SigningHub facilitates you to directly register any user into your enterprise without even following the default registration and activation steps. Once registered, you can enable/ disable the system access of your enterprise users as required. You can search the registered useers on the basis of their name/ email, and can also sort them in ascending or descending order as required.
Activated & Enabled
This status implies that a user's account is activated and their access is enabled in SigningHub. These users can log into their SigningHub accounts and use the system.
Activated & Disabled
This status implies that a user has been directly registered by enterprise admin with enabled access in SigningHub (by using the "Send Activation Email" option), however the user has not activated their account as yet. These users need to activate their accounts by following the activation email to start using SigningHub.
Login with your enterprise admin credentials.
Click on "Configuration" in left menu and click "Users" under People options in Enterprise Administration section. Users Screen will appear.
Click "Add a user" button.
Specify Name, Common Name, Email, Role, Mobile Number, Job TItle, Company Name, Language, Country, Remote Authorisation Signing ID, Cloud Signature Consortium (CSC) User ID, CSP Signing ID, Send Email, and the National ID of the enterprise user in the provided fields. Only the Name, Email and Common Name fields are the mandatory ones. The default role is automatically selected for the new registration, change it as required. Common Name is used for the certificate name that is issued against each registered user. The issued certificate identifies the user and their enterprise.
From the "Send Email" field, choose when to send the notification email to the newly added user:
None: select this option when you want the user to be auto activated without receiving any email. This option is recommended when the user needs to use an external IDP (i.e. Active Directory, Salesforce, Linked-in, etc) for system authentication.
Send Registration Email: select this option when you want the user to be auto activated without receiving the activation email. Only the registration email will be sent (to the user) that contains the information like Enterprise Admin name who has registered the user, and the Enterprise name in which the user has been registered. This option is recommended when the user needs to use an external IDP (i.e. Active Directory, Salesforce, Linked-in, etc) for system authentication.
Send Activation Email: select this option when you want the user to receive the activation email and activate their account through it. This option is recommended when the user needs to use the SigningHub ID for system authentication.
National ID refers to a RUT/ RUN/ eID or any unique identifier of a user to identify them in SigningHub. This is an optional field and is used in addition to the user email ID. When specified, this identification will be available on the following areas:
The "General" section of User Profile
The "Registered Enterprise Users" screen
The Workflow screens related to recipient, i.e. Add Recipient, Update Recipient, Replace Recipient, etc.
The Template screens related to recipient adding and updating
The document viewer
The "Delegate Signing" screen
The "Advance Search" dialog of Enterprise Users
The activated users can also log into SigningHub with their non-SigningHub Ids, if it is allowed in their subscribed service plan.
The user name and their certificate name can be the same or different as required.
When the newly registered user tries to log into SigningHub by using the SigningHub ID, they will be sent an activation email to activate their account.
This status implies that a user's account is activated but their access has been suspended in SigningHub. These users cannot log into their SigningHub accounts till their again by you (i.e. Enterprise Admin).
You can register your enterprise users in bulk through a CSV file. The CSV file must have the valid email addresses of the contacts. SigningHub supports three different types of email headers (i.e. Primary Email, E-mail Address, and Email Address) to pick up the email addresses from a CSV file. This is a smart way for the enterprise admins to directly register multiple users into their enterprise account through a single click, without even following the default registration and activation steps. Moreover, you can also enable/ disable the system access of your enterprise users as required.
Activated & Enabled
This status implies that a user's account is activated and their access is enabled in SigningHub. These users can log into their SigningHub accounts and use the system.
Activated & Disabled
This status implies that a user has been directly registered by enterprise admin with enabled access in SigningHub (by using the "Send Activation Email" option), however the user has not activated their account as yet. These users need to activate their accounts by following the activation email to start using SigningHub.
Login with your enterprise admin credentials.
Click on "Configuration" in left menu and click "Users" under People options in Enterprise Administration section. Users Screen will appear.
Click "Bulk register" button.
Select the role for all the users to be registered. The default role is automatically selected for the new registrations, change it as required.
From the "Send Email" field, choose when to send the notification email to the newly added user:
From the "Send Email" field, choose when to send the notification email to the newly added user:
None: select this option when you want the user to be auto activated without receiving any email. This option is recommended when the user needs to use an external IDP (i.e. Active Directory, Salesforce, Linked-in, etc) for system authentication.
Send Registration Email: select this option when you want the user to be auto activated without receiving the activation email. Only the registration email will be sent (to the user) that contains the information like Enterprise Admin name who has registered the user, and the Enterprise name in which the user has been registered. This option is recommended when the user needs to use an external IDP (i.e. Active Directory, Salesforce, Linked-in, etc) for system authentication.
Send Activation Email: select this option when you want the user to receive the activation email and activate their account through it. This option is recommended when the user needs to use the SigningHub ID for system authentication.
Drag/Drop or select the required csv from system. All those users (with valid email addresses in the CSV file) that are not available in system, or available in system as guest, or have been marked as deleted, will be registered and auto activated in your enterprise with the enabled SigningHub access.
Click on "Submit" button.
There are multiple ways to get a CSV file. You can create a CSV file using any word processing, database, spreadsheet or text edit applications. When creating a CSV file, the first row must be the header row that shows the field names for the file. Each subsequent row can then represent a unique user email id along with the user's names (i.e. first name and last name). A CSV file should contain the following information:
"Email Address" to input user's email id. It is a mandatory column header.
"Last Name" to input user's last name. It is an optional column header.
"First Name" to input user's first name. It is an optional column header.
You can also export your contacts (in a CSV file) directly from Outlook, Thunderbird, or any other email service provider. Since SigningHub is mainly concerned with the email column header of a CSV file, therefore three types of headers are supported, i.e. Primary Email, E-mail Address, and Email Address.
You can edit any content inside a CSV file as required.
In case the contact names are specified in a CSV file (i.e. First Name and/ or Last Name), they will be populated accordingly in the name fields of a contact.
In case a contact name is not specified in any name field, then the contact username (portion of email address before the "@" symbol) will be shown as contact name.
The rest of the column headers inside a CSV file are not related to SigningHub, so they will be ignored when you import the file.
The activated users can also log into SigningHub with their non-SigningHub Ids, if it is allowed in their subscribed service plan.
When the newly registered users try to log into SigningHub by using the SigningHub IDs, they will be sent the activation emails to activate their accounts.
When users are registered via CSV file, the user certificates are generated as per the user names, i.e. User name and their certificate name will be the same. However these names (User and Certificate) can be updated later as required.
The CSV file being used for registering the enterprise users in bulk must have the valid email addresses of the contacts. SigningHub supports three different types of email headers for a CSV file, i.e. Primary Email, E-mail Address, and Email Address. You can export your contacts (in CSV) from Outlook, Thunderbird, or any other email service provider that supports these email headers.
If the CSV file being used for registering the enterprise users in bulk has the Cloud Signature Consortium (CSC) User ID of the contacts, it will be extracted, given that the SigningHub supported header is used in the CSV file. SigningHub supported header for Cloud Signature Consortium (CSC) User ID is "CSC_ID".
While exporting contacts from different email clients (like Microsoft Outlook and Gmail) you often end up having different column headers for the same field. For example, Gmail has "Primary Email" for the Outlook's "Email Address" column header. You do not need to rename the CSV headers to conform because SigningHub supports such variations in the CSV column headers. These variations are correctly mapped with the SigningHub fields. The following table illustrates which SigningHub field maps with the corresponding CSV header along with supported variations. Note: Other than "Email" field, all the fields are optional.
Against the "Home Country" header specify the countries of the users that shall be saved in the user's profile and signing details. If a country has not been specified against a user, it is fetched from the Global Settings > Default Locale.
First Name, Middle Name, Last Name (Note: Your CSV may contain any or all of these column headers. In case your CSV has more than one of these column headers, like "First Name" along with "Last Name", SigningHub will concatenate both and map with the "Name" field.)
Email Address, E-mail Address, Primary Email
Mobile Number
Mobile Phone, Contact Number, Phone Number, Mobile Number
Job Title
Job Title
Company Name
Company, Organization
Cloud Signature Consortium (CSC) User ID
Home Country
Two factor authentication (2FA) strengthens access security by requiring two methods to verify your identity. SigningHub allows you to configure a Time based One Time Password (TOTP) under two factor authentication (2FA). A Time based One Time Password (TOTP) is a temporary passcode generated by an algorithm that uses the current time of day as one of its authentication factors. Time based One Time Passwords provide additional security as even if a user's traditional password is stolen or compromised, an attacker cannot gain access without the TOTP, which expires quickly. SigningHub allows the Enterprise Admin the option to reset the two factor authentication (2FA) configured against an enterprise user. The "Reset 2FA" option will only appear if the "Enable Time based One Time Password (TOTP)" option is enabled in the user's service plan, and the user has configured two factor authentication (2FA).
Login with your enterprise admin credentials.
Click on "Configuration" in left menu and click "Users" under People options in Enterprise Administration section. Users Screen will appear.
If you want to view further detail of your user, select the user and click "User preferences" button in right panel.
Click "Reset password" button.
Click "Yes" from the 2FA dialogue appear.
SigningHub allows you to configure a specific quota against each system resource/ service for your enterprise users on individual basis. This is useful to restrict them from abusing the system resources as allowed in your enterprise service plan. In this way, you can prevent your enterprise from being hijacked by a few individuals consuming the available resources.
Login with your enterprise admin credentials.
Click on "Configuration" in left menu and click "Users" under People options in Enterprise Administration section. Users Screen will appear.
If you want to view further detail of your user, select the user and click "User preferences" button in right panel.
Expand "Usage and Limits" tab and you can configure the limits in numbers.
Click "Save changes" button.
This header lists all the system resources whose usage limits can be quantified, i.e. Signatures, Simple Electronic Signatures , Storage, Workflows, Document Upload Size, and Templates.
This header lists the blank fields against each system resource (constraint) to define their limits in numbers. The defined number cannot be more than the respective limit as allowed in your enterprise service plan. If you leave any field blank against a particular constraint, SigningHub will allow the maximum limit to it as per the allowed limit in your enterprise service plan.
This header lists the utilized resources against each constraint by this enterprise user.
Service Plan
This header lists the allowed resources in your service plan against each constraint.
"Simple Electronic Signatures" constraint option will only be displayed, if the "SIMPLE_ELECTRONIC_SIGNATURES" module enabled in the license.
In case a limit has been set for "Signatures" but unlimited has been checked against each level of assurance, the user will be allowed to use each level of assurance as long as their aggregate is less than the limit set for "Signatures".
The limit set for each level of assurance can not be greater than the limit set for "Signatures".
SigningHub lets you initiate the password changing process of your enterprise users. In this case, a password resetting email is sent to the respective enterprise user, from where they can change their account password.
Login with your enterprise admin credentials.
Click on "Configuration" in left menu and click "Users" under People options in Enterprise Administration section. Users Screen will appear.
If you want to view further detail of your user, select the user and click "User preferences" button in right panel.
Click "Reset password" button.
The respective enterprise user will be sent an email including the password change link. From where they can change their SigningHub account password.
SigningHub does not allow its users to set as password, the following:
Their user account (i.e. Email Address)
The last used password
Their full user name
At times people make typo mistakes while adding user information, or the details may require update after certain time period. SigningHub therefore allows an enterprise admin to edit/ update their enterprise users' information as required. You can edit user name, their mobile number, job title, and company name. Similarly, you can also change the role of your enterprise user anytime in order to update their system access.
Login with your enterprise admin credentials.
Click on "Configuration" in left menu and click "Users" under People options in Enterprise Administration section. Users Screen will appear.
If you want to view further detail of your user, select the user and click "User preferences" button in right panel.
Open "Profile Information" tab and click "Edit" button.
Fill in the detail as required. Since the "Email" field is used as user's SigningHub account ID, therefore it is not editable and is displayed as a read-only field.
Please note, the "Role" field will only be editable if you have got the Enterprise Users and Enterprise Roles privileges assigned to your role, otherwise it will be displayed as read-only. If you change the Common Name of a user, their existing certificate will be revoked and a new certificate is generated as per the new Common Name upon signing.
When updating the Country of a user, the updated country will not be reflected in the user's profile and signing details.
Business applications can use this service API to add a certificate for Enterprise Users into their Enterprise account. An enterprise Admin who has permissions to manage enterprise users in this role, can import RAS (Remote Authorization Signing) enabled certificates for signing. Furthermore, the signing certificates appears at signing time (if RAS is enabled under service plan and under intended user's role). The Role dictates things such as allowed signing capacities available to the user.
SigningHub will provide an option to enterprise admin that will allow to add (import) / update / delete user certificates. Management of certificates will only be limited to those certificates that has been imported by Enterprise admin and not the ones which are generated by system. End user will get all signing certificates added by Enterprise admin or by system. Option will only appear if Enterprise has RAS enabled in service plan other than that Enterprise will not be able to manage user certificates.
Certificates need to be created in ADSS before importing it in SH with RAS enabled.
Service plan should have minimum one signing capacity (that will have ADSS connector).
Enterprise admin can manage certificate (add/delete certificate)
User keys should not be protected with user password and keys should be in HSM and user authentication should be through RAS supported devices.
Service plan should have RAS configured. (if RAS is not configured in service plan then Enterprise Admin will not be able to manage signing capacities)
Open "Add a Signing Certificate" tab and click "Add a Signing Certificate" button.
Fill the required information in the appeared dialogue.
Click "Save changes".
Capacity name should be user-friendly, that could consist of letters and numbers.
Capacity name should not be more than 100 characters.
Capacity name should be unique for each user i.e. capacities added by enterprise admin and provided by Service Plan shouldn't match.
Capacity Alias should be same as of provided in ADSS.
All conditions mentioned above must be fulfilled and needs to be filled by Enterprise Admin only.
SigningHub enables you to manage (Invite, register, update role, delete, change password, enable and disable, view activities and statistics) users' registrations for your enterprise. You can directly register your enterprise users, or may also invite them through emails. The users accepting your invitations are then brought into your enterprise as the registered enterprise users.
Login with your enterprise admin credentials.
Click on "Configuration" in left menu and click "Users" under People options in Enterprise Administration section. Users Screen will appear.
If you want to view further detail of your user, select the user and click "User preferences" button in right panel.
User detail screen will appear with all the information in respective tabs.
Login with your enterprise admin credentials.
Click on "Configuration" in left menu and click "Users" under People options in Enterprise Administration section. Users Screen will appear.
Select the user(s) you want to delete and click "Delete" button in right panel.
A dialog will appear to confirm the user(s) deletion activity.
Click the "Delete" button without selecting the "Delete user permanently" option to remove the selected enterprise user(s) from your enterprise account. SigningHub will transform these account(s) from enterprise user(s) to individual account(s) with the default (free) service plan.
Click the "Delete" button after selecting the "Delete user permanently" option to purge the selected enterprise user(s). SigningHub will permanently delete these accounts from system along with their transactions.
You can export the enterprise users record to an excel sheet file (xlsx) by clicking "Export to excel" button. The excel sheet file is downloaded to your local Downloads folder.
When a new enterprise user's account is activated, SigningHub adds them in the Enterprise Contacts as well.
When an enterprise user's account is deleted, SigningHub converts the enterprise user account to an individual account with the default (free) service plan.
This status implies that a user's account is activated but their access has been suspended in SigningHub. These users cannot log into their SigningHub accounts till their again by your (enterprise admin).
Activated & Enabled
This status implies that a user's account is activated and their access is enabled in SigningHub. These users can log into their SigningHub accounts and use the system.
Activated & Disabled
This status implies that a user's account is activated but their access has been suspended in SigningHub. These users cannot log into their SigningHub accounts till their access is enabled again by your (enterprise admin).
This status implies that a user has been directly registered by enterprise admin with enabled access in SigningHub (by using the "Send Activation Email" option), however the user has not activated their account as yet. These users need to activate their accounts by following the activation email to start using SigningHub.
SigningHub enables you to invite users to your enterprise through emails. The users accepting your invitations are brought into your enterprise as the registered enterprise users. You can search the invitation records on the basis of user's name/ email, and can also sort them in ascending or descending order as required.
A user invitation can have three different statuses:
This status implies that the user has not responded to your invitation. The enterprise admin has option to resend or remove the invitation.
This status implies that the user has accepted your invitation and activated their account. Activated users are the registered enterprise users, and hence they are shown in the "Registered Users" tab only.
This status implies that the user has rejected your invitation. The enterprise admin has option to resend or remove the invitation.
Login with your enterprise admin credentials.
Click "Configurations" from left-menu and click "Users" under "People" options in "Enterprise Configurations" section.
Click "Send an invitation" in "Invitations" section.
Specify Name, Email, and Role of the user in the provided fields. The default role is automatically selected for the invitee, change it as required.
Click the "Submit" button. An invitation email and web notification will be sent to the invitee with the account registration link.
In case registration is disabled at System level , invitation can not be send to non-register users.
Login with your enterprise admin credentials.
Click "Configurations" from left-menu and click "Users" under "People" options in "Enterprise Configurations" section.
Select the user you want to resend invite to and click "Resend invite" from right panel. The invitation email will be resent to the user.
Login with your enterprise admin credentials.
Click "Configurations" from left-menu and click "Users" under "People" options in "Enterprise Configurations" section.
Select the user you want to resend invite to and click "Withdraw invite" from right panel.
Click "Withdraw" from the confirmation dialogue. SigningHub will invalidate the invitation link(s) that have been previously sent to the invited user(s).
You can export the users invitations to an excel sheet file (xlsx) by clicking "Export to excel" available under "Invitations" section. The excel sheet file is downloaded to your local Downloads folder.
SigningHub records the high-level activities of each user account along with particular date and time stamps, and other details to provide an effective audit trail. There are mainly five types of activities that are logged against each user, i.e. Account/ User, Document, Billing, Settings and Enterprise related activities, see . You can view these activities of each user within your enterprise.
Login with your enterprise admin credentials.
Click on "Configuration" in left menu and click "Users" under People options in Enterprise Administration section. Users Screen will appear.
If you want to view further detail of your user, select the user and click "User preferences" button in right panel.
Expand the "Activity" tab. Click on any and you can see the details in right panel.
SigningHub provides comprehensive search facility to search your enterprise users. You can either use the default search bar or go for advance search to retrieve an enterprise user from the list. The default search bar allows searching on the basis of user name or their email ID. While if your enterprise users are in bulk and its hard for you to find the required user, you can use combination of multiple parameters to reach the exact user. This input of multiple parameters is called advance searching.
Login with your enterprise admin credentials.
Click "Configurations" from left-menu and click "Users" under "People" options in "Enterprise Configurations" section.
Specify the name or email ID of your enterprise user in the search bar (shows up by clicking "Filter" button).
Login with your enterprise admin credentials.
Click "Configurations" from left-menu and click "Users" under "People" options in "Enterprise Configurations" section.
Click "Advanced search" button.
Specify the available information in the respective fields and click the "Search" button. SigningHub will retrieve the enterprise user by incorporating all the provided parameters in the search.
In case of specifying multiple search parameters, the search will be carried out by using AND operator(s) among all the parameters. This helps SigningHub to retrieve more targeted results.
An Enterprise Administrator with the permissions to manage enterprise users in his role, can import a custom certificate for signing. Furthermore, the signing certificates appear at the time of signing. The signing capacities appear on the signing dialog as per the capacities available in a user's role. Enterprise Roles are described in detail here.
Login with your enterprise admin credentials.
Click "Configurations" from left-menu and click "Users" under "People" options in "Enterprise Configurations" section.
Select the desired user and click "User preferences" in right panel.
Expand "Add a Signing Certificate" tab and click "Add a Signing Certificate" button.
Provide the Capacity Name , Certificate Alias and Certificate (CER) for your certificate. Enable the "Mark as default" option if you want to display your certificate as selected by default in the signing dialog. Additionally, you can select Level of Assurance and Protect Keys Using Option too. Default selected value for Level of Assurance will be Advanced Electronic Signature and for Protect Keys Using it will be User Password.
Click "Save changes".
Only one capacity can be set as default at a time. If a capacity is already set as default, then setting a new capacity will revoke the previous as the default signing capacity.
Certificate Alias is a Unique Identifier for the signing certificate key and must be the same as provided in ADSS.
The Capacity Name should be unique, user-friendly (consisting of letters and digits) and must not exceed 100 characters.
Login with your enterprise admin credentials.
Click "Configurations" from left-menu and click "Users" under "People" options in "Enterprise Configurations" section.
Select the desired user and click "User preferences" in right panel.
Under "Add a Signing Certificate" tab, click on the desired certificate and click "Edit" in the right panel.
You can update Capacity Name, Certificate Alias, Certificate (CER) and Level of Assurance for your certificate. Click on the Set as default option if you want to display your certificate as selected by default in the signing dialog.
Click "Save changes" button.
Login with your enterprise admin credentials.
Click "Configurations" from left-menu and click "Users" under "People" options in "Enterprise Configurations" section.
Select the desired user and click "User preferences" in right panel.
Under "Add a Signing Certificate" tab, click on the desired certificate and click "Remove" in the right panel.
Click "Delete" in the confirmation dialogue.
When using an on-premises installation, SigningHub gives you an option to pre-authorise users in your Directory so that they may serve as your registered enterprise users. In this way, your enterprise users can use their Directory credentials (i.e. organizational domain user ID and password) for SigningHub authentication, and wont even need to create their SigningHub IDs.
Login with your enterprise admin credentials.
Click "Configurations" from left-menu and click "Users" under "People" options in "Enterprise Configurations" section.
Tick the "Automatically register the users" check box.
The "Authentication Profile" field will appear, listing all the Active Directory Authentication Profiles and the Azure Active Directory Authentication Profiles configured in SigningHub Admin console. Select the required authentication profile from the list.
Click the "Save" button.
All the users that belong to the selected authentication profile will be authorised through Azure Active Directory upon Login, and will be automatically registered and activated in SigningHub under the default SigningHub role, provided that provisioning is not enabled by any other enterprise within the same on-premises deployment.
This implies, if multiple enterprises have been configured within an on-premises deployment, then the "Automatically register the users" check box should be ticked for only one enterprise.
You can also give the role based access of SigningHub (i.e. Enterprise Admin, or Enterprise Users, etc) at Security Group level. SigningHub allows you to manage (Add, Edit, and Delete) the Security Groups from the same screen.
Login with your enterprise admin credentials.
Click "Configurations" from left-menu and click "Users" under "People" options in "Enterprise Configurations" section.
Click "Add a security group".
Specify a Group name.
Now, select a role to assign to this security group and click the "Submit" button. The default role is shown automatically selected for the security group, change it as required.
The added security group will be listed inside the Security Group grid. All the users that belong to the security group will be automatically registered and activated in SigningHub under the specified role.
Select the security group whose role is required to edit.
Click "Edit" in the right panel.
Select the role as required and click "Save changes".
Select the security group required to be deleted.
Click "Delete" from the right panel.
Click "Delete" in the confirmation dialogue.
When using Active Directory authentication for SigningHub Desktop Web, the users to be authenticated should be the part of the same domain where SigningHub has been deployed, e.g. if the users belong to the "Ascertia" domain, then SigningHub should also be deployed on the "Ascertia" domain.
By default all the enterprise users are registered in SigningHub with the enabled access. However, you can disable your enterprise users when required. The SigningHub access will be suspended with immediate effect for the disabled users, till they are enabled again.
Login with your enterprise admin credentials.
Click "Configurations" from left-menu and click "Users" under "People" options in "Enterprise Configurations" section.
Select the user you want to disable and click "User preferences" in the right panel.
Switch-off the "Enabled" toggle.
The SigningHub access for this enterprise user will be suspended right away and it will be shown with a strike through line, as shown below:
Login with your enterprise admin credentials.
Click "Configurations" from left-menu and click "Users" under "People" options in "Enterprise Configurations" section.
Select the disabled user you want to enable and click "User preferences" in the right panel.
Switch-on the "Enabled" toggle. The SigningHub access for this enterprise user will be resumed right away.
When an enterprise user's access is disabled while they are using SigningHub, they are redirected to the SigningHub Login screen with immediate effect.