed statuses), the effectivity of the download option is subject to your document downloading permissions as configured by the respective . Hence, if you don't have the downloading permissions for a (Pending/ Signed/ Approved/ Edited/ Declined) document, you can't download it.
Click the "Documents" option in the navigation panel.
Select the required document and click the "Download" button in the information panel.
If there is a single document in the package, the document is downloaded to your local Downloads folder in a PDF file, however, if the package contains multiple documents, it is downloaded in a zip file. Similarly, if you have selected multiple documents, it is also downloaded in a zip file.
You can download multiple documents together up to 500Mbs size. They are downloaded in a zip file.
When you delete a document, it is purged from your SigningHub account and cannot be recovered again. You can delete any document(s) from your documents list, provided it is allowed in your role. But before deleting a document, you need to know the following considerations:
User | Document deleted | Status | Order | Impact on workflow |
Deleting a document in "Draft", "Signed", "Approved", "Updated", "Completed, or "Declined" status does not have any impact on the workflow.
Click the "Documents" option in the navigation panel.
Select the document(s) that you want to delete and click the 'Delete' button in the information panel.
Click "Delete" on the confirmation dialogue.
If you cannot find the 'Delete' button in the information panel, this implies it is not allowed in your role to delete a document.
Before it is signed/ approved/ updated by a recipient | In Progress | Individual |
Before it is signed/ approved/ updated by the 1st recipient | In Progress | Sequential |
After it is signed/ approved/ updated by the 1st recipient and before the 2nd recipient's signature | In Progress | Sequential |
In any case.. | In Progress | Parallel |
After receiving it from a document owner | Pending | Individual | The document will be declined and shown with the "Declined" status to the document owner and the recipient. |
After receiving it from a document owner | Pending | Sequential | The document will be declined, and workflow will either stop at that point or continue to the next signer, based on the workflow configuration (i.e. the "continue workflow on decline" option is enabled or not):
After receiving it from a document owner | Pending | Parallel | The document will be declined, and workflow will either stop at that point or continue to the other recipients, based on the workflow configuration (i.e. the "continue workflow on decline" option is enabled or not):
SigningHub enables a document owner to move his Completed and Declined documents to the archive folder. The 'Archive' folder appears if the 'DATA-ARCHIVING' module is enabled in the license and the 'Archiving' feature is enabled in the service plan. However, you can freely move your files from one folder to another, and can also move them back to their previous folder. Once a document has been moved to the archive, the storage consumption will reflect the deduction of the document size.
The user is allowed to perform the following actions on an archived document:
Download the document
Delete the document
Comment on the document
Print the document
View the workflow details of the document
View the workflow history of the document
View the workflow timeline of the document
View the workflow evidence report of the document
The "Archive" folder displays all the documents which have been archived. The "Archive" folder is a system folder and hence cannot be deleted.
Click the 'Documents' option in the navigation panel.
Click on the 'Folders' button.
Your folders will be shown in a dialogue box. Click on the 'Archive' folder to view the documents that it contains.
Click the 'Documents' option in the navigation panel.
Select the documents that you wish to archive.
Click the 'Move to folder' option in the information panel.
Select the 'Archive' folder and click on the 'Submit' button.
A document owner can only move his Completed and Declined documents to the Archive folder.
You cannot delete the "Archive" folder.
The user will not be able to perform any action on the archived documents if, the "Archiving" feature is removed from the service plan or the "Data Archiving" is disabled from the Data Settings.
The archived documents will be archived at the provided directory path in the Data Settings. The archived documents will be available within the "Documents" folder in the directory path. Each archived document package will have an individual folder named as per the document package ID.
SigningHub always emphasizes the need for paperless document transactions and encourages organisations to develop the "think before you ink" culture. However, if you still want to have a hard copy of your document, you can print it from your SigningHub account. Apart from your documents (i.e. the documents with the Draft, In-progress and Completed statuses), the effectivity of the print option is subject to your document printing permissions as configured by the respective Document Owner. Hence, if you don't have printing permissions for a (Pending/ Signed/ Approved/ Edited/ Declined) document, you can't print it.
Click the "Documents" option in the navigation panel.
Select the document and click the "Print" button in the information panel.
A provision will appear through which you can set your preferences to print the document.