SigningHub supports accounts multi-tenancy that enables an organisation to define custom signing policies for their external users (i.e. clients, partners, contractors, etc.). The external users are those document recipients who are not a part of your enterprise, they may be a part of other enterprise or individual or guest users, and you require them to sign your enterprise documents within a tightly integrated app environment. In other words, if an Enterprise A requires their documents to be signed by the users of Enterprise B or guest users within an integrated app environment (i.e. Salesforce, SharePoint, MS Dynamics CRM, etc.), then they can assign a default or specific user role to these (external) users, to implement their (Enterprise A) signing policy on such users. With a default user role assigned, all the external users can use a centralized signing policy as laid out in the "Signature Settings" and "Signature Appearance" tabs of the default role. However, in addition to a default role assignment, SigningHub also lets you assign custom user roles to external users on individual basis as required. In this way, when such external users attempt to sign your enterprise documents, SigningHub will supersede the signing policy (defined in the default role or in their enterprise role or their personal) with the ones defined in the user roles you have assigned to them. This is useful when an organization needs to enforce a customized signature policy for certain external users. For more details, visit Ascertia's Partner Portal for Configuration Guide.
Login with your enterprise admin credentials.
Click "Configuration" in left menu and click on "Integrations" in Settings options in Enterprise Configurations.
Select the desired instance and click "Edit" in the right panel.
Expand "External Users" and click "Add an external user" button from the table. Provide user information in the right panel.
Again, click "Add an external user" button in right panel.
Field to specify email id of an external user to whom you want to assign a custom user role within this integrated app.
Select an appropriate role for this external user. When the specified external user will attempt to sign your enterprise documents through this integrated app, SigningHub will supersede the signing policy of the default role with the one defined in this user role.
The user roles can be managed from Enterprise Configurations > People > Roles.
Login with your enterprise admin credentials.
Click "Configuration" in left menu and click on "Integrations" in Settings options in Enterprise Configurations.
Select the desired instance and click "Edit" in the right panel.
Expand "External Users".
Select the desired user and click "Edit" button in the right panel.
Edit the desired information, in the right panel and click "Update an external user".
Login with your enterprise admin credentials.
Click "Configuration" in left menu and click on "Integrations" in Settings options in Enterprise Configurations.
Select the desired instance and click "Edit" in the right panel.
Expand "External Users".
Select the desired user and click "Remove" button in the right panel.
Click "Delete" from the confirmation dialogue.
The external users are those document recipients who are not a part of your enterprise, they may be a part of other enterprise or individual or guest users, and you require them to sign your enterprise documents within a tightly integrated app environment.
The availability of "Integrations" feature is subject to your subscribed service plan. If you cannot find this option in your account, upgrade your service plan.