This section also lets you select a signature appearance design, which specifies the user information (i.e., Hand signature with details & company logo, hand signature with details, or hand signature only) to be displayed in a user signature. The configurations set here will be displayed as the default settings to your enterprise users belonging to this role. However, users can overrule these configurations through their personal signature settings or while signing a document.
Additionally you can configure a signature font, when using text based signatures in SigningHub Desktop Web. The signature appearance will be rendered in the same font upon signing.
Login with your enterprise admin credentials.
Click "Configuration" in left menu.
Choose "Roles" under People options in Enterprise Administration.
Search and select the desired role and click on "Edit" button in left panel.
Click "Signature Appearance Preferences".
Click "Save Changes" button.
Web Browsers: Types of Hand Signature
The following preferences will be applicable to your enterprise users (that are registered with this role), when they perform signing through Web Browsers:
Select the "Hand-Drawn Signature" option, if you want to allow your enterprise users to draw freehand signatures using their system's mouse or touchscreen.
Select the "Text-based Signature" option, if you want to allow your enterprise users to type their names using their system's keyboard. Choosing this option will display an additional preference which can be set:
Select the "Auto fill with user name and lock the text field" check box to restrict your enterprise users from typing their names in the signature fields. SigningHub will auto fill their names in the signature fields and wont allow them to edit it.
Keep the "Auto fill with user name and lock the text field" check box deselected, if you don't want to add such a restriction for your enterprise users and allow them to type their names in the signature fields.
Select the "Upload Signature Image" option, if you want to allow your enterprise users to use an image for their signature. SigningHub will allow them to upload an image of their signature from their machine.
In case of allowing multiple signature methods, the "Default" field will list all the allowed methods. Select a method from the list that will be displayed as the default signature method for web browsers to your enterprise users in their Personal Settings. They can however overrule the default signature method as required from there.
Mobile Apps: Types of Hand Signature
The following preferences will be applicable to your enterprise users (that are registered with this role), when they perform signing through Mobile Apps:
Select the "Hand-Drawn Signature" option, if you want to allow your enterprise users to draw freehand signatures using their system's mouse or touchscreen.
Select the "Text-based Signature" option, if you want to allow your enterprise users to type their names using their system's keyboard. Choosing this option will display an additional preference which can be set:
Select the "Auto fill with user name and lock the text field" check box to restrict your enterprise users from typing their names in the signature fields. SigningHub will auto fill their names in the signature fields and wont allow them to edit it.
Keep the "Auto fill with user name and lock the text field" check box deselected, if you don't want to add such a restriction for your enterprise users and allow them to type their names in the signature fields.
Select the "Upload Signature Image" option, if you want to allow your enterprise users to use an image for their signature. SigningHub will allow them to upload an image of their signature from their machine.
In case of allowing multiple signature methods, the "Default" field will list all the allowed methods. Select a method from the list that will be displayed as the default signature method for web browsers to your enterprise users in their Personal Settings. They can however overrule the default signature method as required from there.
Types of Initials
The following preferences will be applicable to your enterprise users (that are registered with this role), when they add their initials:
Select the "Hand-Drawn Initials" option, if you want to allow your enterprise users to draw freehand signatures using their system's mouse or touchscreen.
Select the "Text-based Initials" option, if you want to allow your enterprise users to type their names using their system's keyboard. Choosing this option will display an additional preference which can be set:
Select the "Auto fill with user name and lock the text field" check box to restrict your enterprise users from typing their names in the signature fields. SigningHub will auto fill their names in the signature fields and wont allow them to edit it.
Keep the "Auto fill with user name and lock the text field" check box deselected, if you don't want to add such a restriction for your enterprise users and allow them to type their names in the signature fields.
Select the "Upload an Initials Image" option, if you want to allow your enterprise users to use an image for their signature. SigningHub will allow them to upload an image of their signature from their machine.
In case of allowing multiple initial methods, the "Default" field will list all the allowed methods. Select a method from the list that will be displayed as the default signature method for web browsers to your enterprise users in their Personal Settings. They can however overrule the default signature method as required from there.
Signature Appearance Designs
The "Allowed Signature Appearance Designs" field allows the enterprise admin to configure the signature appearance designs (i.e., Hand Signatures Only, Hand Signature with Details and Logo, Hand Signature with Details, or any other custom signature design) that the users, belonging to the role being configured, are allowed to use for digital signatures. It is a mandatory field. You can either allow specified signature appearance designs or allow all the available signature appearance designs. The drop down list for this field displays the signature appearance designs as configured in the service plan.
The "Default Signature Appearance" field defines what signature appearance design will be used by default when the document owners signs a signature field. Once the enterprise admin configures the "Allowed Signature Appearance Designs" field, the system will automatically populate the "Default Signature Appearance" field.
By default, the first allowed signature appearance from the "Allowed Signature Appearance Designs" field will be selected in the "Default Signature Appearance" field. The configured levels of assurance from the "Allowed Signature Appearance Designs" field will be listed in the "Default Signature Appearance" drop down list for the enterprise admin to manually configure it.
For a new enterprise user under a specific role, the system will pick the configured default signature appearance from this field and set it as the default signature appearance for the user in Personal Settings.
If "Allow users to manage signature logo" is enabled, the signature logo from user's personal signature appearance will appear on signature appearance. Signature Logo set under Enterprise Branding will appear if this configuration disabled for the user.
If "Allow users to use the signature appearance for Simple Electronic Signatures" is enabled, the users under this role, will be able to use signature appearance(s) for performing Simple Electronic Signatures (SES). By default this checkbox will be unchecked. If this checkbox is unchecked, the "Signature Appearance Design", "Reason", "Location", and "Contact Information" fields will not appear in the "SIGN" dialog, when performing signatures. The signatures will appear like an annotation.
Hand signature font
Specify the font to create signature text, when using text based signatures in SigningHub Desktop Web. The font preview will be available along with the font name.
By default "Phontphreaks" will be selected for new enterprises or roles. For individual and enterprise users "Phontphreaks" will be set as the default.
Signature Pad can be used to perform hand signatures and in-person hand signatures, only on Desktop Web.
Signature Pad can be used to perform initials only on Desktop Web.
If you clear all the signature appearance designs from the "Allowed Signature Appearance Designs" field, the "Default Signature Appearance" field will also clear up automatically.
If you want to configure a fixed signature appearance design for your enterprise users, belonging to this role, only select one signature appearance design in the "Allowed Signature Appearance Designs" field.
For a new enterprise user, by default, all the signature appearance designs allowed in the user's service plan will be selected in the "Allowed Signature Appearance Designs" field.
For a new enterprise user, by default, the first signature appearance design which was allowed in the user's service plan will appear in the "Default Signature Appearance" field.
For an existing user, if they had previously selected the "All" option to allow all the signature appearance designs, all the signature appearance designs as configured in the user's service plan will now be selected in the "Allowed Signature Appearance Designs" field, by default.
For an existing user, if they had previously selected the "Only" option to allow only one signature appearance design, the same signature appearance design will now be selected in the "Allowed Signature Appearance Designs" field, by default.