After you have added all the documents in a workflow package, its time to add the users with whom you want to share the document(s) for sign-off. There are three types of users to whom you can send a document, i.e. Recipient, Electronic Seal and Placeholder.
Being a signer, the recipient needs to sign a document. As per the workflow configuration, this signature can either be electronic or digital. After signing in the assigned signature field, a signer has to click the "Finish" button to complete the document signing. Alternatively, s/he may use the "Decline" option to refuse or use the "Delegation" option to assign their role to someone else. Whenever a digital signature is made by any signer, the signature quota of the respective document owner's account will be consumed. Moreover, a signer should also fill in the assigned form fields, initials, and/ or in-persons fields (if any) before signing.
Being a reviewer, the recipient needs to approve a document by clicking the "Approve" button. Alternatively, s/he may use the "Decline" option to refuse it or use the "Delegation" option to assign their role to someone else. Reviewing does not involve any signing activity. Moreover, a reviewer should also fill in the assigned form fields, and/ or initials (if any) before reviewing.
Being an editor, the recipient needs to update a document by clicking the "Submit" button. Alternatively, s/he may use the "Decline" option to refuse it or use the "Delegation" option to assign their role to someone else. Editing does not involve any signing activity. An editor should also fill in the assigned form fields, and/ or initials (if any) before updating.
Meeting Host
Being a meeting host, the recipient needs to facilitate the document signing process for the configured in-person signers. A host can give his/her device control to the (in-person) signers, and get their signatures in his/her presence. After getting all the signatures, a meeting host has to click the "Close" button to complete the document hosting. Alternatively, s/he may use the "Decline" option to refuse it or use the "Delegated" option to assign their role to someone else. Hosting itself does not involve any signing activity. However, a host should also fill in the assigned form fields, and/ or other information fields before finishing.
Send a Copy
When the "Send a Copy" role is selected for a recipient, SigningHub emails the most recent copy (at that stage of workflow) of the document to the recipient as an email attachment. The document copy is auto-sent (on its turn) and does not require any human intervention.
Electronic Seal
This user role only appears against an electronic seal added to the workflow. This user role is disabled and can not be updated..
Click the 'Add a recipient' button and specify the recipient name, National ID or mobile number in the provided field. As you type in, your personal contacts/groups (and enterprise contacts/ groups in case you are an enterprise user) will appear for selection.
Assign a role to the recipient from the immediate next drop-down, i.e. Signer, Reviewer, Editor, Meeting Host, or Send a Copy. See the above "User Roles" table for details.
Select a recipient and their email address/mobile number will be automatically populated in the adjacent field.
In case your intended recipient does not have a SigningHub account (i.e. guest user), specify their name, email address, and mobile number in the provided fields accordingly.
A document owner who is a part of any enterprise, and looking to add a guest user as a document recipient, must have the 'Restrict Delegated Signing to only registered users' option un-selected in their assigned role.
The 'SMS' and 'Email & SMS' delivery methods will become available if the 'Enable SMS notifications' option is enabled in your service plan.
In the case of 'SMS' or 'Email & SMS', the document owner will have to provide the mobile number of the recipient. The full international number must be entered in the 00 44 234334334 or +44 234334334 format. By default, the specified mobile number is displayed partially masked to comply with the GDPR policy.
The SMS notifications will be sent for the following actions:
When a document has been shared or bulk-shared
When a document has been recalled
For a sign-off reminder
When a document has been signed
When a document has been processed by others
When a document has been processed by me
When a comment has been added to a document
The 'SMS' and 'Email & SMS' will not be available as delivery methods for the following:
When the recipient is a group
When the recipient is a placeholder
For an electronic seal
When the role of the recipient is "Send a Copy"
Click the "Add recipients from CSV" button.
Drag and drop or select the CSV file in the dialogue box, or click on the 'select from your device' link to browse and select the file.
Click on the"Save" button.
Click "Save" in the confirmation dialogue as well.
The CSV file must have valid email addresses/mobile numbers of each recipient. SigningHub supports:
The 'Primary Email', 'E-mail Address', and 'Email Address', to read the email address from the CSV file
The 'Mobile Number' header, to read the mobile number of the contacts.
The 'Delivery Method' header, to read the delivery method for each recipient. The delivery methods are as follows:
'EMAIL': for when the delivery method is via Email.
'SMS': for when the delivery method is via SMS.
'EMAIL_AND_SMS': for when the delivery method is via Email & SMS.
Adding bulk recipients via CSV is supported with all three delivery methods (Email, SMS, Email & SMS).
The CSV file should have a "Delivery Method" header, specifying which delivery method (Email, SMS, Email & SMS) is to be configured for each recipient. In case the "Delivery Method" header does not exist in the CSV, the system will only recognise the recipients against which an email. Thus to be able to use the "SMS" and "Email & SMS" delivery methods, the "Delivery Method" header is required in the CSV.
You can also add placeholder(s) in a workflow. To do this:
Click the "Add a placeholder" button.
Assign a role to the placeholder from the provided drop-down, i.e. Signer, Reviewer, Editor, Meeting Host, or Send a Copy. See the above "User Roles" table for details.
Repeat the above two steps to add multiple placeholders.
The "SMS" and "Email & SMS" will not be available as delivery methods when the recipient is a placeholder.
The option to add an electronic seal will only be available if an electronic seal has been configured in the enterprise settings, against the user role of the current user.
Click the "Add an electronic seal" button.
From the "Select Electronic Seal" drop-down, select the electronic seal that you want to add. Only the electronic seals available for use, based on the document owner's user role, will be displayed in this drop-down.
Repeat the above two steps to add multiple electronic seals.
The SMS will not be available as a delivery option in case of an electronic seal.
Click the "Remove" button against the recipient/electronic seal/placeholder, which you want to delete from the list.
By default, all the recipients, electronic seals and placeholders are added serially in a workflow. However, you can change their collaboration sequence after adding them, according to your document(s) approval flow. The set sequence applies to the serial workflows only. To change the sequence:
Simply drag and drop the handle on the left side of the recipient/ electronic seal/ placeholder and move it up/down in the list, as required.
A recipient must be assigned the "Allow Changing of Recipients" permissions, in order to allow them to update the placeholder field with the actual recipient during workflow execution.
A document owner who is a part of any enterprise, and looking to add a guest user as a document recipient, must have the "Restrict Delegated Signing to only registered users" option un-selected in their assigned role.
A recipients group can be selected as a recipient, to configure group signing, group approving, and/ or group updating utilities in a workflow.
A placeholder can not be the first recipient/ user in a workflow.
In case the specified recipient (signer) does not have a SigningHub account and a digital signature field is configured for him/her, s/he will be asked to register to SigningHub before applying digital signature on the document. However, the recipient does not require a SigningHub account, when an e-signature field is configured for him/her.
The CSV file being used to add recipients must have the valid email addresses of the recipients. SigningHub supports three different types of email headers in a CSV file, i.e. Primary Email, E-mail Address, and Email Address. You can export your contacts (in CSV) from Outlook, Thunderbird, or any other email service provider that supports these email headers.
After adding the recipients and placeholders, proceed to the Configure workflow type phase.
A recipient who is added as a signer or a reviewer must be registered in SigningHub first to process the workflow.
Electronic seals can be added in "Serial", "Parallel", and "Custom" workflow types.