Electronic seal signing


SigningHub allows you to add electronic seals in a workflow. Electronic Seal (eSeal), Advanced Electronic Seal (AdESeal), and Qualified Electronic Seal (QESeal) are the levels of assurance available for an electronic seal. Adding electronic seals will consume signatures quota of your (document owner's) account. Adding an electronic seal is subject to your SigningHub license, service plan configuration and the assigned enterprise user role.

How it works?

  1. Enable the "Electronic Seals" module in your SigningHub license.

  2. Allow the electronic seals module against the role of administrator, in SigningHub Admin.

  3. To perform electronic seal signing, you must configure a connector, in SigningHub Admin.

  4. Configure an electronic seal profile, in SigningHub Admin.

  5. Configure an electronic seal against your service plan, in SigningHub Admin.

  6. Configure the electronic seal against an enterprise user role, in SigningHub Web.

  7. Create an electronic seal for your enterprise, in SigningHub Web.

  8. Once an electronic seal has been created for your enterprise, you can add this electronic seal to a workflow.

  9. Add an electronic seal field to your document.

  10. Signing of an electronic seal.

Enable "Electronic Seals" in your SigningHub License

The Electronic Seals feature is available through the license, if the "ELECTRONIC_SEALS" module is enabled in the license. When "ELECTRONIC_SEALS" module is enabled, it will consume the quota of "Signatures". Contact the SigningHub support and request them to enable this module in your license.

Configure the Role of Administrator in SigninHub Admin

Make the following configurations against the administrator role.

  1. From the Details screen, allow the "Electronic Seal Profiles" module for this role.

By default, the "Electronic Seal Profiles" module is unchecked. In order to use Electronic Seal Profiles, this module has to be manually allowed against a role.

Configure a Connector in SigningHub Admin

Configure a connector, as shown below, for ADSS Electronic Seal or CSC Electronic Seal, respectively.

ADSS Electronic Seal Connector

Make the following configurations to a connector in SigningHub Admin:

  1. In the "Basic Information" section, choose "ADSS Server" as the "Provider".

  2. In the "Details" section, fill in the required fields.

CSC Electronic Seal Connector

Make the following configurations to a connector in SigningHub Admin:

  1. In the "Basic Information" section, choose "CSC Electronic Seal" as the "Provider".

  2. In the "Details" section, fill in the required fields.

Currently, "Client Credentials" is the only option available for the Auth Type in the CSC Electronic Seal connector.

Configure an Electronic Seal Profile in SigningHub Admin

Configure an electronic seal profile, as shown below, for ADSS Electronic Seal or CSC Electronic Seal, respectively.

ADSS Electronic Seal Profile

Make the following configurations to an electronic seal profile in SigningHub Admin:

  1. Select the ADSS Server connector created earlier, and fill in the required fields:

CSC Electronic Seal Profile

Make the following configurations to an electronic seal profile in SigningHub Admin:

  1. Select the CSC Connector created earlier, and fill in the required fields:

Configure an Electronic Seal against your Service Plan in SigningHub Admin

Configure an electronic seal against your service plan, as shown below, for ADSS Electronic Seal or CSC Electronic Seal, respectively.

ADSS Electronic Seal Signing Server

Make the following configurations to a service plan in SigningHub Admin:

  1. From the "Basic Information" section, select and add the "Electronic Seals" feature to service plan.

  2. From the "Signatures" section, add the electronic seal signing server.

CSC Electronic Seal Signing Server

Make the following configurations to a service plan in SigningHub Admin:

  1. From the "Basic Information" section, select and add the "Electronic Seals" feature to service plan.

  2. From the "Signatures" section, add the electronic seal signing server.

The Electronic Seals feature is only available for "Enterprise" service plan type.

Configure the Electronic Seal against an Enterprise Role in SigningHub Web

Make the following configurations against an enterprise role:

  1. From the "Enterprise Configuration", allow the "Electronic Seals" against this user role.

Create an Electronic Seal in SigningHub Web

Configure an electronic seal, as shown below, for ADSS Electronic Seal or CSC Electronic Seal, respectively.

ADSS Electronic Seal

Make the following configurations to an electronic seal in SigningHub Web:

  1. From the "Basic Information" section, select the signing server, and fill in the required fields.

CSC Electronic Seal

Make the following configurations to an electronic seal in SigningHub Web:

  1. From the "Basic Information" section, select the signing server, and fill in the required fields.

  1. The electronic seal feature works with all CSC-based TSPs that support the OAuth 2.0 Client Credentials flow (authType=oauth2client), and credentials having Explicit authMode protection via only a PIN.

Add an Electronic Seal to a Workflow in SigningHub Web

After you have added all the documents in a workflow package, follow the below-mentioned steps to add an electronic seal:

  1. Click "Add an electronic seal".

  2. From the "Select Electronic Seal" drop down, select the electronic seal that you want to add. Only the electronic seals available for use, based on the document owner's user role, will be displayed in this drop down.

Add an Electronic Seal field to a Workflow in SigningHub Web

Follow the below-mentioned steps to add an electronic seal field in a workflow:

  1. Select the document from the information panel's 'Pages' tab, on which an electronic seal is required.

  2. Select the electronic seal from the information panel's 'Recipeints' tab, for whom you want to add an electronic seal field.

  3. Click the "Electronic Seal" field, and drop it on the document.

Electronic Seal Signing in SigningHub Web

After sharing the document, when it is the turn of the electronic seal to be applied, the electronic seal is automatically signed using the configured settings. An electronic seal is signed without any user interaction. An on-screen notification is sent to the document owner when an electronic seal is signed. If for any reason the electronic seal signing fails, the system sends an email to the electronic seal owner and the electronic seal will have to be signed manually.

To check the electronic seal signature verification details:

  1. Click on the electronic seal signatures.

  2. Click verification in the information panel.

  1. Electronic seal signing logs are maintained under "User Activity Logs", "Workflow History", and "Workflow Evidence Report".

Last updated

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