SigningHub facilitates you to directly register any user into your enterprise without even following the default registration and activation steps. Once registered, you can enable/ disable the system access of your enterprise users as required. You can search the registered useers on the basis of their name/ email, and can also sort them in ascending or descending order as required.
Activated & Enabled
This status implies that a user's account is activated and their access is enabled in SigningHub. These users can log into their SigningHub accounts and use the system.
Activated & Disabled
This status implies that a user has been directly registered by enterprise admin with enabled access in SigningHub (by using the "Send Activation Email" option), however the user has not activated their account as yet. These users need to activate their accounts by following the activation email to start using SigningHub.
Login with your enterprise admin credentials.
Click on "Configuration" in left menu and click "Users" under People options in Enterprise Administration section. Users Screen will appear.
Click "Add a user" button.
Specify Name, Common Name, Email, Role, Mobile Number, Job TItle, Company Name, Language, Country, Remote Authorisation Signing ID, Cloud Signature Consortium (CSC) User ID, CSP Signing ID, Send Email, and the National ID of the enterprise user in the provided fields. Only the Name, Email and Common Name fields are the mandatory ones. The default role is automatically selected for the new registration, change it as required. Common Name is used for the certificate name that is issued against each registered user. The issued certificate identifies the user and their enterprise.
From the "Send Email" field, choose when to send the notification email to the newly added user:
None: select this option when you want the user to be auto activated without receiving any email. This option is recommended when the user needs to use an external IDP (i.e. Active Directory, Salesforce, Linked-in, etc) for system authentication.
Send Registration Email: select this option when you want the user to be auto activated without receiving the activation email. Only the registration email will be sent (to the user) that contains the information like Enterprise Admin name who has registered the user, and the Enterprise name in which the user has been registered. This option is recommended when the user needs to use an external IDP (i.e. Active Directory, Salesforce, Linked-in, etc) for system authentication.
Send Activation Email: select this option when you want the user to receive the activation email and activate their account through it. This option is recommended when the user needs to use the SigningHub ID for system authentication.
National ID refers to a RUT/ RUN/ eID or any unique identifier of a user to identify them in SigningHub. This is an optional field and is used in addition to the user email ID. When specified, this identification will be available on the following areas:
The "General" section of User Profile
The "Registered Enterprise Users" screen
The Workflow screens related to recipient, i.e. Add Recipient, Update Recipient, Replace Recipient, etc.
The Template screens related to recipient adding and updating
The document viewer
The "Delegate Signing" screen
The "Advance Search" dialog of Enterprise Users
The activated users can also log into SigningHub with their non-SigningHub Ids, if it is allowed in their subscribed service plan.
The user name and their certificate name can be the same or different as required.
When the newly registered user tries to log into SigningHub by using the SigningHub ID, they will be sent an activation email to activate their account.
This status implies that a user's account is activated but their access has been suspended in SigningHub. These users cannot log into their SigningHub accounts till their again by you (i.e. Enterprise Admin).