SigningHub also lets the document owner, and the recipients add document comments with in the workflows. The document owner can choose to allow document comments for each workflow.
After you have:
Configured workflow type in your template:
Enable "Allow Comments" toggle.
Click "Continue".
SigningHub supports four different types of a workflow, see the following table for details:
In a serial workflow, a single copy of document is circulated among all the recipients in a defined (linear sequential) order, and collects all signatures on it. Each recipient has to wait for their turn to process the document. Tick the "Continue workflow on decline" option, if you want the serial workflow to continue even when any recipient declines/ deletes the document.
In a parallel workflow, a single copy of document is circulated among all the recipients at the same time (i.e. in a parallel order), and collects all signatures on it. The recipients can process the document in any order. Tick the "Continue workflow on decline" option, if you want the parallel workflow to continue even when any recipient declines/ deletes the document.
In an individual workflow, an exclusive copy of document is sent to each recipient for processing. In this case multiple signed copies of the document are produced.
In a custom workflow, a single copy of document is circulated among all the recipients in a choice order, and collects all the signatures on it. You can set a combination of serial and parallel signing orders in a custom workflow. The recipients will have to process the document accordingly. Tick the "Continue workflow on decline" option, if you want the custom workflow to continue even when any recipient declines/ deletes the document. See the details of custom workflow below.
After you have:
Added the document, and
Added all the recipients and placeholders in your template:
Choose the required workflow type, i.e. Serial, Parallel, Individual, or Custom. By default, the "Serial" type is selected.
Enable the "Continue Workflow on Decline" toggle as required, in case of a Serial, Parallel, or Custom type. See the "Workflow Types" table for details.
Click "Continue".
As defined above, a custom workflow can be a combination of serial and parallel workflows. It is triggered on the basis of specified signing order(s), see the red highlighted area in the below image. You can only provide a positive integer, which may or may not be in incremental order, e.g. 1, 2, 2, 3, 4, 4, 5 or 1, 2, 3, 3, 3 etc. The same numbers imply that signing order is parallel, while incremental numbers imply that signing order is serial.
In the above mentioned example:
Firstly, Henry and Peter Kavin E-Seal will be processed in parallel order, as both these recipients are available at the signing order 1.
The document will not be shared with the next recipient until both actions are completed.
After that this document will be shared in serial order with logged in user, as it is available at the signing order 2.
The workflow will be marked as Completed when logged in user completes its action.
When changing from "Serial", "Parallel" or "Custom" to "Individual" workflow type:
All the recipients and their special privileges will be retained
Recipient Role e.g Signer, Reviewer etc of the first recipient will be followed
All the assigned data fields related to recipients will be deleted
When changing from "Individual" to any other workflow type:
All the recipients' roles e.g Signer, Reviewer etc will be retained
All the recipients' special privileges will be retained
Data fields related to recipients will be assigned to the first recipient.
After configuring the workflow type, proceed to the Configure special privileges phase.