Upon selecting a document from your documents list, several document actions are displayed tailored to the document's current status. These actions allow you to perform operations, manage, and interact with the document. Below is a list of the available document actions:
Certain document operations can be performed even without opening a document. For this you need to simply select the document from the document listing and perform your required operation (i.e. preview, download, delete, rename, print, recall, etc.). There are multiple ways to select or open a document, i.e.:
Opening a document
Click on the name of the document.
Select a document and click the "View document" in the information panel.
Selecting a document
Click anywhere on the document row.
Check the checkbox next to the name of the document.
Selecting multiple documents
Check the checkboxes next to the names of the documents that you want to select.
Selecting all documents
Check the checkbox in the table header.
Check the checkboxes next to the names of all the documents.
Selection-based document options are operations that can be performed on a single document or multiple documents collectively:
Based on the status of a selected document, the following operations are available for a single document:
Package details
Send reminder
Replicate workflow
Start a new signing process
Workflow details
Evidence Report
Move to folder
Based on the statuses of the selected documents, the following operations can be performed on multiple documents:
Send reminder
Bulk sign
Bulk share
Move to folder
Actions which can not be performed on multiple documents will hence be hidden from the information panel.
Based on its current status, each document in the document listing is shown with a particular button in the information panel. This button can additionally be used to open the document for the required operation, i.e. signing, reviewing, editing, or preparation.
Approved Signed Edited Declined Completed In-Progress Draft
View document
When you select multiple documents and click the "Download" option, all the selected documents will be downloaded in a ZIP file. However, the documents that have been restricted from downloading because of their set permissions, will not be part of the Zip file.
SigningHub enables a document owner to move his Completed and Declined documents to the archive folder. The 'Archive' folder appears if the 'DATA-ARCHIVING' module is enabled in the license and the 'Archiving' feature is enabled in the service plan. However, you can freely move your files from one folder to another, and can also move them back to their previous folder. Once a document has been moved to the archive, the storage consumption will reflect the deduction of the document size.
The user is allowed to perform the following actions on an archived document:
Download the document
Delete the document
Comment on the document
Print the document
View the workflow details of the document
View the workflow history of the document
View the workflow timeline of the document
View the workflow evidence report of the document
The "Archive" folder displays all the documents which have been archived. The "Archive" folder is a system folder and hence cannot be deleted.
Click the 'Documents' option in the navigation panel.
Click on the 'Folders' button.
Your folders will be shown in a dialogue box. Click on the 'Archive' folder to view the documents that it contains.
Click the 'Documents' option in the navigation panel.
Select the documents that you wish to archive.
Click the 'Move to folder' option in the information panel.
Select the 'Archive' folder and click on the 'Submit' button.
A document owner can only move his Completed and Declined documents to the Archive folder.
You cannot delete the "Archive" folder.
The user will not be able to perform any action on the archived documents if, the "Archiving" feature is removed from the service plan or the "Data Archiving" is disabled from the Data Settings.
The archived documents will be archived at the provided directory path in the Data Settings. The archived documents will be available within the "Documents" folder in the directory path. Each archived document package will have an individual folder named as per the document package ID.
The document listing screen appears when the user clicks on the 'Documents' option from the navigation panel. The 'Documents' screen lists all the documents available to the user. When you click on a document, the information and related actions appear in the information panel.
Search bar: The search bar allows you to search documents. You can also use advanced search by applying filtration criteria.
Folders: The folders button allows you to manage the default folder, custom folders, archived folder, and shared folders.
Sign a new document: Click the "Sign a New Document" button to start a new workflow.
Status Filter: The "Status Filter" bar shows the count of documents falling into different categories based on their statuses.
Action Required
Shows the aggregate count of "Pending" and "Declined" documents.
Awaiting Others
Shows the aggregate count of "In-progress" documents.
Shows the aggregate count of "Completed" documents.
Shows the aggregate count of "Approved", "Draft", "Signed", and "Updated" documents.
Expiring in 7 Days
Shows the aggregate count of pending document packages whose viewing access is about to expire in 7 days for the logged-in user.
Document listing: Lists all the documents available to the user. The "Owner" filter has the option to list these documents based on whether the document owner is "You", "Others", or "All".
A record in the document listing is called a 'Document Package'. A document package may contain a single or multiple documents to be signed.
Document: The name of the document package. Clicking on a document package displays various details and actions associated with the document package, in the information panel. If there is a red notification dot next to the package name, it represents that either:
The document package is either newly sent to you for collaboration, or
There is any change (i.e. signed/ updated/ reviewed/ annotated/ form filled by other recipient/ owner themselves) in the document package after you have collaborated in the workflow.
Status: The status of the document package, i.e. draft, in-progress, pending, signed, declined, approved, updated, completed, or expiring in 7 days.
Owner: The owner of the document package.
Last Updated: The date on which the document package was last modified, i.e. created, shared, form filled, signed, declined, etc.
Pagination footer: To help navigate between document packages.
By default, your latest document packages are displayed at the top of the list. You can sort them on the basis of their title, status, owner, and last-updated. To sort your documents list click the parameter once to sort the list in ascending order, and click the same parameter again to sort the list in descending order.
By default, all your document packages are listed in the "Inbox" folder. You can choose to filter them on the basis of their statuses and folders.
Click on the 'Folder' button, select a folder, and then filter based on status from the "Status Filter" options to view the respective list of documents.
By default, all your document(s) packages are listed in the "Inbox" folder. However, you can create custom folders to organize them as required and move your document into a custom folder.
Shared folders work on the principle of delegating your document processing authority to a group of collaborators. A shared folder owner may create a shared folder and workflow documents in it so that these documents can be processed by any of the nominated collaborators on behalf of the shared folder owner in their absence.
By default, up to 10 document packages are displayed in the main table. However, if you want to access the documents that exist toward the back of the table, just click the 'Next' button in the pagination footer, this will take you to the next page. Alternatively, you can also move to a specific page by clicking the '1 of X pages' option, in the pagination footer.
A shared folder is a special kind of folder through which you can delegate your document processing authority to a group of users. After creating a shared folder, specify the users with whom you want to share your authority and move your documents (which you own, i.e. Draft, In Progress, Declined and Completed) to the shared folder. The specified users may then fully collaborate in all the shared folder documents on behalf of the 'Shared folder owner' and are therefore termed as the 'Collaborators' of a shared folder.
A collaborator can be:
An enterprise user of the same enterprise to which the shared folder owner belongs
An enterprise user of another enterprise
An individual user
A guest user
A shared folder fosters a collaborative team environment where members can access the same set of privileges and manage team documents together.
The ability to manage shared folders—such as creating, editing, or deleting them—depends on your assigned enterprise user role. If you wish to utilize this feature, please ask your Enterprise Admin to enable it in your Role>Document Preferences. However, for collaborators, this specific role provision is not necessary. Collaborators can effectively work within a shared folder but cannot create their own shared folders.
They can create multiple shared folders as required.
They can add the collaborators of their choice to their shared folders, who can process their workflow documents on behalf of the shared folder owner.
They can move their documents (Draft, In-progress, Declined and Completed) to their shared folders to share them with collaborators.
They can edit their shared folders.
They can delete their shared folders.
They can see the actual document activity logs as performed by the collaborators.
They can process the shared folder documents on behalf of the shared folder owner, i.e.:
Add their Draft documents to a shared folder
Share the Draft documents
Send reminders to the next recipients
Sign the documents
Review the documents
Update the documents
Decline the documents
Add initials
Add in-person signatures
Fill in the form fields
Accept the legal notices
Update the level of assurance of a "Signature" field or an "In-Person Signature" field, while the status of the document is, "In-Progress" and "Pending".
In short, they can perform all those workflow-related activities that can be performed by the actual document owner.
In the document logs, the recipients will see that these activities are performed by the document owner (shared folder owner), while they were actually performed by the collaborators.
You can view the shared folders available to you (The shared folders in which you have been added as a collaborator, and the shared folders you created). The shared folders can be identified based on their icons:
This icon implies that you are the shared folder owner, and can edit and delete this folder. You can also process the documents inside this shared folder as required.
This icon implies that you are a collaborator of this shared folder. You can only process the documents inside this shared folder, but cannot edit or delete this folder.
Click the 'Documents' option in the navigation panel.
Click on the 'Folders' button.
Your shared folders will be listed in the dialogue box, under the 'Shared Folders' section.
Click the 'Documents' option in the navigation panel.
Click on the 'Folders' button.
Your folders will be shown in a dialogue box. Click the 'Add a folder' button.
Specify the folder name, and turn on the 'Shared folder' toggle.
Click the 'Add a user' button to add collaborators, and click 'Submit'. A new shared folder will be created and shown under the 'Shared Folders' section. All the specified collaborators will be notified through email by SigningHub.
Click the 'Documents' option in the navigation panel.
Click on the 'Folders' button.
Your folders will be shown in a dialogue box. Click the 'Manage folders' button.
Click on the 'Edit' button adjacent to the desired shared folder.
You can change the name of the shared folder, and manage the collaborators.
Click the 'Save changes' button.
Click the 'Documents' option in the navigation panel.
Click on the 'Folders' button.
Your folders will be shown in a dialogue box. Click the 'Manage folders' button.
Click the delete icon, next to the name of the shared folder, and click the 'Delete' button.
A user may only move those documents to a shared folder which they own, i.e. the documents with the following statuses:
In Progress
Declined and