It is often observed that people forget their passwords from time to time. So in order to recover your forgotten password, SigningHub lets you set a security question, which can alternatively be used to confirm your identity.
Click "Configuration" then click "Security" under Profile & Security options in Personal Configuration section.
Expand "Security Question" tab.
Complete the fields accordingly, i.e. specify your current password, and then specify your security question and its answer.Make sure you choose strong security question whose answer is not guessable by anyone. For security reasons, your security answer is displayed in asterisks (***) by default. However, if you want to see your security answer, click appearing next to the "Security Answer" field.
Click "Save changes".
This tab will only appear when you log into your SigningHub account either through SigningHub ID or through SSL authentication with password. It will not be available when you use other IDPs for login authentication.
It is always recommended to periodically reset your password, at least after every three months. However, when you feel someone else has gained access to your password, reset it immediately.
Click "Configuration" then click "Security" under Profile & Security options in Personal Configuration section.
Expand "Change Password" tab and complete the fields accordingly, i.e. specify your current password, and then add and confirm your new password.
Click the "Change password" button.
This tab will only appear when you log into your SigningHub account either through SigningHub ID or through SSL authentication with password. It will not be available when you use other IDPs for login authentication.
The system will log out the user from all the other devices except for the one in use on password reset.
In case you are an enterprise user, then your password should comply with password policy as defined by your enterprise admin.
SigningHub does not allow its users to set as password, the following:
Their user account (i.e. Email Address)
The last used password
Their full user name