SigningHub enables you to manage (Add, Edit, and Delete) enterprise groups for the group signing, group approving, and/ or group updating purposes. These enterprise groups are available to all the enterprise users within your enterprise, when they need to add recipients in a template and/or in a document workflow.
Login with your enterprise admin credentials.
Click "Configurations" in left menu and select "Groups" under People options in Enterprise Configurations section.
Click "Add group" button on groups screen.
Provide "name" and "description" and click "Add member" button.
Enter name or email in the dialogue and after selecting the required contact, click "Add member".
Click "Save new group" button.
Login with your enterprise admin credentials.
Click "Configurations" in left menu and select "Groups" under People options in Enterprise Configurations section.
Select the desired group and click "Edit" button in right panel.
Change the desired information and/or Add or remove member.
Click "Save changes" button.
Login with your enterprise admin credentials.
Click "Configurations" in left menu and select "Groups" under People options in Enterprise Configurations section.
Select the desired group and click "Delete" button in right panel.
Click "Delete" on confirm dialogue.
SigningHub records high-level activities for each Enterprise Settings change along with the particular date and time stamps. The detailed insight is useful to provide an effective audit trail for monitoring any setting change in an Enterprise account. These logs will be available to those enterprise users/ administrators for which the "Enterprise Logs" option is enabled in their role.
In this regard, the following activities are logged:
When you update enterprise profile
When you change a user role
When you delete a user
When you invite a user
When you import a CSV file to invite users
When you resend an invitation to a user
When you delete an invitation
When you register a single user
When you register bulk users
When you update Active Directory user settings
When you add a new role
When you update an existing role
When you delete an existing role
When you clone an existing role
When you add an enterprise contact
When you update an enterprise contact
When you delete an enterprise contact
When you import a CSV file to add enterprise contacts
When you add a new enterprise group
When you update an existing enterprise group
When you delete an existing enterprise group
When you add an enterprise template
When you update an enterprise template
When you delete an enterprise template
When you clone an enterprise template
When you upload/ add a document in enterprise library
When you update a document from enterprise library
When you delete a document from enterprise library
When you add an electronic seal
When you update an electronic seal
When you delete an electronic seal
When you disable two factor authentication (2FA)
When you regenerate two factor authentication (2FA) Recovery Codes
When you update a notification email
When you update a notification email content
When you reset a notification email to default
When you update application integration settings
When you update report settings
When you update document settings
When you add an enterprise legal notice
When you update an enterprise legal notice
When you delete an enterprise legal notice
When you add a certificate filter
When you update a certificate filter
When you delete a certificate filter
When you enable your enterprise user
When you disable your enterprise user
When you update the enterprise default settings
When you update enterprise branding
When you update webhooks
Login with your enterprise admin credentials.
Click "Configurations" in left menu and click "Logs" under About options in Enterprise Configurations section.
Click "Next" to view your older activity logs. The system will keep fetching the records accordingly. You can also view the associated information of each activity by clicking the respective "Activity".
You can search the enterprise logs on the basis of the relevant "User Name" or "User Email ID" from the top right "Filter".
In case the enterprise logs are in bulk and its hard for you to reach out the exact instance, you can use the "Advanced Search" option. This will enable you to input multiple parameters to retrieve the exact record.
Click "Advanced search" button on top right of the grid.
Specify the available information in the respective fields in the dialogue and click the "Advanced search" button. The system will retrieve the enterprise logs by incorporating all the input parameters in the search.
SigningHub enables you to manage (Add, Edit, and Delete) a list of enterprise contacts to help make sending documents even easier. These enterprise contacts are available to all the enterprise users within your enterprise, when they need to add recipients in a template and/or in a document workflow. Also, when a new enterprise user's account is activated, s/he is automatically added in the enterprise contacts by SigningHub.
Login with your enterprise admin credentials.
Click "Configurations" in left menu and select "Contacts" under People options in Enterprise Configurations section.
Click "Add a contact" button on Contacts screen.
Fill the required information in the "Add a contact" dialogue and submit.
Login with your enterprise admin credentials.
Click "Configurations" in left menu and select "Contacts" under People options in Enterprise Configurations section.
Select the desired contact and click "Edit" button in right panel.
Fill in the desired information in the "Edit Contact" dialogue and submit.
Login with your enterprise admin credentials.
Click "Configurations" in left menu and select "Contacts" under People options in Enterprise Configurations section.
Select the desired contact and click "Delete" button in right panel.
Click "Delete" in confirm dialogue.
The mobile number field against a contact is an optional field.
SigningHub allows you to import contacts in bulk using a CSV file. The file must have the valid email addresses of each contact. This is a smart way for individuals and enterprise users to add multiple contacts into SigningHub through a single click. SigningHub supports:
The "Primary Email", "E-mail Address", and "Email Address", to read the email address from the CSV file.
The "Mobile Number" header to read the mobile number of the contacts.
Login with your enterprise admin credentials.
Click "Configurations" in left menu and select "Contacts" under People options in Enterprise Configurations section.
Click "Bulk contacts" button.
Drop or upload csv file to "Bulk contacts" dialogue and submit.
All the contacts (with valid email addresses) that do not previously exist in your SigningHub account, will be added from the CSV file.
There are multiple ways to get a CSV file. You can create a CSV file using any word processing, database, spreadsheet or text edit applications. When creating a CSV file, the first row must be the header row that shows the field names for the file. Each subsequent row can then represent a unique user email id along with the user's names (i.e. first name and last name).
A CSV file should contain the following information:
"Email Address" to input user's email id. It is a mandatory column header.
"Last Name" to input user's last name. It is an optional column header.
"First Name" to input user's first name. It is an optional column header.
"Mobile Number" to input user's mobile number. It is an optional column header.
You can also export your contacts (in a CSV file) directly from Outlook, Thunderbird, or any other email service provider. Since SigningHub is mainly concerned with the email column header of a CSV file, therefore three types of headers are supported, i.e. Primary Email, E-mail Address, and Email Address.
You can edit any content inside a CSV file as required.
In case the contact names are specified in a CSV file (i.e. First Name and/ or Last Name), they will be populated accordingly in the name fields of a contact.
In case a contact name is not specified in any name field, then the contact username (portion of email address before the "@" symbol) will be shown as contact name.
The rest of the column headers inside a CSV file are not related to SigningHub, so they will be ignored when you import the file.
The CSV file being used to import contacts in bulk must have the valid email addresses of the contacts. SigningHub supports three different types of email headers for use in a CSV file, i.e. Primary Email, E-mail Address, and Email Address. You can export your contacts (to a CSV file) from Outlook, Thunderbird, or any other email service provider that supports these email headers.
To populate the contact's name field, SigningHub looks for the name fields within the CSV file, i.e. First Name and Last Name, and combines them. If the contact name is not specified, then the contact username (portion of email address before the "@" symbol) will be shown as contact name.
To populate the mobile number field, the "Mobile Number" header is supported with in the CSV file, for reading the mobile number of the contacts.
To configure your enterprise profile:
Login with your enterprise admin credentials.
Click "Configuration" and click on "Enterprise Information" under About options in Enterprise Administration section.
Click on "Edit" button.
Specify your information as required and click "Save changes" button.
See the below table for fields description: