It is essential to familiarize yourself with the frequently used terminologies of SigningHub before diving into its features. Understanding these key concepts will help you better align your business processes with the system, ensuring a smoother and more intuitive experience. By going through this section, you'll gain insights into the foundational terms, roles, and structures that govern how SigningHub operates. Whether it's defining system users, clarifying subscription models, or understanding the status of documents, this section is a critical resource for getting started.
Take a moment to explore the Key Terminologies & concepts before moving on to other sections of SigningHub. This will enhance your ability to navigate the platform and use its features more effectively, ensuring you maximize the benefits SigningHub offers for your business needs.
SigningHub offers "Individual" and "Enterprise" level subscriptions for document approval workflows, advanced digital signatures and document status tracking.
Here is the table that covers the high-level details of both these subscriptions.
A SigningHub subscription acquired for an individual entity is called an individual account. Individual registrations are useful for freelancers, consultants, or anyone who has an individual identity and requires digital signatures for their business operations.
Provision to opt for a choice service plan and pay accordingly.
Provision to manage user (personal) profile.
Provision to create workflow templates and link these to particular document types, to automate the document preparation stage instead of manually preparing the document each time.
Provision to create user groups that allow any member of the group to sign a document on behalf of all group members.
Provision to create different notification email subjects/ content and configure when such emails should be sent.
Provision to configure user signing methods, e.g. server-side signing, local signing or mobile signing, as well as signature appearance and e-signature drawing options.
Provision to manage the online library of documents and forms.
Provision to define particular signing reasons for your signature appearance.
Provision to configure one or more legal notices in the signature workflow.
Provision to manage trusted certificate filters when using local signing (i.e. to control which type of user certificates are acceptable for digital signature creation).
A SigningHub subscription acquired for any group of people (team) or organization is called an enterprise account. Enterprise registrations are useful for small and medium-sized business organizations, which require digital signatures for their approval processes. Large enterprises can also benefit equally from Enterprise registrations. However, the on-premises deployment of SigningHub is recommended for large organizations to cut down the overall cost.
Provision to manage the enterprise profile, and branding and perform centralised billing.
Provision to opt for a choice service plan and pay accordingly or build your custom plan.
Provision to create workflow templates and link these to particular document types. Enterprise users can simply select these workflow templates to automate the document preparation stage instead of manually preparing the document each time.
Provision to create user groups and publish these to the user community. User groups allow any member of the group to sign a document on behalf of all group members.
Provision to create different notification email subjects/ content and configure when such emails should be sent.
Provision to configure user signing methods, e.g. server-side signing, local signing or mobile signing, as well as signature appearance and e-signature drawing options.
Provision to manage the central online library of documents and forms for enterprise users.
Provision to define and enforce the use of particular signing reasons by end-users when signing.
Provision to configure one or more legal notices and publish them for enterprise users to use in their signature workflows.
Provision to manage trusted certificate filters when using local signing (i.e. to control which type of user certificates are acceptable for digital signature creation).
Provision to invite users to join the enterprise and manage their roles/ rights & default settings. The enrolment and removal of user accounts from the SigningHub system can also be automated through API integration.
Provision to manage configurations related to business application integration on behalf of the enterprise.
Provision to manage enterprise storage space optimisation.
Provision to manage the enterprise password policy.
Provision to customize SigningHub web interface through Admin console.
The 'Service plans' page tells you about service plans and what comprises a service plan. This will help users choose a plan that matches diverse user needs and organizational requirements. By choosing the right plan, users and enterprises can access the functionalities they need, whether they require a basic level of service or advanced capabilities for larger teams. The allowed set of resources that can be consumed by the end users inside their SigningHub account is called a service plan.
Account type (i.e. Individual or Enterprise)
Number of allowed digital signatures
Number of allowed templates
Number of allowed enterprise users
Number of allowed workflows
Allowed signing features (i.e. Attachments, Form Filling, Bulk signing, Initials & In-persons, Remote Signing. etc.)
Allowed document uploading size
Allowed document storage limit
Allowed authentication types
Type of signature to be produced (i.e. local or server-side)
Whether OTP is enabled or not
API integration
Connector apps
Billing details (in case of a paid service plan)
A free service plan is offered with the following resources:
Allowed digital signatures: 5. (After consuming 5 free signatures, you need to buy a paid service plan to continue signing provision)
Allowed documents: unlimited
Allowed Enterprise users: 3
Allowed signing features: Attachments, Form filling, Bulk signing, Initials & In-person, and Document history
Allowed document upload size: 1MB
Allowed templates: 3
Allowed storage: 50MB
SigningHub offers both free and paid service plans to the customers, see .
SigningHub allows document sharing in the form of a document package. A package may contain multiple files. In this way, they are collectively shared as a bundle, by consuming a single workflow from your available quota.
A document package can have the following statuses in a workflow:
A document package that has been uploaded and is being prepared by the is called a 'Draft' document. The draft document is editable for the document owner, who can add recipients (signers, reviewers, editors) to it, and can make certain workflow configurations. The 'Draft' document is shown to the respective document owner only. A document package remains in the 'Draft' status until it is sent for collaboration.
In progress
A when sending their document package for signing/ reviewing/ updating, sees the shared document as 'In Progress' in their documents list. An in-progress document is shown to the respective document owner only, in un-editable form. However, the document owner can still recall it and can change its recipients and their permissions. A document package remains in the 'In Progress' status until it is signed/ reviewed/ updated by all the recipients.
A when receiving a document package for signing/ reviewing/ updating, sees the received document as 'Pending' in their documents list. A pending document is shown to the respective recipient only, with the configured (security) settings. When allowed in the document permissions (by the document owner), the recipient can replace himself with another recipient. A document package remains in the 'Pending' status until it is signed/ reviewed/ updated by the respective recipient.
A document package that has been sent to a recipient (signer), and has been signed by the signer is called a 'Signed' document. Or
A document package that has been sent to a recipient (meeting host), and received all the in-person signatures from the in-person signers by the meeting host is called a 'Signed' document. The signed document is shown to the respective signer/ meeting host only.
A document package that has been sent to a recipient (reviewer), and has been reviewed by the reviewer is called an 'Approved' document. The approved document is shown to the respective reviewer only. This filter will automatically appear when there is any such document in your documents list.
A document package that has been sent to a recipient (editor), and has been submitted by the editor with a filled form and/ or initials, is called an 'Updated' document. The updated document is shown to the respective editor only. This filter will automatically appear when there is any such document in your documents list.
A document package that has been signed/ reviewed/ updated by all the in the workflow, is called a 'Completed' document. The completed document is shown to the respective document owner only.
A document package that has been sent to a for signing/ reviewing/ updating, and has been declined by the recipient is called a 'Declined' document. The declined document is shown to the respective recipient and document owner only.
Expiring in 7 Days
A pending document package whose viewing access is about to expire in 7 days for the logged-in user.
The 'System users' page provides an overview of the different user roles within the system, each with unique responsibilities and permissions. Understanding these roles is essential for managing access levels, responsibilities, and interactions within an enterprise account.
From Individual Users, who independently manage their digital signing needs, to Enterprise Users operating under the guidance of administrators, each role is tailored to meet specific organizational requirements. Enterprise Owners and Enterprise Admins have elevated privileges, enabling them to control account configurations, user management, and enterprise-level settings. The descriptions below clarify each role, helping you to determine the appropriate access and permissions for each user type in your system.
Individual User
A user who subscribes to an Individual account is called an Individual user.
Enterprise Owner
The contact person (admin) of an enterprise account is called an enterprise owner. An enterprise owner can be changed within an enterprise account.
Enterprise Admin
The admin user of an enterprise account is called an enterprise admin. An enterprise admin can manage their enterprise service plan, users, groups, roles and access, signature configurations, 3rd party integrations, legal notices, signing reasons, etc. In short, an enterprise admin is responsible for the complete administration of an enterprise account. There can be multiple enterprise admins within an enterprise.
Enterprise User
A child user or end user of an enterprise account is called an enterprise user. An enterprise user can have restricted access to SigningHub, and will have to abide by the rules, as configured by the enterprise admin.
The 'System terminologies' page comprises of a comprehensive list of essential terms and definitions related to system functions, components, and processes. Understanding these terminologies will help you navigate SigningHub more effectively and provide insight into the key concepts that form its core. Each term is defined to give you a clearer understanding of its role and importance within the system, ensuring you have the foundational knowledge needed to interact with and manage the system's features confidently.
SigningHub Cloud
SigningHub Enterprise (on-premises)
Guest User
A user who does not own a SigningHub account (i.e. not registered in SigningHub) is called a guest user. They can still be added to a workflow for e-signature. However, for a digital signature, a guest user will have to register themself.
Individual Account
A SigningHub subscription acquired for an individual entity is called an individual account. Individual subscriptions have limited features as compared to enterprise subscriptions.
Enterprise Account
A SigningHub subscription acquired for any group of people (team) or organization is called an enterprise account. An enterprise account features an enriched subscription and is comprised of an enterprise owner, enterprise admin(s) and enterprise user(s).
Certified Signature
Signatures that certify a PDF are called certified signatures. A certified signature attests to the contents of the document and allows the signer to specify the types of changes allowed for the document to remain certified.
Certified Document
Certify and allow no changes
Certify and allow form filling and signing
Certify and allow form filling, signing, and annotations
Unassigned Form Field
Unassigned Signature Field
A signature field in a PDF document that has not been assigned to any signer is called an unassigned signature field. During workflow configuration, such fields are assigned to signers before initiating the workflow.
Payment Type
SigningHub supports two types of payment:
The "Pay As You Go" payment type is opted when payment is to be made after consuming the allowed signature pack.
Collaboration order (the sequence in which users are required to sign/ review/ update the document)
Signing fields and their respective positions
Form fields used (if any)
Initials and In-persons used (if any)
Workflow type (sequential or parallel)
Allowed permissions (downloading, printing, password, access duration, and legal notice)
Serial - A single copy of the document is circulated among all the signers in the defined (linear sequential) order and collects all the signatures on it. Each signer can sign the document on his turn.
Parallel - A single copy of the document is circulated among all the signers in a parallel order and collects all the signatures on it. Any signer can sign the document in any order.
Individual - Each signer is sent an exclusive copy of the document to sign/ review, and multiple signed copies of the document are produced.
Custom - A custom predefined mix of serial and parallel signing.
Local-Side Signing
Mobile Signing
In Mobile signing, the signing keys (crypto keys required for digital signature creation) are held on the user's mobile device. For this, a supported mobile signing app is required to use this feature.
Server-Side Signing
In Server-Side signing, the signing keys (crypto keys required for digital signature creation) are held at the server end. These keys can be used through any modern browser of Windows, Mac OS X, iOS, Andriod or other devices/ tablets for signing at the server end. For this, an SMS OTP authentication can also be enabled, by which the authentication password will be directly sent to your mobile device at the time of signing for confirmation.
One-Time Password (OTP) Security
OTP is a security system that requires a new password every time a user authenticates themselves, thus protecting against an intruder replaying an intercepted password. If this option is enabled in the user billing plan then after clicking on the "Sign" button, an OTP will be sent to the user's mobile number that was provided at the time of registration.
Group Signing
The group signing feature enables you to send a document to a group of users (e.g. Sales, HR etc) and allows any group member to sign the document on behalf of all the group members. In such a scenario, when a group member opens the document, it (the document) becomes locked (read-only) for other group members, hence allowing only one signer (who opened it first) to sign the document.
Group Approving
The group approving feature enables you to send a document to a group of users (e.g. Sales, HR etc) and allows any group member to review/ approve the document on behalf of all the group members. In such a scenario, when a group member opens the document, it (the document) becomes locked (read-only) for other group members, hence allowing only one reviewer (who opened it first) to review the document.
Group Updating
The group updating feature enables you to send a document to a group of users (e.g. Sales, HR etc) and allows any group member to edit/ update the document on behalf of all the group members. In such a scenario, when a group member opens the document, it (the document) becomes locked (read-only) for other group members, hence allowing only one editor (who opened it first) to update the document.
Initials Fields
In-Person Fields
Workflow history
Legal Notice
Password Policy
Password policy binds the enterprise users to use the same combination of characters for their account password, as defined by the enterprise admin, i.e. password length (total number of characters), number of alphanumeric characters in the password, and number of special characters in the password.
"Send" Button
Whenever a document is shared, the system performs the following operations:
The status of a document is changed from "Draft" to "In Progress".
The workflow is initiated.
The workflow quota of respective document owner's account is consumed, and hence the available count is decreased by one.
"Recall" Option
Whenever a document is recalled, the system performs the following operations:
The status of the document is reverted to "Draft".
The workflow is terminated.
The available workflow quota of the respective account is increased by one.
Tight Integration
In the tight mode of integration, the users interact with your web application and present the document or form as an iFrame/widget within your application’s webpage. There is no website redirection and the user’s browser address bar doesn’t change. Your users can then view the document, fill in form fields and create their digital signature while staying on your site. Tight integration is suitable for ECM, CRM or ERP web applications or portals, where a user already logs in to interact in a defined way.
Loose Integration
Document Owner
Any SigningHub user who initiates a document workflow is called a document owner. In addition to performing other activities, a document owner can exclusively view the "Workflow History" and "Attachments" options in their documents.
Signer: Being a signer, the recipient needs to sign a document. As per the workflow configuration, this signature can either be electronic or digital. After signing in the assigned signature field, a signer has to click the "Finish" button to complete the document signing. Alternatively, s/he may use the "Decline" option to refuse or use the "Delegation" option to assign their role to someone else. Whenever a digital signature is made by any signer, the signature quota of the respective document owner's account will be consumed. Moreover, a signer should also fill in the assigned form fields, initials, and/ or in-persons fields (if any) before signing.
Reviewer: Being a reviewer, the recipient needs to approve a document by clicking the "Approve" button. Alternatively, s/he may use the "Decline" option to refuse it or use the "Delegation" option to assign their role to someone else. Reviewing does not involve any signing activity. Moreover, a reviewer should also fill in the assigned form fields, and/ or initials (if any) before reviewing.
Editor: Being an editor, the recipient needs to update a document by clicking the "Submit" button. Alternatively, s/he may use the "Decline" option to refuse it or use the "Delegation" option to assign their role to someone else. Editing does not involve any signing activity. An editor should also fill in the assigned form fields, and/ or initials (if any) before updating.
Meeting Host: Being a meeting host, the recipient needs to facilitate the document signing process for the configured in-person signers. A host can give his/her device control to the (in-person) signers, and get their signatures in his/her presence. After getting all the signatures, a meeting host has to click the "Close" button to complete the document hosting. Alternatively, s/he may use the "Decline" option to refuse it or use the "Delegated" option to assign their role to someone else. Hosting itself does not involve any signing activity. However, a host should also fill in the assigned form fields, and/ or other information fields before finishing.
Send a Copy: When the "Send a Copy" role is selected for a recipient, SigningHub emails the most recent copy (at that stage of workflow) of the document to the recipient as an email attachment. The document copy is auto-sent (on its turn) and does not require any human intervention.
Electronic Seal This user role only appears against an electronic seal added to the workflow. This user role is disabled and can not be updated.
A recipient that is added as a part of the approval workflow, but unknown at the time of the document preparation phase, is called a placeholder. There can be multiple placeholders in a workflow. In such cases, a document owner can define a title (i.e. Manager, Admin, etc.) for each placeholder while preparing their document workflow, which can later be updated with the actual recipient by the immediate previous recipient or by the document owner himself during workflow execution. Just like a recipient, a placeholder can be assigned any of the 5 different roles in a workflow, i.e.:
Meeting Host
Send a Copy
Shared Folder Owner
Create multiple shared folders as required
Add their choice collaborators in their shared folders, who can process their workflow documents on behalf of the shared folder owner
Move workflow documents into their shared folders to share them with the collaborators
Edit their shared spaces
Delete their shared spaces
When the document owner shares a document package having multiple signature fields assigned to the same recipient, only the last dropped signature field on the last page will be retained as a Digital Signature field and the rest of the signature fields will be converted to the lowest level of assurance that is Electronic Signature (i.e. an annotation). Learn more about it here.
SigningHub Cloud is the hosted cloud service for document approval workflows, advanced digital signatures and document status tracking. It allows "Individual" and "Enterprise" level subscriptions against the predefined .
SigningHub Enterprise (on-premises) is a license-based privately hosted cloud service for document approval workflows, advanced digital signatures and document status tracking. In addition to the public cloud features, it offers advanced product-level configurations where administrators can manage accounts, create custom , configure desired service connectors, signing methods, and billing details, integrate and embed with 3rd party business applications and tune many more system provisions through an Admin console. In short, giving you complete control over customizing the SigningHub web interface for large enterprises.
A certified document has a certified signature applied by their when the document is ready for use. The document owner specifies what changes are allowed for the , from the following permitted modifications:
A PDF form field that has not been assigned to any in a workflow, is called an unassigned form field. When the workflow is initiated with unassigned form fields, then any configured recipient (in a workflow) can fill these fields upon their turn.
"Regular" payment type is opted for when payment is to be made on a regular basis (monthly/ annually) against a continuous . In the case of a monthly payment, the payment is made automatically on the 31st day, from the subscription date, and the signature pack is reset. Similarly, in the case of an annual payment, the payment is made automatically on the 366th day from the subscription date, and the signature pack is reset accordingly. Moreover, special discounts are also offered on annual payments.
The workflow settings configured on the documents are called templates. The templates are created to reuse the same configurations on other documents as well. Based on your , a template may save the following information:
Workflow in SigningHub is a document approval process (i.e. signing, reviewing, updating) that is configured by the . It is also called document preparation. A workflow can be of three types:
In Local (client-side) signing, the signing keys (crypto keys required for digital signature creation) are held in a local keystore in smartcards or in USB-crypto tokens. For this, the Go>Sign Desktop application is required on the system along with the correct drivers of the installed devices. .
Initials fields are the short form of signature and are associated with the recipients (i.e. signers, reviewers, meeting hosts, and editors). In this case, the digital signatures are not embedded. Initial fields can be filled in by hand drawing, text filling or image uploading (the same as when signing a field), and they are added as annotations in the PDF. However, the initials feature is package-based and is available for configuration, if it is included in your .
In-person signatures are similar to the initials fields. They are associated with the signers and meeting hosts only and are usually done on behalf of someone else. In-person signatures are added as annotations in the PDF. They can also be used as witness digital signatures if they are generated by using a witness certificate which is a public signing certificate available on the server for digital signing. The recipients who are configured as in-person signers don't necessarily need to be registered users of SigningHub. However, the in-person signature feature is package-based and is available for configuration, if it is included in your .
The complete list of activities performed on a shared document with respective details, is maintained in workflow history. The "Workflow History" option is available to the respective only.
Any type of file that is added to the document as an annotation is called an attachment. The "Attachment" option is available to the respective only. Once added, the attachments are available to all the who can view and download them.
A legal notice is comprised of certain terms and conditions that must be agreed upon by the (configured) before signing/ reviewing/ updating a workflow document.
An intimation email is sent from the to the first configured contact (in case of a sequential workflow) or to all the configured contacts (in case of a parallel or individual workflow), requesting them to respond to the shared document accordingly. The recipient can then follow the document link from their email to sign/ review/ update the document.
An intimation email will be sent from the to the immediate next configured recipient (in case of a sequential workflow) or to all the configured recipients (in case of a parallel workflow), regarding the termination of the workflow.
The loose mode of integration is where your business application initiates the sign-off workflow, but the end users actually interact with SigningHub when it is their turn to sign the document, instead of logging on to your business application. This loose mode of integration is useful in situations where external users are required to sign documents and they do not have access to your internal business application web interfaces. For more details, contact
The actual user who has been sent a document for collaboration (signing, reviewing, updating, or hosting) by the , is called a recipient. A recipient may or may not be a registered SigningHub user at the time of document sending. However, to collaborate with the document workflow, s/he will have to register with SigningHub. Based on your document approval requirements, a recipient can be assigned any of the 5 different roles, i.e.:
An enterprise user who creates a shared folder in their SigningHub account to delegate their signing authority to a group of collaborators is called a shared folder owner, of that particular folder. However to be a shared folder owner, an enterprise user must be allowed to in their enterprise role. The enterprise user may then: