SigningHub enables you to manage (Add, Edit, and Delete) the Electronic Seals of the enterprise. These enterprise Electronic Seals are available to the enterprise users within your enterprise, based on their role, when they need to add an electronic seal to a workflow. The "Electronic Seals" section will appear if "Electronic Seals" is enabled, as a featured, in the service plan.
Login with your enterprise admin credentials.
Click "Configuration" in left menu and click on "Electronic seals" in Documents & Signing options in Enterprise Configurations.
Electronic seals list will appear.
Login with your enterprise admin credentials.
Click "Configuration" in left menu and click on "Electronic seals" in Documents & Signing options in Enterprise Configurations.
Click on "Add electronic seal" button.
Provide the required information and click "Save changes".
The following table describes the fields on the "Basic Information" section of this dialog.
Specify a unique name for this electronic seal, i.e. Peter Kavin-Electronic Seal.
Select a role from the existing enterprise roles. The users of the selected role will be able to use this electronic seal.
Signing Server
This field will display the Electronic Seal Signing Servers configured in the service plan.
Signing Capacity
The "Signing Capacity" field appears only when an ADSS Electronic Seal Signing Server is selected. From the drop down, select a signing capacity for this electronic seal.
Credential ID and Credential PIN
The "Credential ID" and "Credential PIN" fields appear only when a CSC Electronic Seal Signing Server is selected. Specify a Credential ID and a Credential PIN for this Electronic Seal.
Level of Assurance
When an ADSS Electronic Seal Signing Server is selected, the "Level of Assurance" field will be disabled. The "Level of Assurance" field will display the level of assurance associated with the above configured "Signing Capacity". When a CSC Electronic Seal Signing Server is selected, from the "Level of Assurance" drop down select the level of assurance which you want your electronic seal to feature.
The following table describes the fields on the "Appearance" section of this dialog.
Appearance Design
This field is used to configure the signature appearance design (i.e., Hand Signatures Only, Hand Signature with Details and Logo, Hand Signature with Details or a Custom Appearance) for your signature. The available appearances are as per the configuration in the service plan. Choose your appearance from the available ones.
In case of selecting an appearance that includes "Logo", a logo field with a "Browse" button will appear to input your company logo image that will be used in your signature appearance. You can then crop this image to remove unnecessary white spaces as required.
Hand Signature
This field is used to upload a hand signature image to be included in the signature appearance. You can then crop this image to remove unnecessary white spaces as required.
The following table describes the fields on the "Details" section of this dialog.
Signed By
Specify the name which will appear against the "Signed By" attribute to be included in the signature.
Signing Reason
Specify the signing reason which will appear against the "Reason" attribute to be included in the signature.
Specify the location which will appear against the "Location" attribute to be included in "Signature Verification Details" dialog. This is an optional field.
Contact Information
Specify the contact information which will appear against the "Contact Info" attribute to be included in "Signature Verification Details" dialog. This is an optional field.
Login with your enterprise admin credentials.
Click "Configuration" in left menu and click on "Electronic seals" in Documents & Signing options in Enterprise Configurations.
Select the desired electronic seal and click "Edit" in right panel.
Edit the required information and click "Save changes".
Login with your enterprise admin credentials.
Click "Configuration" in left menu and click on "Electronic seals" in Documents & Signing options in Enterprise Configurations.
Select the desired electronic seal and click "Delete" in right panel.
Click "Delete" on confirm dialogue.
The electronic seal feature works with all CSC-based TSPs that support the OAuth 2.0 Client Credentials flow (authType=oauth2client), and credentials having Explicit authMode protection via only a PIN.