When you receive a document with some attachments, you can view and download them as required. You can also fully manage (i.e. Add and Remove) document attachments before signing if it has been permitted to you by the document owner. The attachments added by you will also be available to the next recipients in the workflow, along with other attachments (from the document owner). All these attachments become the part of document hash in the workflow.
Downloading attachments is now bound with downloading a document, which is subject to the following two configurations:
The "Allow Download" recipient permission is set against the workflow.
The "Allow workflow participants to download document only on workflow completion" in the document owner's Advanced Settings.
Click on the 'Append' option button appearing in the document viewer header. Alternatively, navigate to the "Pages" tab in the information panel, and click on the 'Append' button.
Click the 'Add attachment' option.
From the 'Add attachments' dialogue box, add the attachments.
Click the "Done" button. The uploaded file will be added as an attachment to your document.
Navigate to the "Pages" tab in the information panel.
From the list of documents, expand the document to which an attachment has been added.
From the menu adjacent to the name of the attachment, click on the 'Download' option.
The attachment file is downloaded to your local Downloads folder.
Navigate to the "Pages" tab in the information panel.
From the list of documents, expand the document to which an attachment has been added.
From the menu adjacent to the name of the attachment, click on the 'Delete' option.
Click on the 'Delete' button to confirm the deletion.
When you receive a document with merging permissions, you can merge other documents with it before signing. The merged documents by you will be fused with the actual document and are automatically signed along with the document signing.
Click on the 'Append' option button appearing in the document viewer header. Alternatively, navigate to the "Pages" tab in the information panel, and click on the 'Append' button.
From the drop-down, select if you'd like to append at the top or bottom.
From the 'Add a document' dialogue box, add the document that you want to append.
Choose "Append at the top" or "Append at the bottom".
Click the 'Add' button. The PDF will be merged with the selected document and displayed accordingly.
When permitted, you can merge PDF documents with the following considerations:
The documents can be merged before signing.
The dimensions of the documents (being merged) should be the same. However, SigningHub allows up to 5 pixels difference.
There should be no unassigned/ signed signature field in the document being merged.
The merged documents are fused with the actual document and are automatically signed along with the document signing.
Filling in initials is almost the same as signing a document, however digital signatures are not embedded in this case. They can be added through freehand drawing, text filling or image upload (the same way a signature is added). When you receive a document with initials fields assigned to you, then you need to fill in all such fields before signing. This is to ensure that you have gone through all the important sections/ pages of the document, where initials fields were configured. Once you are done with your initials, you can sign the document.
You can click the "Go to field" button or you can directly scroll to the field.
Double-click on the field, or single-click and then click the "Sign" option.
A dialogue will appear. Select the initials type (i.e., Text, Hand Draw or Image) and specify your initials accordingly.
Click Done. The specified initials will be added and displayed on the respective area(s) of the document. The system won't let you sign the document unless you add your initials in all the assigned fields. Also, you cannot fill in the initials fields which have been assigned to someone else.
All the initials fields assigned to you are mandatory to add, so you cannot leave any initials field blank in the document.
Fill in the field's data accordingly and click the "Next" button to traverse to your next field for data entry. Keep doing so till you reach the last field assigned to you. SigningHub will display the total and traversed counts of your assigned fields accordingly.
Signature Pad can only be used to perform initials, only on Desktop Web.
If Signature Pad has been configured as the default initials method and the user tries to sign using native apps or mobile web, the user will not be able to perform initials and will be prompted to update the default initials method in the user's configurations.
When you receive a PDF form document with any form fields assigned to you, the "Save" option will be listed under the three-dot menu of the document viewer header. The PDF form fields can be related to any information and these fields are displayed in yellow-orange color. Once saved, such information will become the permanent part of the signed PDF document.
Click the "Go to field" button to start and navigate all your assigned fields one by one. The cursor will start blinking in the first colour field(assigned to you), then in the second one, and so on. The fields that have been marked as mandatory for you are shown with red asterisks (*). You can not leave any mandatory field blank in the document.
Specify the field data as required. You cannot specify data in a field which has been assigned to someone else.
The blank white fields (if any) in a pending document are those, which have not been assigned to any recipient. Such fields can be filled in by any recipient/ placeholder in the workflow.
SigningHub embeds fonts, graphics, annotations, and other necessary content within a PDF file to make your documents fully compliant with the PDF/A-1b standard. This content embedding is required by ISO 19005-1, and is usually associated with a document's visual appearance. However, a processed PDF through SigningHub may show non-compliance with the PDF/A-1b standard, when a Date field or transparent PNG image rendering is used in it.
Fill in the field's data accordingly and click the "Go to field" button to traverse to your next field for data entry. Keep doing so till you reach the last field assigned to you. SigningHub will display the total and traversed counts of your assigned fields accordingly.
When you receive a document with any form components or form fields that have been assigned to you, the "Save" option will be listed under the three-dot menu of the document viewer header. The form components assigned to you, are particularly related to your Name, Email, Job title, Company, Date, etc. and these fields are displayed in yellow-orange colour. SigningHub will pick the required information (where applicable) from your system profile and will display it in the respective fields in editable mode. You can change any field value (data) as required. Once saved, such information will become the permanent part of the signed PDF document. Moreover, SigningHub embeds fonts, graphics, annotations, and other necessary content within a PDF file to make your documents fully compliant with the PDF/A-1b standard. This content embedding is required by ISO 19005-1 and is usually associated with a document's visual appearance. However, a processed PDF through SigningHub may show non-compliance with the PDF/A-1b standard when a Date field or transparent PNG image rendering is used in it.
You can click the "Go to field" button or you can directly scroll to the field.
The cursor will start blinking in the first yellow-orange colour field (assigned to you), then in the second one, and so on. Where applicable, the system will populate the relevant information in the respective fields, from your SigningHub profile in editable mode. The fields that have been marked as mandatory for you are shown with red asterisks (*). You can not leave any mandatory field blank in the document.
Specify/update the fields' data as required. You cannot specify data in a field which has been assigned to someone else.
Click the three-dots menu from the right of the document viewer header, and select the "Save" option to save the filled-in data. You can edit the field's data, as long as the document is not signed. Once the document is signed, the field data will become the permanent part of the signed PDF document.
When a document (with the assigned form components) is opened, the relevant data (i.e. Name, Email, Job, Company, etc) is automatically populated in the respective fields (editable) from the recipient's profile (i.e. My Settings > Profile). The Date field is always filled with the current date (i.e. Today's date) in editable mode.
The blank white fields (if any) in a pending document are those, which have not been assigned to any recipient. Such fields can be filled in by any recipient/ placeholder in the workflow.
Fill in the field's data accordingly and click the "Next" button to traverse to your next field for data entry. Keep doing so till you reach the last field assigned to you. SigningHub will display the total and traversed counts of your assigned fields accordingly.
A legal notice is used to define certain terms and conditions that must be agreed by the signer, before signing. When you receive a document with a legal notice, you will be prompted to agree with it at the time of signing.
Click "Go to field" or scroll directly to your assigned signature field.
Double-click the signature field, or single-click and choose the "Sign" option.
The associated legal notice will be displayed in a dialogue box with the "I Agree" and "Cancel" options.
Click "Agree".
SigningHub wont display the signing provision unless you click the "I Agree" button. If you do not agree with the specified legal notice or have got any reservations on its clauses, contact the document owner to update/ remove it.
When you receive a document with some attachment fields assigned to you, you can add attachments, as required. After adding an attachment and sharing the document, the attachment field does not become part of the document. When you receive a document with , then you need to add attachments to these fields, as required by the document owner, before signing. This is to ensure that you have provided all the required attachments that are requested by the document owner. If the attachment field is compulsory, you will only be able to sign the document after you have added an attachment to the attachment field.
Downloading attachments is now bound with downloading a document, which is subject to the following two configurations:
The 'Allow document downloading' recipient permission is set against the workflow.
The "Allow workflow participants to download document only on workflow completion" in the document owner's .
Click the "Go to field" button or scroll to the field.
Double-click on the field, or single-click and then click the "Upload" option.
A dialogue will appear. Select the document you want to attach.
Click the 'Close' button.
Only one document can be added against a single attachment field.
When you receive a document with printing, downloading and adding text , you will see these options available for the document. The text-adding provision lets you add any textual notes to the document before signing. When specified, the added text will become the permanent part of the signed PDF document.
Click the "Documents" option in the navigation panel.
Select the document and click the "Print" button in the information panel.
A provision will appear through which you can set your preferences to print the document.
Click the "Documents" option in the navigation panel.
Select the document and click the "Download" button in the information panel.
Click the "Add Text" option listed under the "Fields" section and drop it on the document. In case the "Add Text" option is not listed, you cannot add text to this document because of adding text restrictions.
A blank text field will be added to the document. Drag and drop the text field anywhere in the document by using your mouse.
Type in the text in the field as required. The width of the field will keep increasing as you specify the text. Use the "Enter" button to add multi-line text and click the 'Save' icon when done. Once saved, the text cannot be deleted from the document.
Delegate will not be allowed to perform any action on the document other than approve/decline.
When you receive a document for signing/reviewing/editing/hosting in-person signatures, it is shown with the "Pending" status. You are also notified through an email from SigningHub with the link of the shared document. Since each pending document is associated with a workflow, they are shared with certain exclusive permissions (e.g., printing, downloading, access duration, password protection, etc.) by the respective .
Click the "Documents" option in the navigation panel.
From your documents list, locate the pending document to sign, and click the "Sign" button in the information panel. The for signing. (Alternatively, you can skip the above two steps and follow the document link in the notification email that has been sent to you by SigningHub. This will directly for signing.)
as required (optional).
as required (optional).
Use the allowed as required (optional).
Fill in the (if any are configured for you).
Fill in the (if any are configured for you).
Add your (if any are configured for you).
Add your (if any are configured for you).
Add your (if any are configured for you).
Agree to the (if any is added).
Add (if necessary).
As per configuration, add your , and click the "Close" button.
Add (if any).
(if any).
In case you don't agree with the document's content or with any of its clauses, you may refuse signing and decline the document.
If you delete a pending document from your documents list without signing, it is considered declined.
SigningHub embeds fonts, graphics, annotations, and other necessary content within a PDF file to make your documents fully compliant with the PDF/A-1b standard. This content embedding is required by ISO 19005-1 and is usually associated with a document's visual appearance. However, a processed PDF through SigningHub may show non-compliance with the PDF/A-1b standard when a Date field or transparent PNG image rendering is used within the document.
The signing process for documents follows a defined order of precedence, prioritizing form fields over initials, initials over in-person signatures, and in-person signatures over signatures. (Form fields > Initials > In-person signatures > Signatures)