At times people make typo mistakes while adding user information, or the details may require update after certain time period. SigningHub therefore allows an enterprise admin to edit/ update their enterprise users' information as required. You can edit user name, their mobile number, job title, and company name. Similarly, you can also change the role of your enterprise user anytime in order to update their system access.
Login with your enterprise admin credentials.
Click on "Configuration" in left menu and click "Users" under People options in Enterprise Administration section. Users Screen will appear.
If you want to view further detail of your user, select the user and click "User preferences" button in right panel.
Open "Profile Information" tab and click "Edit" button.
Fill in the detail as required. Since the "Email" field is used as user's SigningHub account ID, therefore it is not editable and is displayed as a read-only field.
Please note, the "Role" field will only be editable if you have got the Enterprise Users and Enterprise Roles privileges assigned to your role, otherwise it will be displayed as read-only. If you change the Common Name of a user, their existing certificate will be revoked and a new certificate is generated as per the new Common Name upon signing.
When updating the Country of a user, the updated country will not be reflected in the user's profile and signing details.
Business applications can use this service API to add a certificate for Enterprise Users into their Enterprise account. An enterprise Admin who has permissions to manage enterprise users in this role, can import RAS (Remote Authorization Signing) enabled certificates for signing. Furthermore, the signing certificates appears at signing time (if RAS is enabled under service plan and under intended user's role). The Role dictates things such as allowed signing capacities available to the user.
SigningHub will provide an option to enterprise admin that will allow to add (import) / update / delete user certificates. Management of certificates will only be limited to those certificates that has been imported by Enterprise admin and not the ones which are generated by system. End user will get all signing certificates added by Enterprise admin or by system. Option will only appear if Enterprise has RAS enabled in service plan other than that Enterprise will not be able to manage user certificates.
Certificates need to be created in ADSS before importing it in SH with RAS enabled.
Service plan should have minimum one signing capacity (that will have ADSS connector).
Enterprise admin can manage certificate (add/delete certificate)
User keys should not be protected with user password and keys should be in HSM and user authentication should be through RAS supported devices.
Service plan should have RAS configured. (if RAS is not configured in service plan then Enterprise Admin will not be able to manage signing capacities)
Open "Add a Signing Certificate" tab and click "Add a Signing Certificate" button.
Fill the required information in the appeared dialogue.
Click "Save changes".
Capacity name should be user-friendly, that could consist of letters and numbers.
Capacity name should not be more than 100 characters.
Capacity name should be unique for each user i.e. capacities added by enterprise admin and provided by Service Plan shouldn't match.
Capacity Alias should be same as of provided in ADSS.
All conditions mentioned above must be fulfilled and needs to be filled by Enterprise Admin only.