The "Workflow history" option provides a soft copy of workflow activities related to a selected document, which is sufficient for your audit trail record. However, when you need to present these workflow details in hard copy as legal proof outside SigningHub, use the workflow evidence report. A Workflow Evidence Report entails the detailed logs (including Audit Trail) of each SigningHub transaction performed within a document workflow, in the downloadable PDF format. It is also digitally signed by Ascertia with an invisible PAdES-B-LT signature and is available only to the respective document owner. So in case a recipient in the workflow repudiates their signature, or if there is any query related to the workflow, this report can resolve all such issues. However, viewing the Workflow Evidence Report is subject to your assigned enterprise user role. To use this provision, ask your Enterprise Admin to enable it in your Role>Document Settings. If your Service Plan is configured accordingly, then the Workflow Evidence Report will automatically generate when the workflow is "Completed". In addition, the document logs will be removed from the Workflow History dialogue box, and the details will be added to the Workflow Evidence Report under the Audit Trail section.
Click the 'Documents' option in the navigation panel.
Select a completed document, and click the 'Evidence report' option in the information panel. The workflow evidence report will be downloaded to your local 'Downloads' folder as a PDF.
In the workflow evidence report, based on the selected delivery method for each recipient, either their email or mobile number shall be shown.
The workflow evidence report of a replicated workflow will show that the workflow was replicated.
The workflow evidence report PDF contains an invisible PAdES-B-LT signature.
The workflow evidence report PDF is available for completed documents only.
The availability of the Workflow Evidence Report is subject to your subscribed service plan. If you cannot find this option, contact sales.
The Workflow Evidence Report will only be generated when it's successfully signed.
Under the Workflow History details, "Signature Authorization" displays the authentication profile name along with the username and email address of the recipient. This user information only appears for the following authentications:
Azure Active Directory
SigningHub records high-level activities with date and time stamps, along with additional details, to create a comprehensive audit trail. Five main categories of activities are logged:
Account/User activities
Document activities
Settings-related activities
Billing activities
Enterprise-related activities
Each of these categories includes a variety of specific actions, ensuring a clear, detailed record of system usage and changes.
Account/User activities:
When you create an account
When you activate your account
When you log in
When you log out
When you are invited by an enterprise admin
When you accept an invitation
When you decline an invitation
When your login attempt fails
When you request a password reset
When your session times out
When you change your account password
When you upgrade your account
When your account is locked
When your account is unlocked
When you download an Excel report of registered users
When you download an Excel report of user invitations
Document activities:
When you upload a document
When you add a file from the library
The original format of the uploaded document
When the document converts to PDF format after upload
When you open a document
When you close a document
When you add a contact in a document
When you add a comment to a document
When you add an attachment to a document
When you add a text field to a document
When you fill in a form field in a document
When you update form field text in a document
When you add initials to a document
When you add an in-person signature to a document
When you sign a document
When you sign an electronic seal
The capacity with which you signed a document
The signing reason for signing a document
When you share a document
When you recall a document
When you review a document
When you decline a document
When you host in-person signatures
When you update a document
When you rename a document
When you delete a document
When you print a document
When you download a document
When you add a file to the library
When you add a document template
When you apply a document template
When you complete a document workflow
When you replicate a workflow
When you move a document to a folder/shared space
Settings-related activities:
When you update general settings
When you change the account password
When you update the account security question
When you update locale settings
When you update signature settings
When you update electronic seal signature settings
When you update signature appearance settings
When you add a contact
When you update a contact
When you delete a contact
When you import a CSV file to add contacts
When you add a group
When you update a group
When you delete a group
When you add a template
When you update a template
When you delete a template
When you add a SmartForm
When you update a SmartForm
When you delete a SmartForm
When you upload/add a file to the library
When you move a file in the library to a personal library folder
When you update a file from the library
When you delete a file from the library
When you create a personal library folder
When you rename a personal library folder
When you delete a personal library folder
When you update a notification email
When you update a notification email content
When you reset a notification email to default
When you add a legal notice
When you update a legal notice
When you delete a legal notice
When you delegate your signing authority
Billing activities:
When you make an online payment
When you cancel an agreement with Worldpay
Enterprise-related activities:
When you update the enterprise profile
When you change a user role
When you delete a user
When you invite a user
When you import a CSV file to invite users
When you resend an invitation to a user
When you delete an invitation
When you register a single user
When you register bulk users
When you update Active Directory user settings
When you add a new role
When you update an existing role
When you delete an existing role
When you clone an existing role
When you add an enterprise contact
When you update an enterprise contact
When you delete an enterprise contact
When you import a CSV file to add enterprise contacts
When you add a new enterprise group
When you update an existing enterprise group
When you delete an existing enterprise group
When you add an enterprise template
When you update an enterprise template
When you delete an enterprise template
When you clone an enterprise template
When you upload/add a file to the enterprise library
When you move a file in the library to an enterprise library folder
When you update a file from the enterprise library
When you delete a file from the enterprise library
When you create an enterprise library folder
When you rename an enterprise library folder
When you delete an enterprise library folder
When you add an electronic seal
When you update an electronic seal
When you delete an electronic seal
When you update a notification email
When you update a notification email content
When you reset a notification email to default
When you update application integration settings
When you update report settings
When you update document settings
When you add an enterprise legal notice
When you update an enterprise legal notice
When you delete an enterprise legal notice
When you add a certificate filter
When you update a certificate filter
When you delete a certificate filter
When you enable your enterprise user
When you disable your enterprise user
When you update the enterprise default settings
When you update enterprise branding
When you export an enterprise template
When you import an enterprise template
When you export an enterprise library file
When you import an enterprise library file
Click the 'Activity' option from the navigation panel. To see the details of any activity, click on it and the details will be shown in the information panel.
Each user (i.e. individual/ Enterprise user/ Enterprise Admin) can view their own activity logs.
SigningHub generates notification alerts to update you regarding system activities that require your immediate attention. For instance, if you have reached your signatures or storage limit, a notification will be generated so that you can take the necessary action. An alert icon is shown in the navigation panel, showing the number of alerts generated by the system.
When you create an account
When you activate your account
When you send a forgot password request
When you change your account password
When a login attempt fails for your account
When you upgrade your service plan/ account
When you downgrade your service plan/ account
When you reset the usage of your service plan
When you reach the storage limit of your service plan
When you reach the signatures limit of your service plan
When you reach the user limit of your service plan
When you reach the template limit of your service plan
When you exceed the upload limit of your service plan
When you change your service plan
When the specified number of days remain before your service plan expires
When the end date of your service plan is reached
When your certificate is renewed
When your certificate is created
When your certificate is revoked
When your account is locked
When your account is unlocked
When you make an online payment
When you make an offline payment
When you cancel the agreement with Worldpay
When a recipient signs your shared document
When a recipient declines your shared document
When a recipient reviews your shared document
When a recipient updates your shared document
When a recipient hosts in-person signatures on your shared documents
When a recipient receives your shared document
When a recipient adds a comment to your shared document
When a recipient adds a text field to your shared document
When a recipient merges your shared document
When a recipient adds an attachment to your shared document
When a recipient removes an attachment from your shared document
When an electronic seal is applied to a document
When the workflow of your shared document is completed
When your received document is recalled
Click the 'Notifications' option in the navigation panel.
Clicking the "View Docment" link against a document notification will open that document. Opening a document is subject to the document access security configured for you by the respective document owner, see details.
Once seen, ​these system notifications will be automatically deleted from your account after 7 days.
You can also enable/ disable these notifications from your personal settings, see details.
SigningHub provides complete visibility of your document sign-off progress in real-time across multiple devices. There are multiple audit trail options through which you can track your document and account-related transactions.
SigningHub maintains a log of each action performed on a document with the respective date and time stamps. In case, your Service Plan is configured for clearing the document logs, then the document logs will be removed right after the workflow is "Completed" and the Workflow Evidence Report is successfully generated. In case, you continue to perform actions (like opening and closing the document package) even after the workflow is completed, the activity will be reflected in the document logs accordingly and retained until the document package is deleted. These logs are available to the respective only if their role is configured by the Enterprise Admin accordingly. In case, you cannot find the Workflow History option, contact your Enterprise Admin to enable it for you.
When a user uploads a document
When a user adds a file from the library
When a user adds a file from cloud storage
The original format of the uploaded document
When the document is converted to PDF format after upload
When a user opens a document
When a user closes a document
When a user adds a contact to a workflow
When a user adds a comment to a workflow
When a user adds an attachment to a workflow
When a user adds a text field to a document
When a user fills a form field in a document
When a user updates the text in a form field
When a user adds initials to a document
When an in-person signature is added by a user
When a user signs a document
When an electronic seal is applied to a document
When an electronic seal is updated in a document workflow
The signing capacity used to sign a document
The signing reason for signing a document
When a user shares a document
When a user recalls a document
When a user approves a document
When a user updates a document
When a user hosts in-person signatures on a document
When the post-processing activity takes place on a document
When a user declines a document
When a user renames a document
When a user deletes a document
When a user prints a document
When a user adds a file to the library
When a user downloads a document
When a user adds a template
When a user applies a template
When a user completes the document workflow
When a user updates the document workflow
When a user accepts the attached legal notice
When a Time-based OTP is used for secondary authentication to access a document
When a Time-based OTP is used for secondary authentication for document signing
When OTP/TOTP is provided for field-level authentication of a signature or in-person field
When a workflow is replicated
Click the 'Documents' option in the navigation panel.
Select a document, and click the 'Details' option in the information panel.
Click the 'History' option and the list of activities will appear.
Click on a signature or any other activity to see its details.
Once the workflow is marked as "Completed," all previous document logs are deleted, and the Workflow Evidence Report is generated. This report generation is also recorded in the Workflow History as a log entry. These actions are triggered based on the Service Plan configuration.
Based on the selected delivery method for each recipient, either their email or mobile number shall be displayed in the details of the applicable log items.
Under the Workflow History details, "Signature Authorisation" displays the authentication profile name along with the username and email address of the recipient. This user information only appears for the following authentications:
Azure Active Directory
In case, you are using an individual account, see how to optimise your personal account storage.
In case, you are using an enterprise account, see how to optimise your enterprise account storage.