As a matter of super admin control, SigningHub allows you to keep an eye on all the documents within your enterprise and take appropriate actions against them as required. The documents are listed from document owners' perspective, which implies you can see the workflow progress of documents (i.e. Draft, In-Progress, Pending, Completed, and Declined) that an enterprise user owns.
However to comply with the security and integrity standards, SigningHub wont allow you to open and view any enterprise document that is not related to you. You can only take the following actions against your enterprise documents:
The documents screen provides the search and sort facility to easily locate the required documents, and also enables you to filter your enterprise documents list on the basis of up-mentioned statuses.
When an In-Progress workflow has reached a stalemate in your enterprise because the next configured recipient is unresponsive, SigningHub gives you authority to either:
Change that recipient and/ or
Send them a reminder
Because of the super admin control, it does not matter whether the "Allow changing of recipients" permissions on the document are allowed or not. In case you select the "Manage Recipient" option, all the special privileges configured for the previous recipient (by their document owner) will be transferred to the new recipient, along with the predefined workflow role (i.e. signer, reviewer, editor, or meeting host).
Login with your enterprise admin credentials.
Click "Configurations" in left menu and click "Documents" under Documents & Signing options in Enterprise Configurations section.
Select the desired document package and click "Manage recipients" in right panel.
A dialog will appear, showing the list of configured recipients in an editable mode. Click edit icon.
A new dialogue will appear. Specify the name(s) or National ID(s) of other recipient(s) that are added in your SigningHub contacts list as required, and the email/mobile number will automatically be updated in the adjacent fields.
Click "Save changes" button.
Login with your enterprise admin credentials.
Click "Configurations" in left menu and click "Documents" under Documents & Signing options in Enterprise Configurations section.
Select the desired document package and click "Manage recipients" in right panel.
A dialog will appear, showing the list of configured recipients in an editable mode. Click reminder icon being displayed adjacent to the next configured (first) recipient.
A confirmation dialogue will be displayed, click yes.
You can only change the recipients but not their roles in the workflow. This implies that a signer can be changed with another signer, a reviewer can be changed with another reviewer, and so on.
The pre-configured special privileges (i.e. printing, downloading, adding text, accessing securities like password, OTP, time duration, etc.) as set by the document owner cannot be changed. These settings will be transferred to the new recipient as it is.
In order to change a recipient of your enterprise document or to send a reminder, you must have the "Edit" rights on the "Enterprise Documents" settings, see details.
For security reasons, you might need to delete a document package from your enterprise with immediate effect. This includes:
Deletion of the document from owner's account irrespective of its processing status
Deletion of the document from all the recipients' accounts (with whom it has been shared) irrespective of its processing status
Deletion of its workflow and
Deletion of related document logs from the database
Login with your enterprise admin credentials.
Click "Configurations" in left menu and click "Documents" under Documents & Signing options in Enterprise Configurations section.
Select the desired document package and click "Delete" in right panel.
A confirmation message will be displayed. Click Yes. The document will be deleted from your enterprise. A recall notification will be sent to all those recipients who either have processed the document or have the document in their inbox with the "Pending" status.
In order to delete a document from your enterprise, you must have the "Delete" rights on the "Enterprise Documents" settings, see details.
You can mark an In-Progress workflow as complete without going through all the recipients. For this, you need to terminate the workflow. This is useful in the cases where a few recipients don't respond to the workflow or the remaining recipients are no more required.
Login with your enterprise admin credentials.
Click "Configurations" in left menu and click "Documents" under Documents & Signing options in Enterprise Configurations section.
Select the desired document package and click "Terminate workflow" in right panel.
A confirmation message will be displayed. Click Yes. The workflow will be terminated and the document package will be marked as "Completed". A recall notification will be sent to all those recipients with whom the document package was shared and they haven't processed it, i.e. the document exits in their inbox with the "Pending" status.
In order to terminate a workflow of your enterprise document, you must have the "Edit" rights on the "Enterprise Documents" settings, see details.
SigningHub allows you to keep an eye on all the documents within your enterprise and take appropriate actions against them as required. The documents are listed from document owners' perspective, which implies you can see the workflow progress of documents (i.e. Draft, In-Progress, Pending, Completed, and Declined) that an enterprise user owns.
However to comply with the security and integrity standards, SigningHub wont allow you to open and view any enterprise document that is not related to you.
Login with your enterprise admin credentials.
Click "Configurations" in left menu and click "Documents" under Documents & Signing options in Enterprise Configurations section.
All the document packages within your enterprise will be listed in their respective statuses. Click on any document to see further details.
Here is the basic set of information associated with each enterprise document(s) package in the list:
Names of documents separated by commas in a package.
Current status of document(s) package.
Name and email address of document(s) package's owner.
Size of document(s) package.
Date on which document(s) package was last modified, i.e. shared, form filled, signed, declined, etc.
Click "Manage recipients" to access the "Workflow" dialog that displays the workflow information i.e. full list of recipients along with their email address, role, collaboration sequence, and processing status (i.e. done, undone, or declined). In addition, you can also update the placeholders for the recipients.
You can export the metadata related to your enterprise documents in the .xlsx format. The downloaded file will contain the following information about the enterprise documents; Package ID, Title, Owner Name, Owner Email, Date Created, Last Modified, Workflow Type, Status, and the Size. To export the metadata information:
Click on the "Export to excel" button and the .xlsx file containing the metadata of all your enterprise documents will be downloaded.
Click "Advanced search" button. The "Advanced Search" dialog will appear.
Specify the available information in the respective fields and click the "Search" button. SigningHub will retrieve the documents by incorporating all the provided parameters in the search.
In the "Owner" field, a user could enter either the name or the email of the document owner. All the documents containing the searched keyword, as the document owner, will be listed.
In the "Recipient" field, a user could search for a document using either the name or the email of the recipient. All the documents containing the searched keyword, as a recipient, will be listed.
By default all your enterprise document(s) packages are listed in the grid. You can filter them out on the basis of the "Draft", "In-Progress", "Pending", "Completed", and "Declined" statuses.
By default up to 10 document packages are displayed in the main grid. Click next to view more enterprise documents in the list accordingly. The system will keep fetching the ending records accordingly. The system will also show the count of displayed and existing (total) documents at the bottom of the grid.
Login with your enterprise admin credentials.
Click "Configurations" in left menu and click "Documents" under Documents & Signing options in Enterprise Configurations section.
Select the desired document package and click "Send the workflow completion report" in right panel.
A confirmation message will be displayed. Click Yes, and the workflow completion report will be published at the Server URL configured in the "Workflow Completion Report" section of the Advanced Enterprise Settings.
The workflow completion report shall fail to publish if an invalid Server URL has been configured in the "Workflow Completion Report" section of the Advanced Enterprise Settings.
The option to "Send Workflow Completion Report" will be available against an enterprise document, if the "Send workflow completion report" option is enabled in the Advanced Enterprise Settings.
SigningHub allows the Enterprise Admin to access the enterprise documents, if you want to view your enterprise documents, go to the enterprise documents.
Login with your enterprise admin credentials.
Click "Configurations" in left menu and click "Documents" under Documents & Signing options in Enterprise Configurations section.
Select the document package to view its details and tap on its collapsible name in right panel.
SigningHub allows the Enterprise Admin to access the enterprise documents, if you want to view your enterprise documents, go to the enterprise documents listing. SigningHub maintains a log of each action being performed on a document along with the respective date and time stamps. The "Workflow Details" dialog which presents the logs of each action being performed consists of two tabs; "Workflow History" and "Workflow Timeline". However, viewing "Workflow Details" is subject to your assigned enterprise user role. These logs are only available to the respective Enterprise Admin.
The following document actions are logged under "Workflow History":
When was the document uploaded by a user
When was the document added from library by a user
When was the document added from cloud by a user
The original format of the uploaded document
When the document was converted to pdf format after upload
When was the document opened by a user
When was the document closed by a user
When was the contact added in the document by a user
When was the comment added in the document by a user
When was an attachment added in the document by a user
When was a text field added in the document by a user
When was a form field filled in the document by a user
When was a form field text updated in the document by a user
When was the document initials were filled by a user
When was the document signed In-person by a user
When was the document signed by a user
The signing capacity with which a user signed the document
The signing reason for signing the document
When was the document shared by a user
When was the document recalled by a user
When was the document approved by a user
When was the document updated by a user
When was the document hosted for in-person signatures by a user
When was the post processing activity done on the document by a user
When was the document declined by a user
When was the document renamed by a user
When was the document deleted by a user
When was the document printed by a user
When was the document added in the library by a user
When was the document downloaded by a user
When was the document template added by a user
When was the document template applied by a user
When was the document workflow completed by a user
When was the document workflow updated by a user
When was the attached legal notice accepted by a user
The following document details are logged:
Who was the document shared with
When was the document shared
Who processed the document (signer, reviewer, editor, delegator, meeting host, gatekeeper)
When was the document processed
The time taken by the recipient to process the document
Total time taken to process the document
When was the document recalled by the user
Login with your enterprise admin credentials.
Click "Configurations" in left menu and click "Documents" under Documents & Signing options in Enterprise Configurations section.
Select the document package to view its details and click "Signing details" in right panel.
Click "History".
The history will be displayed in right panel.