SigningHub lets you configure the advance settings of your enterprise account. From here, you can configure default document and recipients permissions, role for unregistered users, account storage, password policy, legal notices, and certificate filters of your enterprise account, by using your admin credentials.
This section covers the following details:
If the enterprise users within your enterprise are bothered to authenticate themselves for every new signing request, SigningHub gives you document accessibility preferences to skip the authentication step for them. In this way, a recipient (enterprise user) wont need to log into their SigningHub account to access a shared document for processing. This setting will only work when they use email links (i.e. the document links sent to them in the notification emails) or integrated apps. However, the other document accessibility permissions (i.e. Document access via password, Document access via OTP, and/ or Document access duration) will remain effective for the recipients as per the document owner's configurations, and hence cannot be overruled by this setting. Moreover, the user can specify a URL of any web page where you want to redirect the recipients (coming via email link) upon finishing their signing activity. User may show anything on this web page as it is managed and hosted by your organisation. Similarly, user can also specify a callback URL to allow your business application to control the completion of document workflows by using WebHook.
Login with your enterprise admin credentials.
Click "Configurations" in left menu and click "Advanced Settings" under Settings options in Enterprise Configurations section.
Expand "Additional Settings" tab.
Specify the access permission for recipients using email link to access documents, Redirect URL on Close / Finish and Webhooks, and then scroll the page to view more options.
Specify the Work Completion section as needed.
Click "Save changes".
The images used here contains example data populated in the fields. By default, the fields on the application do not contain any pre-populated information.
The following table illustrates the fields on the Accessibility Preferences:
Allow recipients to access documents via the email link without needing to log in
Enable this to allow the recipients accessing the documents without login via email links or integrated applications. When selected, following are business rules that will be followed:
Recipient comes via email link:
The enterprise recipients (that belongs to an enterprise) can access the shared documents simply by using their email links, based on the recipient's own enterprise settings. Conversely, if you don't select this check box, the recipients (inside this enterprise) will have to authenticate themselves into SigningHub, when they will use email link to access the shared documents that belong to this enterprise.
The individual recipients (that doesn't belong to an enterprise) can only access the shared documents (using their email links) by first authenticating themselves.
The unregistered users (that are treated as guest users), the users will always land on document viewer regardless of this check box status.
Redirect URL on Close/Finish
Field to specify a URL of any web-page where the recipients (coming via email link) could be redirected upon finishing their signing activity. If you leave this field empty, SigningHub will fallback to the default redirect URL as defined in SigningHub Admin. The redirection is based on the following conditions:
In case a recipient (registered or unregistered) is coming via email link to perform e-signature, then after finishing the signing activity, they will be redirected to this "Redirect URL".
In case the "Allow recipients to access documents via the email link without needing to log in" is enabled, and a recipient is coming via email link to perform signatures, then after finishing the signing activity, they will be redirected to this "Redirect URL".
In case the "Allow recipients to access documents via the email link without needing to log in" is disabled, and a recipient is coming via email link to perform signatures, then after finishing the signing activity, they will be redirected to the Document listing.
In case of any error appears while redirecting the user to callback URL on "Close/Finish", then a parameter (i.e. action=deleted) will be returned additionally in call back URL so a business application can consume that parameter to show any custom error page, based on following conditions:
If document owner is an enterprise user and a redirect URL configured under "Enterprise Configurations> Advanced Settings> Additional Settings> Redirect URL on Close / Finish".
If document owner is an enterprise user and there is no redirect URL configured under "Enterprise Configurations> Advanced Settings> Additional Settings> Redirect URL on Close / Finish", then the user will be redirected to redirect URL configured under "SigningHub Admin > Configurations > Global Settings > Redirect URL on Close / Finish".
If document owner is an individual user and a redirect URL configured.
If SigningHub login page is set as a redirected URL, then additionally a toaster message will also appear in case of an error on login page, along with action=deleted as a parameter in callback URL.
Specify a callback URL where SigningHub could send the HTTP POST update of each workflow. This is useful in those cases where all the configured recipients don't necessarily need to process a document package to complete their workflow. The workflow completion can be controlled by an external business application that could decide on need basis, whether to mark a document as complete or not after every major processing activity performed on it. When a URL is provided, this POST request provides the information of each workflow like:
Document Package
Action performed by the recipient on a document.
State of the Workflow
Next signatories
Type of Workflow
State of the document
Errors (Signing) SigningHub publishes an error webhook at the specified server URL for Go>Sign performed using the ADSS Server. These include:
The error that occurred when RUT is not configured.
The errors that occurred in Go>Sign Service and Go>Sign JS.
Check the below checkboxes for when you want the system to send a document processing report (XML) to the provided server address.
For document actions, when:
Meeting Host
Sent a Copy
Evidence Report Generated
Enterprise Document Deleted
For user actions, when:
For errors, when:
The business application can then use the respective SigningHub API call to inform SigningHub that a workflow is complete and hence no need to send this document to the remaining recipients. Also while marking a workflow as complete, if any recipient of it has got this document in the "Pending" state, then SigningHub will delete the document from their inbox.
Workflow Completion
This area allows you to configure various activities (like document download control and report routing) upon workflow completion. The options included:
Allow workflow recipients to download the document only after workflow completion
Send the workflow completion report
Allow workflow recipients to download the document only after workflow completion
Enable "Allow workflow recipients to download the document only after workflow completion" to control when the Document Owner and recipients can download a document package and its containing document(s).
When enabled, the recipients and Document Owner will be allowed to download the document only after the workflow has been completed. In this case, if the recipient or Document Owner tries to download, then an error message will be displayed.
When disabled, the recipients or Document Owner will be allowed to download the documents in any status (e.g. Draft, In Progress, Pending, etc.) of the workflow, even if the workflow has not been completed yet.
Send the workflow completion report
Enable to automatically post the workflow reports (in XML format) to the configured address when the workflow completes. This applies to all users within your enterprise. When enabled, the "Server URL" and "Add completed document in report" fields are displayed.
Server URL
Select to specify the web server URL where you need to workflow completion reports are required to send. SigningHub gives you an option to publish Workflow Completion Reports along with the completed documents to a specific web server/URL. This configuration is at the enterprise level. The metadata and signed documents allow third party business applications to closely integrate with SigningHub and prevent the need to poll to check for complete status. For further details refer to "Publish Workflow Completion Report".
Add the completed document
Enable "Add the completed document" to receive the completed document along with the workflow completion report.
Add the workflow evidence report (WER)
Enable "Add the workflow evidence report (WER)" to receive the workflow evidence report along with the workflow completion report; else, leave empty.
In case the document owner has configured the other document accessibility permissions (i.e. Document access via password, Document access via OTP, and/ or Document access duration), the user must authenticate themselves accordingly to access the shared document.
Irrespective of the enterprise settings or the integration settings, the document processing report (XML) will only be sent if the "Send the document processing report (XML)" option is allowed, in post processing. By default, the "Send the document processing report (XML)" option will be allowed for all new workflows.
In case the recipient is an individual user or belongs to another Enterprise, the "Workflow Completion" settings of the Document Owner's Enterprise will rule.
The availability of "Workflow completion report" feature is subject to your subscribed service plan. If you cannot find this option in your account, upgrade your service plan.
In case the specified URL is invalid or inaccessible, SigningHub will send an email to the enterprise admin upon workflow completion.
If the document package contains a single document, its document type will be PDF in the workflow completion report (XML).
If the document package contains multiple documents, their document type will be ZIP in the workflow completion report (XML).
If both, the "Add the completed document" and the "Add the workflow evidence report (WER)" options have enabled, their document type will be ZIP in the workflow completion report (XML).
The "Add the workflow evidence report (WER)" option will only appear if the "Detailed with Workflow Evidence Report" option has been selected against "Workflow Evidence Recording" in the user's service plan.
If only the "Add the workflow evidence report (WER)" is enabled, its document type will be PDF in the workflow completion report (XML).
If both, the "Add the completed document" and the "Add the workflow evidence report (WER)" options have been enabled, their document type will be ZIP in the workflow completion report (XML).
The publishing behavior of the system with respect to whether the webhooks and the workflow completion report have been configured in the document owner's enterprise settings, and in the integration settings of the recipient's enterprise, is as below:
Webhooks and the Workflow Completion Report are configured in the document owner's enterprise settings
Webhooks and the Workflow Completion Report are configured in the integration settings of the recipient's enterprise
System Behavior Publishing Webhooks and the Workflow Completion Report
The integration settings of the recipient's enterprise will be followed.
The enterprise settings of the document owner's enterprise will be followed.
Not Configured
The enterprise settings of the document owner's enterprise will be followed.
Not Configured
The integration settings of the recipient's enterprise will be followed.
Not Configured
Not Configured
The system will not publish the Webhooks and the Workflow Completion Report.
The XML of document processing report is composed of a header and all the workflow related actions that have been performed on the document, i.e. Shared, Signed, Reviewed, Edited, Carbon Copied, Recalled, Declined, Completed, and Deleted. A sample XML that is published on server is shown below:
The XML of workflow completion report is composed of a header and all the actions that have been performed on the document, i.e. Opened, Closed, Signed, Reviewed, Declined, etc. A sample XML that is published on server is explained below:
The yellow highlighted portion depicts the XML header, which displays the "Package ID", "Document ID", "Document Name", "Documents", "Document Type", and "Document" information. However, the "Document" tag is optional and displays the base 64 encoded bytes of the document.
The red highlighted portion depicts all the performed actions on the document that have been logged in the form of action tags. You can expand any action tag to view its associated details. For example, the highlighted action shows the "Date Time" on which action was performed, the "Type" of action, the "User ID" who performed the action, the "Enterprise Name" to whom user belongs, the "Information Type & Value" through which (medium) document was accessed. For more details regarding logged actions see Workflow history.
In workflow completion report, both the <DocumentID> and the <PackageID> tags, contain the information of the Package ID.
In case of multiple documents within a package, the <Id> tag will contain the individual document ID, and the corresponding <Name> tag will contain the individual document name.
SigningHub allows you to configure default settings for your enterprise account. This enables your enterprise users to perform their tasks more efficiently and faster. In particular, it reduces the number of API calls required for standard workflows to increase the speed of integration with third-party business applications.
Login with your enterprise admin credentials.
Click "Configurations" in left menu and click "Advanced Settings" under Settings options in Enterprise Configurations section.
Tap on the Default Settings tab, configure the desired settings and click "Save changes".
There are different types of settings that you may configure:
Login Based Settings
Document Settings
Recipient, Document, and Reminder Permissions
Default Role for Unregistered Users
Witness Signature Reason
Password Strength Policy
Optimize Storage Space
Alert Setting
There are two configurations, i.e.:
Auto trigger authentication profile
Automatic location detection
The "Auto trigger authentication profile" option will only appear when your subscribed Service Plan allows the use of a private authentication. To automatically trigger a private authentication profile for your enterprise users, select this option and choose an authentication profile from the list. The list will display all the private authentication profiles that are allowed in your Service Plan. Enterprise users browse to your configured enterprise URL for login, and configured authentication profile is automatically triggered without the need for the user to identify themselves first. This means they do not have to submit their respective email address in order to start the authentication process. The "Automatic location detection" option allows SigningHub to auto detect the country of your enterprise users when they login from a different location (other than what is configured in their profile) and show it in a pop up. The users will then have the option whether to update the location information in their profile or not. Keep this option un-selected if you don't want SigningHub to detect the location of your Enterprise Users.
Set the default document settings for a new workflow:
Enable this to add a unique identifier field by default in the PDF documents header on Upload. A unique identifier will remain the same for all the documents in a single document package of a workflow.
The Enterprise Users can however overrule these default settings as required while configuring their workflows.
This section will be visible when your subscribed Service Plan enables the option of "Add a unique identifier in the document header on uploading a document" in its Documents tab.
Set the default recipient, document, and reminder permissions for a new workflow:
The Enterprise Users can however overrule these default settings as required while configuring their workflows.
This section only defines the default recipient, document, and reminder permissions for a workflow. The enterprise users can overrule these default settings as required while configuring their workflows.
The reminders shall be sent based on the configuration of the "Send Reminder Notification Time" thread in the core settings in SigningHub Admin.
Role that will be used for guest/unregistered users when they sign a document. The user roles are managed from the Roles section, see details.
A guest user can apply a digital signature to a document if "No Authentication" is set in the assigned role. They would need to register to perform this action. A guest user can also choose language from the Document Viewer screen, if they are directly signing a document from an email link. However, this feature is controllable from SigningHub Admin.
This options shall only appear if a GeoIP connector has been configured in the SigningHub Admin's "Global Settings" page. The "Auto detect location and timezone for unregistered users" feature allows SigningHub to automatically detect the location and time zone of a guest user. By default, this option will be disabled.
In the following situations, SigningHub will use the location and time zone configured under "Global Settings" in the SigningHub Admin, for all the unregistered users:
If the GeoIP connector has not been configured in the SigningHub Admin.
If the GeoIP connector has been configured but is either faulty or not functional.
If the GeoIP connector is functional but the "Auto detect location and timezone for unregistered users" option is disabled.
Reason that will be used by your enterprise users when they add a witness digital signature on a document. With this you can make the witness signing reason uniform across your enterprise. Use the [USER_NAME] variable in the field if you want to include the names of enterprise users (in the reason) before adding witness digital signatures. It will be auto filled-in by SigningHub with respect to each user while signing.
A witness digital signature is a digital signature that is generated by using a public signing certificate (also known as witness certificate) available on the server.
Configure the enterprise password policy for your enterprise users. The enterprise users will have to comply with the configured policy upon set/reset of their account passwords. Configure the password restrictions as required by ticking the relevant check boxes:
Minimum Characters in Password
Include at least one upper case character
Include at least one numeric character
Include at least one special character
Enforce a password change upon next login - Enable this to enforce your Enterprise users to change their password after first login. This will be applicable to the newly registered users only.
Set a password expiration duration - Enable this to auto-expire the passwords of your enterprise users after a certain time period. Specify the number of days in the "Expiry Duration (Days)" field after which SigningHub should expire the user passwords.
Based on your subscribed Service Plan, SigningHub assigns a specific storage quota to your enterprise account. This can be increased by contacting Ascertia Support if required. The storage space can be seen by viewing your current Enterprise Service Plan. It is recommended to effectively utilize the account storage space by keeping document revisions and final signed documents on your local system, cloud drives, or document management system.
Enable "Save every document revision":
When enable, the system will start maintaining the downloadable document revisions for each change in the document (i.e. new sign, adding text, filling initials, etc.) along with their logs. These document versions provide complete document tracking, but consume more storage. The enterprise users within your enterprise will be able to download all these document revisions, by using the "Workflow history" option.
When disable, the system will stop maintaining the downloadable document revisions for each change in the document (i.e. new sign, adding text, filling initials, etc.). The enterprise users within your enterprise will be able to download only the initial and final versions of the document, by using the Workflow history option. However, the log of each change in the document is maintained accordingly.
Specify the time in seconds after which the system notifications should disappear. The displayed value is the one that is configured in SigningHub Admin. You can change this time for your Enterprise account as required.
A private authentication profile is the one that is exclusively used for corporate logins and is not available to the end users (public) on their Login screen and Integration screen of SigningHub Desktop Web. The availability of private authentication profiles is subject to your subscribed Service Plan. If you cannot find this option in your account, upgrade your enterprise service plan.
It is generally recommended to downgrade your account to a free version instead of deleting it. In this way you can retain access to your important documents, however you will not be able to share them further for approval purpose. If you are still looking to remove your enterprise account from SigningHub, then you will have to manually delete all your enterprise users first. System not allow you to delete the account if any enterprise user exists in it, except the enterprise owner.
Login with your enterprise admin credentials.
Click "Configurations" in left menu and click "Advanced Settings" under Settings options in Enterprise Configurations section.
Tap on the Account Deletion and click "DELETE ENTERPRISE ACCOUNT" button.
Click "Send deletion email" button on "Delete my account" dialogue. A confirmation email will be sent to you with an encrypted link of account deletion. Click "Delete Account" from the email to conclude the enterprise account deletion process.
Make sure you have deleted all the enterprise users from your enterprise account before clicking the "Delete Enterprise Account" button. SigningHub will not allow you to delete the account if any enterprise user exists in it, except the enterprise owner.
"Privacy Policy" related information will not appear while deleting an account, if no Service Agreement is marked active.