SigningHub allows the user to track the 'Active Sessions' so that the user will be able to know about their recurrent logins. SigningHub lets you view information about the 'Active Sessions' in read-only mode. In this regard, you can view name (of the system), agent (web browser) and IP address.
Click "Configuration" then click "Active sessions" under Profile & Security options in Personal Configuration section.
A single browser is considered a single session.
For concurrent sessions, the following system behavior is followed:
In case of a session timeout, the session will be deleted instantly.
In case of a session kill, the session will be retained in the database but shall be deleted once the core thread runs, and a period of 4 hours has passed since its retention.
SigningHub provides Remote Authorised Signing (RAS) feature, to allow you to authorise a remote signature (done on server) using your registered mobile device(s), running any of the SigningHub native apps (i.e. Android or iOS). The device will have its user authentication built-in (touchID or PIN), so in a way you can also get two-factor authentication. The feature is available on those Android devices that support fingerprints verification, while in case of iOS devices, it can work with both touch ID or passcode verification. When you are allowed (available in your service plan and configured in your role) to use this feature, then upon signing for the first time you need to register your device via SMS and Email OTPs before authorization. This is a one time process only. Once your device is registered you can start authorizing your signature from it. Similarly, you can register multiple mobile devices with your account. For more details, visit Ascertia's Partner Portal for frequently asked questions.
Click "Configuration" then click "Authorized devices" under Profile & Security options in Personal Configuration section.
You can easily register your mobile device with your SigningHub account, or de-register your registered device from your SigningHub account, visit Ascertia's Partner Portal for frequently asked questions.
The availability of Remote Authorized Signing (RAS) feature is subject to your subscribed service plan and assigned role. If you cannot find the "Authorized Devices" tab in your account, contact your Enterprise Admin.
In case you are logged in as an , SigningHub lets you view your enterprise information in read-only mode. In this regard, you can view your enterprise name, enterprise account owner name, their email address and their mobile number.
Click "Configuration" then click "Personal information" under Profile & Security options in Personal Configuration section.
Expand "Enterprise" tab.
SigningHub lets you customize your personal account settings. From here, you can manage your profile, signatures, contacts, groups, templates, documents library, notification emails, legal notices, delegated signing, and storage settings.
The "Enterprise" tab will not be shown to the holders.
A Time based One Time Password (TOTP) is a temporary passcode generated by an algorithm that uses the current time of day as one of its authentication factors. Time based One Time Passwords provide additional security as even if a user's traditional password is stolen or compromised, an attacker cannot gain access without the TOTP, which expires quickly. The Two-Factor Authentication (2FA) tab will only be displayed if the "Enable Time based One Time Password (TOTP)" option is enabled in the user's service plan. If you cannot find this option in your account, . Time based One Time Password (TOTP) can be used as a secondary authentication method for login, server-side signing, and document opening.
Click "Configuration" then click "Two-factor authentication" under Profile & Security options in Personal Configuration section.
Click "Enable Two-Factor Authentication" button.
An email will be sent to your email address to configure two factor authentication.
To configure the two factor authentication (2FA) the user will need to install an authenticator app (Google Authenticator, Microsoft Authenticator, etc.) on their mobile device. The email sent to the user to configure two factor authentication (2FA) will contain:
QR Code
Manual Key
Recovery Codes
To set up, the user can either scan the "QR Code" or manually input the "Manual Key" in the Authenticator app. The list of recovery codes included in the configuration email can be used in place of a Time based One Time Password, once each recovery code, to regain access to your SigningHub account, in case you lose access to your mobile device. It is advised to save the recovery codes in a safe place. The user can however, regenerate a new list of the recovery codes from the option.
Once the registration is successful, the user can provide the automatically generated Time based One Time Password from the Authenticator app to SigningHub and click the "Enable 2FA" button.
Click "Configuration" then click "Two-factor authentication" under Profile & Security options in Personal Configuration section.
To disable two factor authentication, click on the "Disable Two-Factor Authentication" button.
To regenerate the recovery codes, click on the "Regenerate recovery codes" button. You will be prompted to provide the Time based One Time Password. In case you do not have access to your mobile phone, you can also input a recovery code, that has not been used before, in place of the Time based One Time Password.
It is often observed that people forget their passwords from time to time. So in order to recover your forgotten password, SigningHub lets you set a security question, which can alternatively be used to confirm your identity.
Click "Configuration" then click "Security" under Profile & Security options in Personal Configuration section.
Expand "Security Question" tab.
Complete the fields accordingly, i.e. specify your current password, and then specify your security question and its answer.Make sure you choose strong security question whose answer is not guessable by anyone. For security reasons, your security answer is displayed in asterisks (***) by default. However, if you want to see your security answer, click appearing next to the "Security Answer" field.
Click "Save changes".
This tab will only appear when you log into your SigningHub account either through SigningHub ID or through SSL authentication with password. It will not be available when you use other IDPs for login authentication.
It is always recommended to periodically reset your password, at least after every three months. However, when you feel someone else has gained access to your password, reset it immediately.
Click "Configuration" then click "Security" under Profile & Security options in Personal Configuration section.
Expand "Change Password" tab and complete the fields accordingly, i.e. specify your current password, and then add and confirm your new password.
Click the "Change password" button.
This tab will only appear when you log into your SigningHub account either through SigningHub ID or through SSL authentication with password. It will not be available when you use other IDPs for login authentication.
The system will log out the user from all the other devices except for the one in use on password reset.
SigningHub does not allow its users to set as password, the following:
Their user account (i.e. Email Address)
The last used password
Their full user name
SigningHub allows you to import contacts in bulk using a CSV file. The file must have the valid email addresses of each contact. This is a smart way for individuals and enterprise users to add multiple contacts into SigningHub through a single click. SigningHub supports:
The "Primary Email", "E-mail Address", and "Email Address", to read the email address from the CSV file.
The "Mobile Number" header to read the mobile number of the contacts.
Click "Configuration" then click "Contacts" under People options in Personal Configuration section.
Click "Bulk contacts" button.
Select the required CSV from your system and click "Submit". All the contacts (with valid email addresses) that do not currently exist in your SigningHub account, will be added from the CSV file.
There are multiple ways to get a CSV file. You can create a CSV file using any word processing, database, spreadsheet or text edit applications. When creating a CSV file, the first row must be the header row that shows the field names for the file. Each subsequent row can then represent a unique user email id along with the user's names (i.e. first name and last name).
A CSV file should contain the following information:
"Email Address" to input user's email id. It is a mandatory column header.
"Last Name" to input user's last name. It is an optional column header.
"First Name" to input user's first name. It is an optional column header.
"Mobile Number" to input user's mobile number. It is an optional column header.
You can also export your contacts (in a CSV file) directly from Outlook, Thunderbird, or any other email service provider. Since SigningHub is mainly concerned with the email column header of a CSV file, therefore three types of headers are supported, i.e. Primary Email, E-mail Address, and Email Address.
You can edit any content inside a CSV file as required.
In case the contact names are specified in a CSV file (i.e. First Name and/ or Last Name), they will be populated accordingly in the name fields of a contact.
In case a contact name is not specified in any name field, then the contact username (portion of email address before the "@" symbol) will be shown as contact name.
The rest of the column headers inside a CSV file are not related to SigningHub, so they will be ignored when you import the file.
The CSV file being used to import contacts in bulk must have the valid email addresses of the contacts. SigningHub supports three different types of email headers for use in a CSV file, i.e. Primary Email, E-mail Address, and Email Address. You can export your contacts (to a CSV file) from Outlook, Thunderbird, or any other email service provider that supports these email headers.
To populate the contact's name field, SigningHub looks for the name fields within the CSV file, i.e. First Name and Last Name, and combines them. If the contact name is not specified, then the contact username (portion of email address before the "@" symbol) will be shown as contact name.
To populate the mobile number field, the "Mobile Number" header is supported with in the CSV file, for reading the mobile number of the contacts.
In case you are an enterprise user, then your password should comply with as defined by your enterprise admin.
Click "Configuration" then click "Library" under Documents options in Personal Configuration section.
In case you are logged in as an Enterprise user, select "Personal" from the "Type" drop down available at top-right of the screen.
The "Folder" drop down can be used if you want to view personal documents added to a specific folder. The "Folder" drop down will appear, if there is at least one personal library document folder created. Your personal documents will be listed. The document with a configured template will be showing the template name next to it.
Click "Configuration" then click "Library" under Documents options in Personal Configuration section.
Select "Enterprise" from the drop down available at top-right of the screen. The "Folder" drop down can be used if you want to view enterprise documents added to a specific folder. The "Folder" drop down will appear, if there is at least one enterprise library document folder created. The document with a configured template will be showing the template name next to it.
Click "Configuration" then click "Library" under Documents options in Personal Configuration section.
In case you are logged in as an Enterprise user, ensure "Personal" is selected from the top-right drop down of the screen.
Click "Add document" button.
Browse your document(s) from your system to upload. You can also drag and drop your document(s) to the right panel.
Click the "Upload" button.
Click "Configuration" then click "Library" under Documents options in Personal Configuration section.
In case you are logged in as an Enterprise user, ensure "Personal" is selected from the top-right drop down of the screen.
Select the desired document and click "Edit" button in the right panel.
Edit the required content i.e. Document name, Template or Folder.
Click the "Save" button.
Click "Configuration" then click "Library" under Documents options in Personal Configuration section.
In case you are logged in as an Enterprise user, ensure "Personal" is selected from the top-right drop down of the screen.
Select the desired document and click "Move to folder" button in the right panel.
Select the folder into which you want to move the document and click the "Move" button. If you want to create a new folder, click on the "New Folder" button.
Click "Configuration" then click "Library" under Documents options in Personal Configuration section.
In case you are logged in as an Enterprise user, ensure "Personal" is selected from the top-right drop down of the screen.
Select the desired document and click "Delete" button in the right panel.
Click "Delete" in the confirmation dialogue.
Each supported document is automatically converted into PDF format, before bringing it to the SigningHub platform.
An enterprise user cannot edit or delete the enterprise document(s).
SigningHub enables you to save your frequently used documents in the library for future use. In this way when you need approvals on the similar documents again, you can simply to initiate the workflows. From the library section, individual users can manage (Add, Edit, Delete and Move) their personal documents. The users can manage their personal library documents better by creating personal library folders and moving documents between folders.
(Optionally) you can select a folder for each document to move in to. Your personal library document folders will only be listed in the drop down, if there is at least one personal library document folder created. (Optionally) you can also select a for each document to apply pre-configured workflow settings on it. Your (and enterprise templates in case you are an enterprise user) will be listed in the drop down.
An enterprise user will only able to view the enterprise templates that are allowed under "Allowed Templates" against their .
In case the configured enterprise template has been disallowed under "Allowed Templates" against their , the template will not be applied.
An enterprise user will only able to view the enterprise documents that are allowed under "Allowed Library Documents" against their .