SigningHub supports a wide range of document types that can be processed:
HTML, XHTML, MHTML, XML, OOXML, FlatOpc, FlatOpcMacroEna, FlatOpcTemplate, and FlatOpcTemplateMacEnabled
Auto CAD
SigningHub offers certain helpful document utilities, which you can avail after adding your documents in a package.
Specify the new name of your package in the "Package Name" field, appearing on the 'Documents' screen.
Click the 'Apply template' option appearing in the options menu, against the document on which you want to apply a template.
A dialogue box will appear showing options to list your personal templates (and enterprise templates, in case you are an enterprise user). The templates that are marked as read-only are the locked templates. The predefined configurations of a read-only template can not be modified. However, the placeholder fields inside a template can still be updated as required.
Select a template from the list and click the 'Apply' button. In case you want to apply this template on all the documents of the package, toggle on the 'Apply template to all documents" option.
Click the 'Delete' option appearing in the options menu, against the document on which you want to delete.
Click on the 'Delete' button to confirm the deletion. The selected document will be deleted from your workflow package.
Click the 'Rename' option appearing in the options menu, against the document on which you want to rename.
Specify the new name of your document in the 'Rename document' dialogue box, and click the "Save" button.
Click the 'Download' option appearing in the options menu, against the document on which you want to download. The document will be downloaded to your local 'Downloads' folder in a PDF file.
Click the 'Add to Library' option appearing in the options menu, against the document on which you want to add to the library. The document will be saved in your personal documents library.
Click the 'Re-upload' option appearing in the options menu, against the document on which you want to re-upload.
in the next dialogue box, select an option to add a document, and add a document, based on your selection. This will replace the old document with the new document.
The number of pages of the re-uploaded document must be equal to or more than the number of pages of the original document which has been replaced.
SigningHub offers a wide range of custom documents that can be shared for approval/sign-off purposes. Each document is automatically converted into PDF format before it is brought to the SigningHub platform. In SigningHub, documents are shared in the form of a workflow package. A package may contain different files to facilitate the sharing of multiple documents in one go. It is shared collectively as a bundle, by consuming a single workflow from your available quota. A recipient/ group after receiving the package will have to sign/ edit/ approve all the documents in it to complete their collaboration part. When using an on-premises deployment, please ensure that the font(s) being used in a document, must be installed on your server machine where SigningHub has been deployed.
There are three different ways to add a document to a workflow package:
Upload a document from your local machine.
Import a document from the SigningHub library. The library contains your personal documents (and your enterprise documents, in case you are an enterprise user).
Get a document directly from your cloud storage.
Get it from your Dropbox account, or
Get it from your Google Drive, or
Get it from your OneDrive
Drag and drop the document or click the"select them from your device" option to select the document from your local machine. The documents will be added to a package for further processing.
Click on the library button.
The 'Add files from library' dialogue box will appear, giving you the list of your personal documents (and your enterprise documents, in case you are an enterprise user). The document with a configured template will display the template name adjacent to it. Selecting such a document will apply the template details on the document automatically.
The 'Library'" filter can be used to select the "All", "Personal" or "Enterprise" options to list the respective documents for selection. The adjacent count shows the respective number of documents available under each section.
The 'Folder' filter can be used if you want to view documents belonging to a specific folder. The "Folder" filter will appear if there is at least one library document folder created.
After you have selected an appropriate variant:
Click on the 'Google Drive' icon, and specify your Google credentials (ID & password) in the next appearing popup to log into your Google account.
SigningHub will display the list of your Google documents after the successful login. Locate and select the required document(s) from the list. Use Ctrl+click to select multiple documents.
Click the "Select" button to bring the selected documents into SigningHub. The document(s) will be added to the package for further processing.
After you have selected an appropriate variant:
Click the 'Dropbox' icon, and specify your Dropbox credentials (ID & password) in the next appearing popup to log into your Dropbox account.
SigningHub will display the list of your Dropbox documents after the successful login. Locate and select the required document(s) from the list.
Click the "Choose" button to bring the selected documents into SigningHub. The document(s) will be added to a package for further processing.
After you have selected an appropriate variant:
Click the 'OneDrive' icon, and specify your OneDrive credentials (ID & password) in the next appearing popup to log into your OneDrive account.
SigningHub will display the list of your OneDrive documents after the successful login. Locate and select the required document(s) from the list.
Click the "Select" button to bring the selected documents into SigningHub. The document(s) will be added to a package for further processing.
By default, the documents are added serially in a documents package. However, you can change their order in the package after adding them, according to your workflow requirements. To change the order of the documents:
Simply drag and drop the handle appearing on the left side of any added document and move it up/ down in the package, as required.
You can also merge your documents after adding them to a package. In this way, all the added documents will be fused together as a single PDF. The dimensions of the documents (being merged) should be the same, however, SigningHub allows up to 5 pixels difference.
To merge the package documents:
Click the "Merge" button after adding the documents to a package.
A confirmation message will appear, click the "Yes" button. All the added documents will be merged.
Each supported non-PDF document is automatically converted into PDF format before it is brought to the SigningHub platform. Also, it applies PDF/A-2A compliance to that document.
On uploading a PDF document, the document remains in PDF format and its PDF compliance doesn't change what was set in the original document.
When a document owner uploads a PNG image with a transparent background and signs it, the signed document copy will be shown as corrupted in Adobe Reader. It is a known issue in the third-party vendor's DLL file, which is being used for document conversion inside SigningHub.
When you need to sign an XML file in their native format, then you should use APIs to upload your XML files. Uploading an XML file through Web interfaces will automatically convert the file to PDF format.
If you cannot find the option to add documents from cloud drives, upgrade your service plan or contact sales.
When you need to add form filling in a workflow, add a PDF form.
When using an on-premises deployment, please ensure that the font(s) being used in a document, must be installed on your server machine where SigningHub has been deployed.
The dimensions of the documents (being merged) should be the same, however, SigningHub allows up to 5 pixels difference.
SigningHub lets you certify your digital signature. The is used to restrict the recipients to perform only the specific changes in a document, as the system won't allow them to perform any other changes. In this regard, the first signature of each document in a workflow package will be a certified digital signature that will determine the allowed permissions on the document, while the rest of the signatures will be normal digital signatures. A document having a certified digital signature is called a certified document.
The system might show the pre-selected options as laid out in your . (In the case of an Individual user, the options specified in the web.config file will be followed.) You may change the default settings as required before sharing.
Click the 'Certify' option appearing in the options menu, against each document in a package which you want to certify.
Toggle on the 'Certify the document' option, and choose the required certification preference from the dropdown. For details, see the 'Certify options' table above.
Enable the 'Lock the document upon workflow completion', if you want to lock all the form fields of your document after the last signature. The document locking feature is specifically related to PDF documents with form fields. This checkbox will be disabled when the "Certify and allow no changes" option is selected from the above drop-down.
Click the 'Save' button.
In the case of an enterprise user, the "" tab will only appear if "Cloud Drives" has been enabled in the user's . Only those cloud drives will appear under the "Cloud Drives" tab, which has been allowed in the user's role settings.
After adding the documents to a package, proceed to the '' phase. See also:
After you have added to a workflow package:
Certify with no changes
Select this option to disallow any changes to the document after the Certified Digital Signature has been applied. The recipients will not be able to add any annotation to the document, fill out PDF forms, or include additional signatures. This option is intended for documents requiring only one signature.
Certify with form filling and signing
Select this option to allow the recipients to only fill in PDF forms, and sign empty signature fields after the Certified Digital Signature has been applied. They will not be able to add any new annotations to the document. This option is intended for documents requiring one or more signatures.
Certify with form filling, signing and annotations
Select this option to allow the recipients to fill in PDF forms, sign empty signature fields, and add annotations to the document after the Certified Digital Signature has been applied. This option is intended for documents requiring one or more signatures.